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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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I understand the frustration with not getting to pick the skin you want, but seriously... it's a SKIN. If it were an in-game bonus that you can't get through in-game means, I would be right there on the bandwagon with y'all. As it is, it's a LUXURY item. Using the car analogy of another poster, it's not saving for a Mercedes and spinning the wheel to get a Pinto. It's buying the Mercedes and spinning to get bluetooth, performance tires, or some other upgrade. Those things aren't something you have to have, but if you want them, you have to pay extra.


My only request would be that they be public and not bound. There would be a HUGE in-game market for them.

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> @GWMO.4785 said:

> I dont get why people are acting so obsessed about this. In the end, they are just cosmetics. The mounts themselves are acquired ingame. It does not change your gameplay. Sure they are nice. And i understand that you do want them.. but really... You can also convert gems to gold. You can manipulate the rng factor too by going for the 30pack. Might be expansive but its there for those who dont have the wallet for it. Making gold is not hard either... Im sure i dont have to explain that to ya. There are ton of methods and guides out there for how to do that. Dont get me wrong, i'd rather like to see Anet selling them separately for 800gems or so, like most other cosmetic stuff. But likewise i find the this kind of reactions from the community over exaggerated.


I think it's that for some people mmo's are more than just a game to them and the companies that make them are more than just a company. That is unhealthy in itself but that's their choice as an individual. It does mean though that they will have disproportionately emotional responses to all sorts of perceived slights. Like me saying their lifestyle is unhealthy.

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It's going to be an unpopular opinion, but I'll say it anyway. I think Anet handled it well. Make cheaper skins that can be gained with RNG as well as more expensive skins that can be bought directly (looking at you jackal) while having special bundles for certain themes (like halloween) which fall a bit in the middle of the two systems.


Would it be nice if all skins were cheap and 0 RNG? Of course, who doesn't like cheap and guaranteed skins. But from a marketing / company perspective I stand by their decision and respect their choice in this matter.


Out of curiosity for those who are so outraged by it. We had many skins hidden in the Black Lion Chest with no other way of getting it. Not to mention all the other lootboxes that have been in and out of the store in the past years (Southsun Crate, LS lootboxes, Some halloweens ago there was something with wrappers as well though I forgot the name). What makes this system so much worse then those systems? There was never such an outrage before about any RNG system

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> @Ashabhi.1365 said:

> I understand the frustration with not getting to pick the skin you want, but seriously... it's a SKIN. If it were an in-game bonus that you can't get through in-game means, I would be right there on the bandwagon with y'all. As it is, it's a LUXURY item. Using the car analogy of another poster, it's not saving for a Mercedes and spinning the wheel to get a Pinto. It's buying the Mercedes and spinning to get bluetooth, performance tires, or some other upgrade. Those things aren't something you have to have, but if you want them, you have to pay extra.


True, it's a luxury item, and we're all willing to pay extra for it. What we have an issue with is spinning the wheel for the bluetooth-upgrade when we don't have a phone that supports bluetooth (i.e. the griffon skins for the people who don't have or want a griffon. You'd have to pay double the 'upgrade' in order to make it worth it in the first place). It's spinning the wheel for a garish pink color we do not want to drive around in, and is therefore, again, wasted money. It's spinning the wheel again for leather seats that make us cringe when we sit on it and burns in the summer, and which again we never wanted. And all of that for the 1/30 chance of getting the performance tires we would've just liked to buy separately.


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A factor that plays into the outrage is the fact that the mounts cost gems instead of gold. Since you can easily swap between gems and Gold the currencies are essentially interchangeable extept of how they feel. An item that costs a lot of gems feels like a ripoff. An item that costs a lot of gold feels prestigeous. Keep the microtransactions to the micro scale. I'd go to back the original stables of the mounts and add an npc that sells mount skins at a price of 60g for the more plain skins and 90-120 gold for the more intricate ones. Like this, the players can easily get a non-default skin on the cheaper side and a high flash-factor skin as a long term goal. And honestly with 5 mounts in the game, many will resort to exchange gems for gold instead of paying 60-120 gold five times over. But that's just my prediction

