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[POLL] Mount Skins Distribution - A Serious Poll

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I really hate RNG in the cash shop and I am very displeased with the fact that Anet is pushing more and more RNG items. First they put that in BLC chests. Worse yet, they account bind the items so you can't even get them off the the tp. And now this with the mount skins? It's so disappointing.

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I would be fine with higher price and no rng IF these were ALL skins... not recolours like most of them :disappointed:

I don't enjoy rng. If I go to the shop I buy the stuff I want even if its more expensive instead of buying randm stuff just because its cheaper. Same here...

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Alright Anet, I have been your customer for 12 years now.

I have sworn off all those AAA games with lootboxes and I stayed true to that promise.

Now you follow in the footsteps of EA/Activision&Blizzard/Ubisoft/Warner Bros. and I'm truly disappointed and put in a difficult spot.

I was able to ignore Black Lion Chests, and was pleased to see them staying isolated as Lootboxes until now.

For me, it was always BLC skins that I will never have, because I refuse to gamble vs. the rest of the game that's for me, and the balance was acceptable, although worsening constantly with frequent skin additions to the gambling system, and rare or lackluster additions to the actual game.

Now you have opened the floodgates, crossed the line, tipped the scales or whatever you want to call it.


This Lootbox trend is clearly unethical and designed to exploit children, the underprivileged and in general people with gambling problems.

How there are still people defending these practices, just because it doesn't affect them yet, or at least they think it doesn't, is beyond me.

Sure, you are an upper middle class working adult with a lot of disposable income and no addictive tendencies. You won the lottery, you enjoy flaunting all the new shiny stuff you can effortlessly afford, we get it.

The fact that you are leading with "Well, this multi million dollar company needs to make money", over thinking about those less fortunate or more vulnerable than you for a second speaks volumes about the human condition.

Believe me, they are making money.


No company **needs** these gambling boxes, cosmetic or not.


They just add to a big pile of profit at the cost of the most vulnerable of consumers.


But I guess capitalism is like dragon corruption, what it touches, it corrupts. Once it's corrupted, it is rarely cured. And the prophets speaking warnings are eventually silenced.

Long live the Elder Dragons of the gaming Industry, may they feast upon our microtransactions until we are bled dry and the world enters a new cycle following the destruction.


On a Last note I just want to say that the actual skins are lovely and I want to congratulate the Art team responsible, they are exactly what I wanted from mount skins (the ones that actually change the shape a bit that is).

What a shame about the marketing team though.

Even if you fix this, you have lost a lot of good will you build over the years from me.

If you don't, well, then we'll see I guess...

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> @Moonjelly.3742 said:

> Considering the obvious work that went into a lot of those skins, I feel that the price is certainly reasonable. The RNG aspect of it? That can take a flying leap into a black hole.

> I might have not been so against this if it was setup so you could buy RNG tickets for each mount type separately. I don't want to sink in gems and end up with say only Jackal, or only Skimmer skins in the end. I only really use the raptor for the most part and I don't have the Griffon, so it would just be a waste.


Agreed on the latter part. I would only want Griffon or Skimmer mounts (if they were any good).


But disagreed on the former - while you can certainly see the quality and effort put into some skins (e.g. the 2k gems jackal skin), others (like the ENTIRE skimmer lineup - all purely recolorings, and garish ones, at that) are really disappointing.

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After the shambles that was HoT I thought they finally learned their lesson by the time PoF arrived but alas, they almost had it right.


Price is fine and while I can afford it, that is not the issue. RNG is an absolute joke, I would happily drop $50 on the skins I want but to drop $120 on a bunch of ugly skimmer skins with the hope of getting the 1 I actually want is just a joke and we all know that this is just the first batch. Before the year is out I am sure we will see more RNG skins added and it's just the beginning. Just $120 here and another $80 there.... I made a stand against the price of a half-finished HoT expansion and I will be making a stand against this mount skin cash grab. Anet can't seem to find the middle ground, when they do something good they do it great but when they fuck up; well.... this.

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400 gems is what glider skins cost, so that's acceptable for mount skins as well, but the RNG garbage is unacceptable. Just make it so using the item opens a menu that lets you pick the skin you want, and it would be fine.


I'd buy 2k gems for one new skin for every mount, but not for 5 random rolls of the dice (that will most likely get me multiple skins for a single mount, and skins I don't care about).

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Such outrage over a single item, so funny. If you don't like the method, don't buy it. Simple as that. These skins give you ZERO, THAT'S RIGHT ZERO, advantage in game. It's not even a true RNG as you will eventually get the skin you want. You don't get duplicates. Just save up your gold and convert it and you'll have one skin a month and eventually you'll have the skin you want. OMG having to play the game to get something you want, the horror, the horror.

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> @Bunter.3795 said:

> Such outrage over a single item, so funny. If you don't like the method, don't buy it. Simple as that. These skins give you ZERO, THAT'S RIGHT ZERO, advantage in game. It's not even a true RNG as you will eventually get the skin you want. You don't get duplicates. Just save up your gold and convert it and you'll have one skin a month and eventually you'll have the skin you want. OMG having to play the game to get something you want, the horror, the horror.


1 person will get the one desired skin after spending 400 gems, the other will have to pay 10k gems - there is no way I can say how much money I need to spend to get what I want. This is plain gambling. I hope one day big players like EU and USA will finally regulate and penalize such practices. Today anet embraces and shares toxic attitude of big players like EA and Ubisoft to exploit and benefit on gamble while avoiding gambling law. And they are doing this not only to adults but to children also.

