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What Do You Think is Anet's most Favourite Class?


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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> Mesmer, obviously. There will never be an elite spec as busted as chrono, or a skill as game warping as Portal.


> > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > They made Queen Jennah, Countess Anise, lady Kasmeer all very strong mesmers, Xera a raid boss is a strong Mesmer, they gave chronomancers alacrity ( before it was given to rev too), they let mesmers have an auto attack that applies torment ( which previously more of a necromancer style thing)


> That last part is actually not true. Torment was never particularly tied to necro. The patch that introduced torment added it to Mesmer's Illusionary Counter (scepter # 2), thief's Scale Venom, and added necro's Death Shroud # 5 for the first time, which inflicted torment. One month later, thief gets torment on a second skill (Shadow Strike) and warrior gets torment on Impale.


> If anything, at that point thief had the most access to torment.


That's the reason I said - necromancer STYLE thing. I am aware it got introduced to necro DS 5, Thieves and Mesmers all at once, But necromancers are more condition/corruption themed profesisons while mesmers are more Disruption/denial. And seeing as torment is a Hindering condition, not a denial or disruption, I said it's more necro.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > I wanted to vote for two, Engineer and Mesmer:

> >

> > I believe that Arenanet (From my deductions) Prefer Engineers (lorewise) and Mesmers (mechanics wise) over the others with their favourite race being Sylvari.

> >

> > Scarlet briar was a Female Sylvari Engineer.


> Don't get me wrong, but there's only been two obviously engineer characters -- Tybalt and Scarlet. You know what happened to both. The closest analogues right now are either Taimi (asura?) or Canach (explosives), but neither seem to fit the engineer theme.



You could add Sabetha to the list... wich is dead aswell.

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1. Warrior. Warrior has everything, doesn't require brain power, barely sees nerfs.

2. Mesmer. This one is obvious. Always a must-pick in every game mode. Maybe not because of their damage but because of their utility (mirage tho).

3. Guardian. Never gets nerfs. Go-to profession for babbys first mmo paladin wannabes.

4. Engineer. Often flies under everyone's radar, and always get buff after buff.

5. Ranger.

6. Revenant. Remained hilariously overpowered for almost the entirety of HoT. Gotta secure sales. Then it got abandoned. FeelsRenegadeMan.

7. Elementalist. It's design makes it top tier in several aspects, so they have been repeatedly nerfed over and over and over again, while similar professions remain overtuned in the areas that were object of nerf for poor eles.

8. Necro. Scourge was a fluke. It was supposed to be a supportive profession but turned out to be the most oppressive condi build in the entirety of gw2. Now they just running away with it to secure expansion sales.

9. Thief. The most noob unfriendly profession with arguably the most frustrating mechanics to go against (stealth, evasion, mobility, high burst). They will never see significant buffs to what they have, it can only get worse over time.

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This is easy: Guard. It's been the most consistent profession and has always been useful in all areas of the game since before GW2 even released. Balance and design with every patch has always been sure to seem to make compromise to keep the class relevant and functional, if not ahead of most of the others. Most of the design decisions made for the game demonstrate an understanding of Guard more than any other profession. The addition of DH with HoT kinda proved ANet was willing to give too much in concept/numbers to keep it good everywhere.


People need to disassociate OP from favored. I can tell you right this second that I'd be way better at designing and releasing balanced concepts for thief/necro/warrior than ele/engi/rev because I just prefer those professions and subsequently know way more about them. ANet has nothing to gain from making their favorites OP. That's unprofessional and if proven deliberate could easily get them fired. It's also to be recognized that Karl and many other design leads also mained guardian for the first several years of the game's release, which is why it was so "perfect" - they were professional about their favorite to not suggest a bias. Any changes for the latter bunch I may propose may have way more volatility since I don't like them as much/do not know them as well, which reflects that of rev and necro's swing-like balance-states over the years.


Thief is just hated on and constantly made the scapegoat for problems that even exist on other professions, and rev is ANet's admission that they made a profession they can't tweak into working via "low hanging fruit" fixes since it's been bugged and bordering on broken for so long. It works, but not in the way it should.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> **Thief is just hated on and constantly made the scapegoat for problems that even exist on other professions**, and rev is ANet's admission that they made a profession they can't tweak into working via "low hanging fruit" fixes since it's been bugged and bordering on broken for so long. It works, but not in the way it should.