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I'm not seeing obsession in this thread. What I see are a lot of players expressing their opinions on why they are for or against the new mount system. Calling out people in a negative way for having an opinion is not helpful for this discussion. Labelling players with derogatory names such as 'whales' because they choose to spend their time and/or money making gem store purchases is not helpful. How can we know the circumstances in any player's life? Maybe for some their only socialising occurs in game because they have some kind of health issue that leaves them housebound. For others, they love the game for a variety of reasons and want to continue to support the evolution and maintenance of it. For others, maybe reality is really tough sometimes so they need an outlet or a way to escape whatever reality they live in. Who is anyone to judge for someone else what is or isn't healthy or important? Any opinions should be centred around the topic at hand - in this case the mount skin acquisition. The rest is just unnecessary noise.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > Has Anet done anything other than merge the threads like this? Any response in this thread? Their social media? Anything?

> >

> > Or are they just bunkering down and praying that this will blow over?


> Companies need time to process such massive feedback and prepare the response. Still, I hope for official statement before weekend.


Right, because it's as if they didn't see it happen... and nothing of this type recently has been in the media and in the same industry as they're in - and even if some was happening, those that work in any sort of industry never read about whats happening in it anyways.


I can't imagine how the decision was made (granted probably a while ago), and actually launched/released... after EA backlash.


Employee A: "You sure we want to release RNG loot boxes after EA backlash? Could happen to us..."


Scenario 1:

Employee B: "Nah, the community will just accept it because they're so loyal and loving."


Scenario 2:

Employee B: "Doesn't matter, by the time there is an impact, we would have made enough to cover it off of gambling addicts and loyal supporters. Besides, everyone else is doing it, they're making money, clearly gamers are okay with it."




In terms of EA, and it's next big thing - eating up TitanFall producers, here's a video from a not so famous channel made by relatively know SkillUp (also channel/person):



That's the imagine that EA has branded themselves with for the time being.


ANet/NCSoft seem to be headed down a similar path - maybe even worse because they're fostered this "community-friendly" imagine that they're now wrecking with their own hands.

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Had the base price of the tickets been 250 gems I would've been less pissed about it.


WoW mounts sell for 20 bucks or so but that's because they have a single mount model. Doing 25 bucks when there are 5 mount types that need to be bought is also insulting (regarding the stand alone shitty looking skin). Max I would be willing to pay for these is 1200 for some amazing ones and 800 for most.


I like supporting this game and heck I have come online to buy shit even during the periods where I am not playing this game. That being said I don't like to be taken advantage of so I am officially closing my wallet until I see some type of repentance.

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Hello! I'm not upset by the addition to the gem store of this item. No duplicates and they look great, well done. I cannot afford to gamble, though. The price is kinda high and I've always had terribly bad luck in these kinds of random-chance items. Always end up feeling like I wasted my money.

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Personally, I love everything to do with GW2 and want it to be the best game ever.

I am also mindful that Arenanet do not work on the game for FREE!!


This all costs money to pay the developers, and as a player I am happy to help support Arenanet and contribute towards the next Living World Season,(a considerable amount of content shipped for free by the way), and also balance patches, new Raid wings, new PvP content, WvW content, (again all for free).


When you look at other online role playing games that force you to have a subscription of ~£10 a month, I won't name-drop any here, but suffice to say there was a massive motion picture based on it! ; then even after that GW2 is still cheaper.


Mounts skins are optional, so if you chose to support the company that you love, to help develop the game that you love, stop your moaning.

Otherwise you run the risk of sounding like a spoiled child who doesn't get their way, and how life is unfair and treats you poorly.

Do the math, even if you CHOOSE to buy all the mounts, still cheaper than other online games!

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Here's my take on this, I have spent close to if not more than $2000 over the past 5+ years on this game, you cannot say I have not supported Anet. But everything I bought, I knew what I was getting, like glider skins, outfits, armor sets, minis and so on, this rng bullcrap micro transactions is getting tiresome and it's not just in GW2. I will not buy these mount skins as long as it's rng based, if I am going to spend my money, I want to know what I'm getting and not just some random skin.

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> @"Stu Grockalot.2937" said:

> Personally, I love everything to do with GW2 and want it to be the best game ever.

> I am also mindful that Arenanet do not work on the game for FREE!!


> This all costs money to pay the developers, and as a player I am happy to help support Arenanet and contribute towards the next Living World Season,(a considerable amount of content shipped for free by the way), and also balance patches, new Raid wings, new PvP content, WvW content, (again all for free).