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400 Gems for a skin of your choice is a price I would pay without a seconds hesitation for at least one of the skins for each mount. The RNG is an instant turn off for me, paying that amount of real world money or gold that I have worked hard to accumulate to roll a 30 sided dice of which only 5 faces have desired rewards I want on them and run the **very** likely risk of being given something I don't want is both upsetting and infuriating. These are not feelings you want people to feel if you want them to spend extra money in your game.


Also 2000 gems for that forged warhound skin?! Would any of you at Anet, personally, pay that amount for that skin? It's a nice skin, but $25? Really? There's being greedy and then there's just being... I'm not sure if it's rude or insane, maybe both. Path of Fire cost me less than that skin does, the vast majority of your team worked on that expansion for a long time, a very small number of people worked on that skin by comparison. The costs don't add up, be reasonable.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Bunter.3795 said:

> > Such outrage over a single item, so funny. If you don't like the method, don't buy it. Simple as that. These skins give you ZERO, THAT'S RIGHT ZERO, advantage in game. It's not even a true RNG as you will eventually get the skin you want. You don't get duplicates. Just save up your gold and convert it and you'll have one skin a month and eventually you'll have the skin you want. OMG having to play the game to get something you want, the horror, the horror.


> 1 person will get the one desired skin after spending 400 gems, the other will have to pay 10k gems - there is no way I can say how much money I need to spend to get what I want. This is plain gambling. I hope one day big players like EU and USA will finally regulate and penalize such practices. Today anet embraces and shares toxic attitude of big players like EA and Ubisoft to exploit and benefit on gamble while avoiding gambling law. And they are doing this not only to adults but to children also.



You can convert in game gold to gems, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SPEND ANY MONEY to get the skin you want. Don't lie to yourself. It doesn't cost you anything but playing the game to get the skins you want from these boxes. You go play the game, you get gold, you convert gold to gems, you get mount skins. Sure the time it takes is variable but the money you "have" to spend is absolutely ZERO.


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> @Bunter.3795 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > @Bunter.3795 said:

> > > Such outrage over a single item, so funny. If you don't like the method, don't buy it. Simple as that. These skins give you ZERO, THAT'S RIGHT ZERO, advantage in game. It's not even a true RNG as you will eventually get the skin you want. You don't get duplicates. Just save up your gold and convert it and you'll have one skin a month and eventually you'll have the skin you want. OMG having to play the game to get something you want, the horror, the horror.

> >

> > 1 person will get the one desired skin after spending 400 gems, the other will have to pay 10k gems - there is no way I can say how much money I need to spend to get what I want. This is plain gambling. I hope one day big players like EU and USA will finally regulate and penalize such practices. Today anet embraces and shares toxic attitude of big players like EA and Ubisoft to exploit and benefit on gamble while avoiding gambling law. And they are doing this not only to adults but to children also.



> You can convert in game gold to gems, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SPEND ANY MONEY to get the skin you want. Don't lie to yourself. It doesn't cost you anything but playing the game to get the skins you want from these boxes. You go play the game, you get gold, you convert gold to gems, you get mount skins. Sure the time it takes is variable but the money you "have" to spend is absolutely ZERO.



time is money

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> @DreamyLove.8947 said:

> sry can anyone tell me what is RNG mean on this?


RNG is short for Random Number Generation. Whenever you get an item drop from a table-- say by killing a monster in guild wars 2-- Arenanet's server **generates random numbers** to determine what items you get from the monster. The same applies to things like the black lion chests or the mount skin contracts. You perform an action-- in this case spending money on the item-- and then the system **generates a random number** to determine which mount skin you get. If you could simply buy the skin of your choice instead of a random one, there would be no randomization, so no RNG.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Bunter.3795 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > @Bunter.3795 said:

> > > > Such outrage over a single item, so funny. If you don't like the method, don't buy it. Simple as that. These skins give you ZERO, THAT'S RIGHT ZERO, advantage in game. It's not even a true RNG as you will eventually get the skin you want. You don't get duplicates. Just save up your gold and convert it and you'll have one skin a month and eventually you'll have the skin you want. OMG having to play the game to get something you want, the horror, the horror.

> > >

> > > 1 person will get the one desired skin after spending 400 gems, the other will have to pay 10k gems - there is no way I can say how much money I need to spend to get what I want. This is plain gambling. I hope one day big players like EU and USA will finally regulate and penalize such practices. Today anet embraces and shares toxic attitude of big players like EA and Ubisoft to exploit and benefit on gamble while avoiding gambling law. And they are doing this not only to adults but to children also.

> >

> >

> > You can convert in game gold to gems, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SPEND ANY MONEY to get the skin you want. Don't lie to yourself. It doesn't cost you anything but playing the game to get the skins you want from these boxes. You go play the game, you get gold, you convert gold to gems, you get mount skins. Sure the time it takes is variable but the money you "have" to spend is absolutely ZERO.

> >


> time is money


Time is money in this case only if you were forced to farm for a specific item to get the gems. You can just play the game, you don't need to do anything but play the game. You don't have to farm item X for the mounts, you don't have to spend hours in one zone, you just have to play the game. Sure doing some things over others gets you more gold but you are going to make gold just by playing it. Take that gold and convert it and you get the mounts skins.


It's a luxury skin, nothing more. Your gameplay won't change because of it. Sure you may desire it but the same mount you had yesterday will still be there tomorrow whether or not you have a luxury skin. Don't like the cost? Don't like the semi RNG? Don't buy it.





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