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[SUGGESTION] A subscription fee would be better at this point


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Imagine is as far as you'll get in your analogy.


Subscription systems invariably lead to a lazy grindy game of filler content meant to waste your time, and keep you pawing after rewards you will never get, and continue to pile on those rewards with each update, so that you keep paying that monthly fee forever.


Lootbox systems rely on whales, and turn game companies into whaling ships that only make content for the smallest and worst portion of their playerbase, at the cost of the enjoyment of the remainder.


The best business model, is the one they originally had: you pay for it, and its yours. And to keep making money, you keep making content that players want and will pay for.

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> @Conncept.7638 said:

> Subscription systems invariably lead to a lazy grindy game of filler content meant to waste your time, and keep you pawing after rewards you will never get, and continue to pile on those rewards with each update, so that you keep paying that monthly fee forever.


> Lootbox systems rely on whales, and turn game companies into whaling ships that only make content for the smallest and worst portion of their playerbase, at the cost of the enjoyment of the remainder.


> The best business model, is the one they originally had: you pay for it, and its yours. And to keep making money, you keep making content that players want and will pay for.


i have no problem with ANet selling cosmetic and convenience items in the gem store. I would have a problem with them changing to either a sub or freemium model. Yeah, the original Anet model was best. However, with more gamble items incoming, that model is fading.

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I've been playing gw2 for many many years, since it came out and even gw1. The moment this game becomes one that admit susbcription fee. I'll stop playing. I support the game buying gems and expacs (the most expensive editions too), but again, if I'm forced to pay each month to play, then I'm gone. I love what anet has created and I want to keep supporting them, because I really hate the system mmos like wow have.


In the end, if someone really wants to pay subscriptions to support the game, then buy gems for 15$ each month and there you go, that way you can even have gems for the items that come out in the gemstore.

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To be fair, most "subscription" products at this point still don't offer *everything* for free, they still charge microtransactions on top of that subscription.


I'm fine with ANet nickle and diming us in the Gem Store mostly as they have done in the past, but I VERY much object to them abusing RNG loot boxes like with the mount skins.


If you can fairly say "I will by X amount for Y item," then fine, you are making a fair purchase, and can buy as much or as little as you feel has value, and most players will spend a lot less than if everyone had to pay a flat rate to get things most people wouldn't want. But when you add randomness into the mix, people aren't guaranteed to get the items they want at a fair price, they might have to spend several times a "fair price" to get the item they wanted, and that's just wrong.

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Imagine a world where many stop playing GW2 because they preferred the idea of a gemstore and no required sub fee, where they could decide to toss real money at cosmetic items or not. May I point you to the WoW game I spent $100 on just to have all the expansions, played for four months, and then left for this one and never looked back because there was no sub fee? It's been five years since I've played WoW because of the sub fee and it's toxic community, I didn't enjoy the pressure to feel like I got my $15 worth every month nor the pressure to play even when I didn't want to just to not waste my money. I take 1-3 month breaks, I like knowing the game is there whenever I want it. I don't feel at this point it would be fair to lock the game I paid for and all the extras I've also paid for in the past five years behind a sub fee. Do that and I expect a refund. So will a lot of players.


You're all really butthurt over those mounts, aren't you?

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> @Aerlen.5326 said:

> Imagine a world where many stop playing GW2 because they preferred the idea of a gemstore and no required sub fee, where they could decide to toss real money at cosmetic items or not. May I point you to the WoW game I spent $100 on just to have all the expansions, played for four months, and then left for this one and never looked back because there was no sub fee? It's been five years since I've played WoW because of the sub fee and it's toxic community, I didn't enjoy the pressure to feel like I got my $15 worth every month nor the pressure to play even when I didn't want to just to not waste my money. I take 1-3 month breaks, I like knowing the game is there whenever I want it. I don't feel at this point it would be fair to lock the game I paid for and all the extras I've also paid for in the past five years behind a sub fee. Do that and I expect a refund. So will a lot of players.


> You're all really kitten over those mounts, aren't you?


Lol I can't believe people are still commenting on this. And yes I am very salty about the mounts haha

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Better than what?! Then YOU choosing to pay for RNG COSMETICS?!

I honestly don't understand what do you people act like it's the end of the friggin' world, It's JUST cosmetics. They're completely optional and mean nothing to the game

**Why is everoyne acting like the game is P2W all of a sudden?!**

Dear god you, it's one thing to criticize a way method of selling. I hate RNG just as much as you guys and I wish they changed this, but all of this still has zero impact on the game, you don't have to backlash like they made this game P2W

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  • 5 months later...

I would like to post a suggestion. What if ArenaNet makes paying monthly completely optional but allows players to get almost any item you want and how much you want, given certain restrictions (or gives massive discounts for some or many items <- this could be evil). The restrictions can be big or small; I don't really know.


The only problem I see here, is if players feel pressured to participate if others in their guild/friendships participate. But this is probably no big deal.


What do you think?

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