Yeah, this. In most cases when I find that people think thief is OP it has to do with a lack of understanding on how to actually counter it. A great thief player can make the class look broken and OP, but even a moderate or less than moderate thief player can be easily taken out by someone with the vague knowledge of how to counter-play common thief specs. TBH the bigger issues I find are with people who are clearly playing with low ping. People love to blame thief for everything, but there are even other classes now that have equal or BETTER mobility, better dueling potential and a good +1 burst (mirage) without all of the drawbacks that thief has built in, not to mention thief having one entire elite spec that is almost completely useless in every game mode.

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I always thought they were extra keen on guardians just because guardians have always been good at everything and they seem to be the most consistently balanced profession. Eles, necros, revenants, engineers and rangers have all seen their days at being the most useless professions in the game. Thieves, mesmers and warriors have usually been pretty good but never so bad that seeing someone playing them made everyone around them rage about their uselessness, and never as consistently in demand as guardians in every game mode.

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Honestly since the launch of gw2 warrior has been the poster child for the game, with 3 legendaries to choose from the first generation while most classes had no option but to use the one staff or bow Anet provided them it's clear that Anet favored the greatsword users, but felt like Warrior were the ones that never really fell off from grace in any game mode considering how strong they are from core, and the release of HoT and PoF in all game modes it's easy to see that Anet has no quelms in making warrior the child that sets the bar for the other classes to catch up to

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Has to be Warrior. What other class can be THAT strong when FULL Zerk geared, still have 20k health, 2.5k armour. The best sustain, insane block/invul uptime, insanely good passive healing and regen. Warrior is by far the BEST class to go for if you are dreadful at the game or what no challenge at all. Because you get SO much given to you for simply being the class. Theres no downside for the insane damage, regen, mobility, CC, blocks/Invul. They sacrifice Nothing.


Odd to see ele being at the top of favored when they are VERY weak in most game modes, having 1 or 2 builds. Its meant to be "good" because of the Raid build, but that build would get torn to shreds in PvP and WvW. Most content in PvE build means nothing.

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> Has to be Warrior. What other class can be THAT strong when FULL Zerk geared, still have 20k health, 2.5k armour. The best sustain, insane block/invul uptime, insanely good passive healing and regen. Warrior is by far the BEST class to go for if you are dreadful at the game or what no challenge at all. Because you get SO much given to you for simply being the class. Theres no downside for the insane damage, regen, mobility, CC, blocks/Invul. They sacrifice Nothing.


> Odd to see ele being at the top of favored when they are VERY weak in most game modes, having 1 or 2 builds. Its meant to be "good" because of the Raid build, but that build would get torn to shreds in PvP and WvW. Most content in PvE build means nothing.


I think people vote ele because it's the one that gets the most lip service. It's over-represented in Guild Wars 2 media and characters.


But in terms of gameplay, it's almost definitely warrior or guardian IMO.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> I think people vote ele because it's the one that gets the most lip service. It's over-represented in Guild Wars 2 media and characters.


> But in terms of gameplay, it's almost definitely warrior or guardian IMO.


Its quite funny, when you consider its one of the weakest classes in the game. people see big numbers when FULL zerk geared on a giant hit box and think that Ele is OP, when its pretty terrible in PvP and WvW, outside of Staff and FA Scepter it doesnt really have any builds that are that threatening, Forced to go bunker a lot due to the insanely low health, armor and active defense skills. Struggles against anyone that is bunker due to no access to poison in the class, highly weak to burst damage due to lo health and armor.


The problem is, due to how strong these builds, the class is being held back because Anet cant seem to think that buffing ACTUAL weapons rather than traits would be a good idea to help some builds without breaking others.


Gameplay wise. Without a doubt it is Warrior. Guardian and DH are rather okay balanced, Firebrand needs sustain nerfed and it would be balanced as well. Warrior on the otherhand. Too much of everything and makes no sacrifices what so ever to have all of that passive healing, sustain, blocks, invuls, damage, CC

and mobility. No sacrifice made what so ever THAT is why Warrior is the most broken class. Other classes have broken builds, but they also have weak builds. Warrior is just flat out strong for the sake of being warrior. No matter the build. You are very strong.


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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Rettan.9603" said:

> > Funny, when i read the arguments of the warrior voters i am sure they have never played the class longer then a day :-)

> >

> > Happy new year btw.


> *Eh*. My secondary character is a warrior. I just don't play her as much because it's so boringly easy.


This! My warrior is my most decked out character, it’s just a total bore to play continuously.

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It's always been since the games inception, Mesmmers, ele's and theives. Engies and warriors ( Warriors might be the fave right now with the performance of Their new spec. Soloing full zergs ect...) are in there somewhere.... I Can tell you what class they hate and wish they had never made.