> When you look at other online role playing games that force you to have a subscription of ~£10 a month, I won't name-drop any here, but suffice to say there was a massive motion picture based on it! ; then even after that GW2 is still cheaper.


> Mounts skins are optional, so if you chose to support the company that you love, to help develop the game that you love, stop your moaning.

> Otherwise you run the risk of sounding like a spoiled child who doesn't get their way, and how life is unfair and treats you poorly.

> Do the math, even if you CHOOSE to buy all the mounts, still cheaper than other online games!


The problem is that if I want one skin among the 30, I can't tell its price. It's something between 400 and 12000 gems, and it seems the amount needed to be guaranteed to have the skin you want is...9600 gems, either by buying enough licenses to have a statistically good chance to have the skin I want, or buying the full pack. 9600 gems for one skin is a bit much, wouldn't you say? But the worse part is that I can't even say it's the real price of one skin, because it's random!


Of course, more skins you're interested in means lesser cost. Still, the RNG price makes things very unclear and unnecessarily complex. One skin, one price, deal with it, like the Jackal skin, this is good business practice. You may not like the amount, but you can make an informed decision in an instant. This is not the case with the adoption licenses. RNG means that instead of spending a fix albeit big amount of money and feeling good about supporting A-Net, I spend a little bit, most likely do not feel satisfied, and either stop spending or keep spending little bit by little bit until I've spent more than I intended to in order to get what I wanted, and still feel bad about it. If anything, it's really not in the interest of A-Net to promote such practice, it gives them a bad image, and even if people do buy those licenses to support A-Net, they most likely won't feel good about it!


And you're right, it's optional, buying skins is a way to support A-Net. So I beg them to let me support them and not feel bad about it! It's a psychological disaster!

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Nothing is for free. Mmo's need a population so they don't feel empty. So even f2p players are contributing to the business model. The base game wasn't free at release. The two expansions were not free. Even Living Worlds have to be bought for some people depending on circumstances. PvP and WvW feel like unsupported game modes with little content or resources brought to them despite featuring prominently on the gw2 webpage. Power creep encourages buying an expansion to keep up in all the game modes. There is grind. There are payed for shortcuts. All of this is part of the discussion because of context. But to say these things cant mentioned is to unfairly force the discussion into a vacuum with no past or future consequences, it's censorship. To say anything is free is not true at all. And a sedentary lifestyle is proven unhealthy. Escapism is not healthy if done to excess. Endless grinding promote both those things.

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ArenaNet and others may be wondering why the backlash got to this scale. The issue is that there are many areas currently lacking in the game, especially on the rewards side and the release of mount adoption only served to compound these issues.


As the ratio of cosmetics obtainable in-game compared to the gemstore becomes increasingly skewed, people are becoming more aware of what is going on and are beginning to draw a line.

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> @"Stu Grockalot.2937" said:

> Personally, I love everything to do with GW2 and want it to be the best game ever.

> I am also mindful that Arenanet do not work on the game for FREE!!


> This all costs money to pay the developers, and as a player I am happy to help support Arenanet and contribute towards the next Living World Season,(a considerable amount of content shipped for free by the way), and also balance patches, new Raid wings, new PvP content, WvW content, (again all for free).


> When you look at other online role playing games that force you to have a subscription of ~£10 a month, I won't name-drop any here, but suffice to say there was a massive motion picture based on it! ; then even after that GW2 is still cheaper.


> Mounts skins are optional, so if you chose to support the company that you love, to help develop the game that you love, stop your moaning.

> Otherwise you run the risk of sounding like a spoiled child who doesn't get their way, and how life is unfair and treats you poorly.

> Do the math, even if you CHOOSE to buy all the mounts, still cheaper than other online games!


People are happy to pay for mount skins. Directly. Not for lottery tickets.

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Just because it's optional doesn't mean it's okay for businesses to scam and exploit their customers. Nobody likes to be cheated, and customers have all the rights to voice their dissent.


Especially in this case when many players were willing to open their wallets, provided that they get a fair deal in return. However the only thing on the devs mind is how to squeeze as much money from loyal consumers via questionable practices.

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> Personally, I love everything to do with GW2 and want it to be the best game ever.

