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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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I'm disappointed in this decision and I also honestly would pay more per skin if I could actually pick the skin I wanted. Having it work this way just feels exploitative and it's very frustrating to have such small odds of getting any individual skin. From a business perspective it makes sense, but from the side of the consumer it just breeds ill will in a lot of us, and I'm honestly less likely to spend money on a company that I feel is treating me in an exploitative way.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Btw it's like the spooky bundle.

> 9600 gems for 30 skins

> 400 gem for 1 skin


> 10k gems for all 31 skins.


> 322 gems per skin.


> Spooky bundle was 320 x skin.


> Everything is fair.


Some of us didnt buy into that BS either... that was a Preview for more crappy practices to come... (hence what we got today) great job trying to make it smell better though.. didnt work! :-)

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Dulfy completed the previews (including dye differences, so it's clear where the actual differences are): http://dulfy.net/2017/11/07/gw2-black-lion-mount-adoption-license-mount-skins/


Edit: As for my opinion: I'm sad. There's a few that I would like, but I'm nowhere near lucky enough that I imagine I'd be able to get them by gamble, and I can't afford to keep going until I do get them. It's saddening to see they decided to go the completely random way, instead of the way at least for example the dyes you could buy off TP if you really wanted them. I'm now even gladder to have bought the H'ween skins, because I can dye my mounts and I knew exactly what I was getting.

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I wonder where Anet is going with this? > @Tomahawk.7361 said:

> Okay okay, I know we are having some serious feels here, but gotta add some humor, just a wee bit.



That was very, very funny. And I think he's a great actor too. Cheered me up while I was getting my pitchfork ready.


But all of these comments might be really upsetting for the people at Anet. At least they've got stacks of cash to dry their tears away with now though.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > > @Ryan.9387 said:

> > > I'm not going to type an essay about this.

> > >

> > > You are putting items into the gem store for $120 now. That is disgraceful and insulting to your player base. You should be ashamed.

> >

> > Not to mention it is a sneaky, underhanded "Want to avoid RNG gambling? Well then pay up, sucker!"-bundle, too.


> And you STILL need to buy one extra after the bundle.

> There's 31 skins. The bundle only has 30.


REALLY? That's just hilariously tragic.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> To be fair this is not new for GW2. Black Lion Chests are much the same and have been in the game since launch and special themed loot boxes where the drops are account bound and so cannot be obtained without gambling have been in the game periodically since Wintersday 2012 when the [Wintersday Mystery Box](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wintersday_Mystery_Box "Wintersday Mystery Box") was added. (Note: the mini pets pages now say they're tradable but that wasn't the case until years later.)


> It is however extremely disappointing, if entirely unsurprising, to see them doing it all over again and with something so many people were looking forward to.


> We were off to a great start with 5 kinds of mounts being obtained in-game and with the first set of skins sold as a direct sale (the only annoyance being that you had to buy them all together). That makes it even more of a let-down when they decide to add gambling to the process.


Black lion chests have been there since the beginning. Expanding the RNG outside of black lion chests is what brings the hate.

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> @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> > @SrebX.6498 said:

> > Would you stop being so kitten?

> > You don't like that method of gaining skins? Don't freakin' buy it.

> > The beauty of the Black Lion method it that it's all cosmetics and has zero impact on the game itself, It's purely for the ones who want to spend money on that.

> > Are you not one of those ppl who want to spend money this way? Don't be, it's as simple as that. You don't have to put any lines for anyone, the game is still the same.


> Not the point and this shield is used far too often to excuse predatory business practices. The fact that companies have players actively defending them with this nonsense is probably one of the more troubling aspects of the loot box craze.

While I'd otherwise agree on pointless corporate greed and crazy cash cows companies put in for gain, I'm fine with it when it's done in the right context.

Vanilla GW2 was the best bang for your buck you can get out of 60$. Nowadays it's just 50$ for Vanilla GW2+HoT+PoF, which is by itself thousands of hours worth of good playtime, for just 50$.

Not only that, they're also consistently releasing Festivals, Living Story episodes and (Less consistently so) Endgame content (Fractals+Raids), all done in high quality, and FOR FREE.