Revenant. It's class identity has never been as strong, It lacks utilities which is inexcusable and shows their laziness and incompetence as well their desire to at that time make the game more like a MOBA than a MMORPG. To top it all off it's weapon skills take both energy and have a cooldown and the utilities we do have are expensive to use, and most are rarely used outside of specific situations. Our new spec the renegade is trash with it only "really" being worthwhile in raiding, but thats not saying much considering we had little to compare it to. Rev's lost their raid spot early on into the first wing's life span back when raids were first arriving, only recently to have a spot potentially open to them.


The class needs its own identity because lore wise, aesthetically and everything to be considered I Feel its the coolest and one of the unique class's of guild wars 2 where as the others are here and there. The class needs a rework and just needs to be fixed to be brought in and given the same love the other class's have had, maybe add more utilities and two more legends.... so we can at least have "Some" choice in how we play our rev's? Stop ignoring it A-net because each new spec will only make the problems with Rev worse because the base class needs love. It's not a waste of resources if you are using your resources to fix issues with a class who has had issues since its launch, it was strong because it was overtuned. You turned down the numbers and its glaring issues became more than just an elephant in the room, it needs addressing and it needs fixing. If you can take away the Guards tomes and turn it into an entire spec, then I dont see why you cant just come in and fix the mess you made when you were all E-sports crazed. Make the class worthwhile... it is after all part of an Expansion, and was one of the selling points of HoT... and as it stands now its not in a good place.

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> @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > > > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > > > Other classes have broken builds, but they also have weak builds. Warrior is just flat out strong for the sake of being warrior. No matter the build. You are very strong.

> > >

> > >

> > > kitten I get you are super salty about warrior, but you shouldn't say something as dumb as this ._.

> >

> > Son, any profession (that hypocrite in the other thread doesn’t want us to use the word “class” cuz he obviously lacks class) that can be as tanky as it is while wearing the glassiest gear in the game is obviously over performing. So take off those pink goggles and look around.


> Did you even read what I was quoting?

> Your response makes so little sense I'm wondering if you even meant to quote me.



Edit: Deleted so as to not feed trolls.

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > Jesus christ -_-

> > > **Other classes have broken builds, but they also have weak builds.** Warrior is just flat out strong for the sake of being warrior. **No matter the build. You are very strong.**

> > This is what I quoted.

> > I bolded the parts I think are stupid since it seems like you think I'm trying to argue about how you think warrior is OP.


> Well of course you're going to disagree. You're a Warrior. Sorry to break it to you.


I don't know what you think I'm saying so I'm going to try to explain what I think is stupid.


> **Other classes have broken builds, but they also have weak builds.**

This is stupid because all classes have weak builds, including warrior.

>**No matter the build. You are very strong.**

This is stupid because warrior is not strong no matter the build.


You understand now? I was trying to show you how dumb your argument against warrior was getting.

I think that you believe that I'm a super pro-warrior fanboy when I truly hate warrior and I think it is far over-tuned along with several other class in the game.

I just hate seeing people exclaim warrior is broken for days on end while becoming more irrational with each post.


Also, since you spent time actually typing your post I feel obligated to answer your question XD

>What is it in YOUR opinion that Warrior has to sacrifice to get so much given to it for free?


Well, before spellbreaker, warrior rightfully had everything it did (passive regen, decent damage, passive defensive traits, good active defensive traits, high HP pool, high armor) because of it's largely telegraphed attacks and ability to be easily read if you were playing against someone with a a brain.


With spellbreaker though, warrior gained too many buffs that It didn't even deserve, much like other classes like mirage and on some level scourge. So, like I already said, I think now spellbreaker, not core warrior, is over-tuned. Berserker just sucks now anyways. But many other classes are also too powerful with certain builds so if spellbreaker gets nerfed to hell warrior will go back to be a bronze pug stomper.


Now, I just mastered my griffon and I wish to fly it so I probably won't be responding for the next 32 hours.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > > > > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > > > > Other classes have broken builds, but they also have weak builds. Warrior is just flat out strong for the sake of being warrior. No matter the build. You are very strong.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > kitten I get you are super salty about warrior, but you shouldn't say something as dumb as this ._.

> > >

> > > Son, any profession (that hypocrite in the other thread doesn’t want us to use the word “class” cuz he obviously lacks class) that can be as tanky as it is while wearing the glassiest gear in the game is obviously over performing. So take off those pink goggles and look around.

> >

> > Did you even read what I was quoting?

> > Your response makes so little sense I'm wondering if you even meant to quote me.