> I am also mindful that Arenanet do not work on the game for FREE!!


> This all costs money to pay the developers, and as a player I am happy to help support Arenanet and contribute towards the next Living World Season,(a considerable amount of content shipped for free by the way), and also balance patches, new Raid wings, new PvP content, WvW content, (again all for free).


> When you look at other online role playing games that force you to have a subscription of ~£10 a month, I won't name-drop any here, but suffice to say there was a massive motion picture based on it! ; then even after that GW2 is still cheaper.


> Mounts skins are optional, so if you chose to support the company that you love, to help develop the game that you love, stop your moaning.

> Otherwise you run the risk of sounding like a spoiled child who doesn't get their way, and how life is unfair and treats you poorly.

> Do the math, even if you CHOOSE to buy all the mounts, still cheaper than other online games!


Actually that is not always the case, I have spent way more on these f2p, b2p games than I would have if I had paid a monthly sub.

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I like that you guys created this thread, but c'mon, didn't you realize _general_ opinion of the gemstore is not favorable even though the numbers (that only you have and that's fine) might be going well?


Everyone and their mothers praised the Caladbolg quest for example and hailed it as _the_ new direction that should be taken with current events. With the pace of releases to the gemstore it is by now very clear that the art team is more than capable of churning out some of the best cosmetics I have ever seen in any game, and in a large number too. With that said, why lock 100% of them behind the gemstore? The funerary collections pale in comparison to even the Black Lion skins (that are another case of "why in hell are these not a Caladbolg-type of collection?"), whereas we have amazing gemstore armors that I can't even decide which to wear.


If 40%, or even as least as 30%, of the current gemstore set of skins were available in collections and achievements (and we could be talking about 'hardcore' stuff like triggering legendary mobs at the end of jumping puzzles), most players wouldn't even notice you just released 70% of the whole art team's work as lootboxes. So my dear feedback to this whole situation is *please stop playing extremes*.

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So, I'm pretty new and trying to work out the backlash that I am seeing about this issue. These are purely cosmetic items? Am I right in thinking that they have no impact on game mechanics or do I have that completely wrong? Either way, I think it's worth remembering that people for the most part are far more vocal when they are unhappy about something. There may be a very large number of players who are silent because they are fine with it.

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> @"Stu Grockalot.2937" said:

> Personally, I love everything to do with GW2 and want it to be the best game ever.

> I am also mindful that Arenanet do not work on the game for FREE!!


> This all costs money to pay the developers, and as a player I am happy to help support Arenanet and contribute towards the next Living World Season,(a considerable amount of content shipped for free by the way), and also balance patches, new Raid wings, new PvP content, WvW content, (again all for free).


> When you look at other online role playing games that force you to have a subscription of ~£10 a month, I won't name-drop any here, but suffice to say there was a massive motion picture based on it! ; then even after that GW2 is still cheaper.


> Mounts skins are optional, so if you chose to support the company that you love, to help develop the game that you love, stop your moaning.

> Otherwise you run the risk of sounding like a spoiled child who doesn't get their way, and how life is unfair and treats you poorly.

> Do the math, even if you CHOOSE to buy all the mounts, still cheaper than other online games!


No one is demanding free mount skins. People who are upset about this (including me) are not angry about the price of the adoption license, but about the RNG aspect of it. I will gladly pay more than 400 gems for the skin I want. But only if I had the option to choose the skin, because there are 2 skins that I really like, but I don't care much for the other 28.

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This would be more palatable if they could be sold on the trading post, like weapon skins only obtainable from BL keys.


I would have thought it fun, and little dev work, to have a mini quest associated with the adoption. Or sell research tomes rather than adoption licenses. Really simple go here and interact with this point on the map, little bits of flavor text. Like a smaller, simpler version of the collections for the Gryphon.


This just doesn't seem to serve the casual gamers at all. We can't devote that much in game time to amass the gold to convert to gems for this, and we also don't play enough to justify spending that much money to acquire 1 - 2 skins that we might like. So this remains confusing to me, since the hard core players will have plenty of in game money to throw at this problem, how is this bringing more money in for ANet? The gem exchange operates on a bank of gems people have already paid for. If these skins can't be acquired with gold in any way other than the exchange, what encouragement is there to continue to put gems into the exchange?

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