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Newbie Raid Friday - Novembrian Edition


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Hey there, recently spooky sharknadoes!


This is an event I've been running every other Friday on Reddit for a while. Since there's not so much interest there this time, I figured it wouldn't hurt to spread the message! So who's up for another newbie-friendly raid? :)


The raids we have are challenging and fun. As they're the most difficult content in PvE, they are hard to get into. As a result, many people haven't even tried them!


##**Time, zone and date:**




**Friday 10th** November 2017


**19:00 CET** - duration 2h






This will be a newbie raid. We'll have a few experienced people. The rest of the space is **for people who have never taken a step into raids!**


Ultimate goal: Kill between 1 and 3 bosses and get you started!


##**Bonus Notes**


Absolutely contact me in-game to save yourself a spot. I only have 1 empty slot in my mailbox, so **do not send mails, but catch me and whisper. I will be able to confirm your spot straight away like that.**


We will be using Discord, so make sure to know your way around it.


The squad will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.


Free cupcakes! Free tuba lessons! Free ASMR!


That's it! Hit me up in-game!


Hope to see you there :)


- Seal.5964

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