> >


> Edit: Deleted so as to not feed trolls.



The fact that you think I'm a troll for pointing out how your response had nothing to do with my original response makes me want to drive a nail through each of my ears.

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> @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > > > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > > > > > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > > > > > Other classes have broken builds, but they also have weak builds. Warrior is just flat out strong for the sake of being warrior. No matter the build. You are very strong.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > kitten I get you are super salty about warrior, but you shouldn't say something as dumb as this ._.

> > > >

> > > > Son, any profession (that hypocrite in the other thread doesn’t want us to use the word “class” cuz he obviously lacks class) that can be as tanky as it is while wearing the glassiest gear in the game is obviously over performing. So take off those pink goggles and look around.

> > >

> > > Did you even read what I was quoting?

> > > Your response makes so little sense I'm wondering if you even meant to quote me.

> > >

> >

> > Edit: Deleted so as to not feed trolls.


> -_-

> The fact that you think I'm a troll for pointing out how your response had nothing to do with my original response makes me want to drive a nail through each of my ears.


Maybe if you were better at making a point, you wouldn’t have to :wink:

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > > > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > > > > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > > > > > > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > > > > > > Other classes have broken builds, but they also have weak builds. Warrior is just flat out strong for the sake of being warrior. No matter the build. You are very strong.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > kitten I get you are super salty about warrior, but you shouldn't say something as dumb as this ._.

> > > > >

> > > > > Son, any profession (that hypocrite in the other thread doesn’t want us to use the word “class” cuz he obviously lacks class) that can be as tanky as it is while wearing the glassiest gear in the game is obviously over performing. So take off those pink goggles and look around.

> > > >

> > > > Did you even read what I was quoting?

> > > > Your response makes so little sense I'm wondering if you even meant to quote me.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Edit: Deleted so as to not feed trolls.

> >

> > -_-

> > The fact that you think I'm a troll for pointing out how your response had nothing to do with my original response makes me want to drive a nail through each of my ears.


> Maybe if you were better at making a point, you wouldn’t have to :wink:


I like how concise your responses are. It makes me not want to bash my head with a hammer ;)

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You guys dont see the problems on warrior correctly...

Yes, many thing on these class ARE broken, BUT that does not mean, that it is the favorite class of A-Net.

Most broken things are just bad design (WoD, Banners, Full Counter...) and a bad design simply shows that A-Net dont care about these class.

When they have any design concept (with some love) for the warrior, they will never introduce a few broken things to a class to make them somehow viable.


When the developer guys ever have played an warrior they would know how stupid a bannerslave feels. They would know that it is no fun just to be the guy with the broken bubble. Or the guy that dont have to do anything because of hundred passives.


A favorite class of developers at least should have an concept... and warrior dont have one. (Maybe the concept of the noob class, but even that will never be a reason to be a favorite...)

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> @"Rettan.9603" said:

> You guys dont see the problems on warrior correctly...

> Yes, many thing on these class ARE broken, BUT that does not mean, that it is the favorite class of A-Net.

> Most broken things are just bad design (WoD, Banners, Full Counter...) and a bad design simply shows that A-Net dont care about these class.

> When they have any design concept (with some love) for the warrior, they will never introduce a few broken things to a class to make them somehow viable.


> When the developer guys ever have played an warrior they would know how stupid a bannerslave feels. They would know that it is no fun just to be the guy with the broken bubble. Or the guy that dont have to do anything because of hundred passives.


> A favorite class of developers at least should have an concept... and warrior dont have one. (Maybe the concept of the noob class, but even that will never be a reason to be a favorite...)


OR just a thought - they are badly designed and easy to use on PURPOSE? Just a thought. It might be bad design, that doesnt mean it wasnt bad design on purpose. Also, not sure how long you have played but i am pretty sure there was a point where they all admitted they played Warrior. This was the balance team though iirc


Doesn't need to have a concept good or bad to be a favorite class, the fact that when minor buffs are needed they get HUGE buffs, when they get mechanics and such that are designed to be easily used, spammable and not having ANY punishing gameplay for being bad, for mindlessly smashing your face on the keyboard and such. These are reasons why one would take a guess that Warrior is their favorite class.


If a certain Signet wasn't nerfed. I am doubtful that Conditio builds would even be looked at. I was saying both in the game and on the forum WAY before PoF and such were released that Condition builds wouldnt be nerfed or balanced until they threaten Warrior. There was a time where they were simply immune to all condition builds. All of them. No longer the case and what a shock after YEARS of being broken Anet actually seem like they want to at least try and fix condition builds - coincidence?

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