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GW2 has started crashing my PC

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In the last week or so, GW2 has now three times frozen completely in the open world, and as a result I have had to force my PC to shut down each time, since the whole thing stops reacting to any keypresses or commands such as alt+tab or ctrl+alt+del.


Each time this has happened, my monitors have started flickering, going from the game screen to total black, and finally showing the game window totally frozen, with some colours flickering on the background. I've always run GW2 without issues, this has started happening in the last 10 or so days. Other games and programs run fine without problems.


This has never occurred twice in the same zone, or never in a particularly processor-heavy situation, just during normal gameplay such as running around doing world completion. I haven't updated to the newest Nvidia drivers yet, so that can't be the cause of the problem. I get no error codes or other information, the game opens up normally after I've powered on my PC again


Any insight on this?

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Further information: as I tried to boot up the game after the latest crash, I got some serious graphical issues after loading into the map. All the lines of text in the UI were covered by blue bars, and when I used a waypoint, the game froze again, my monitors went black and I had to reboot my PC again.


I'll try updating my GPU drivers now and then try to launch the game on different characters to see what happens. I also got an Nvidia error message saying my GPU stopped responding and had to force restart.


I'll post more information when I see what happens next.

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Right-o, I updated my drivers, ran antivirus checks and CCleaner just to be safe, and booted up the game. It ran fine on my alt in Lion's Arch, where I ran around for about a minute with no problems. Then I tried loading my main (on who I've had all the previous issues) in Sparkfly Fen, and everything seemed normal. I waypointed around for a minute or two, until the monitor started flickering again with blue-ish colours, and again my game went completely unresponsive. This time I was able to alt-tab out and force the process to close.


I will continue investigating on other characters and also will try to get my main out of Sparkfly Fen to see if the problem is within the zone or if it happens elsewhere as well. I also had system information programs running, and they showed nothing unusual in the hardware temperatures or otherwise when the crashes happened. So is this a problem with my GPU, with my main character, with Sparkfly Fen, or are my game files corrupted somehow? Other games still seem to run without any issues.


//Edit: I managed to get my main out of SF, and other zones have no issues whatsoever. I also took an alt to SF to see if they experience graphical problems, but it worked fine. So at the moment it seems that my main character + Sparkfly Fen is a bad combination, and I'll keep him out of there until I figure out the source of this problem. Will update again if new problems occur, but I'd appreciate any insight in the mean time.

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A couple of days ago I had a problem on my main char, I was in cursed shore, and the game just closed completely, no errors nothing, when I restarted it, and selected my char in CS the game locked up, I could use any alt fine, but the main was on bugged and crashed the client, I did the -repair command, let the client repair, then selected an alt char loaded up CS, when it was ok, I logged out selected the char that was stuck in CS causing the crashes, and was able to get the char out ok,


So I would suggest running the -repair command on your client and see if that helps, as it could be a broken texture on your main class that is broken, and causing the crashes.

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