Anet's business model only has one consistent money maker year-round and that's the Gemstore, which keeps the funding the rest of the game for you. It's their one and only place do whatever they need to keep the running, so they have my blessing to go nuts on it and do whatever they want so long as it doesn't affect actual gameplay and just give us pretty stuff.


> @Lucciana.6809 said:

> > @SrebX.6498 said:

> > Would you stop being so kitten?

> > You don't like that method of gaining skins? Don't freakin' buy it.



> If you don't like this discussion, don't be part of it.


O But I want to. I think Anet has been more than fair with us (For reasons mentioned above), and I'm gonna explain why, since Anet damn well earned it imo.

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> @Offair.2563 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

> > > The Black Lion Stables are pleased to open their doors and offer new mount adoption licenses. Each license will allow you to claim a random mount skin from the Black Lion Stables, and they are available in the Style category of the Gem Store for 400 gems each.

> > >

> > > If this trend continues I won't fund this game anymore, simple as that. This is stupid.

> > >

> > > The math:

> > > 400 * 31 = 12,400 gems.

> >

> > How is that different from spending 100 gems for a chance at an exclusive dye]? Or 80 gems (in bulks) for BL keys, with a random chance of skins? Like any lotto, play if you think you'll get lucky, otherwise hang tight and buy the specific skin(s) you want when they show up at a discount later.


> Since more and more stuff gets added behind a RNG wall. Soon you might be able to log in through a RNG system.


Thats actually becoming a thing for many people with all the disconnects... now that you mention it! Maybe they need to make money on these skins for server upgrades.... LOL :-) Still Predatory marketing

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Could only afford to buy 1600 gems so i got 4 mounts skins and then the regret came in as i unlocked them and didn't get any of the ones i really wanted.... Anet, the RNG for this kind of stuff sucks and reeks of shady practices... I want other ones but not at that price and not with the RNG. Honestly if i could return the skins i got and get my gems back i would. I doubt I will get anymore of the skins as this has really put a sour taste in my mouth toward them.

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> @Zedek.8932 said:

> > @finkle.9513 said:

> > There used to be a way to achieve most of the gem store items in game, or at least a version...

> >

> > I find myself playing less and less as when i login i see new items that look cool yet im not able to spend £30 on gems to get them, this becomes really off putting, and a little depressing and sad.. so i just dont login really :(


> Facebook sickness and/or envy - a bad combination.

> I see people driving around sports cars. I do not drive a sports car. Heck, I even take the bus (we have Mercedes Benz' though^^) because it's cheap and fast with the permanently full car parks in my city.. But that does not get me depressed. Neither that I am not earning 10.000€, or that I am not owning a house. Or that I am not Hercules.


> Heck, I won't even get the Griffon, but I am good with that, I have my bunny-kangaroo. But would I start to play less just because others have nifty things? Not at all. Do you go out less on the streets when you see people with expensive watches on their wrist or do you avoid public roads when a Lamborghini overtakes you at the street? With all the bling bling around, I appreciate more and more the average player look. Since I am wearing plain clothes in game as well. In Rata Sum I see people looking like a flashing christmas tree. Then I see an Asura Engineer that looks...like an Engineer. Or that Charr Warrior without gem store wings. Just a martial feline. Beautiful. Maybe you are one of the sane ones by looking normal instead of looking like a cockatoo? If you look at your character, and what she has done, do you really need those status symbols?


> The analogy of real life and video games is becoming closer and closer since both is melting into each other with artificial facebook friends you'll never meet and video game friends you also won't meet. People with the iPhone X, my uncle has one, think they are the most kitten on the block. We all laugh about such stupidity. Strip all the gem store bling bling and you will often see ill-mannered people covering insecurities or a condescending attitude. I am sure you can charm as person. S


Except that your analogy is off. The better analogy is that you paid for a full car, only to find out that the car was actually missing 3 of the 4 seats, the wheel was a rough cut wood that gives you splinters every time you touch it, the pedals were shabby plastic that constantly got stuck, etc. and the only way to get the car you actually paid for at the quality you paid for was to hand over MORE money. That is what the gem store is.


Video games are a visual experience, the visual is in the name video.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @SmirkDog.3160 said:

> > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > Question, do you call people who love trading card games stupid too for buying card packs with RNG?

> >

> > I'm amazed that no one has replied to _this_ one.

> >

> > As someone who does collect trading cards, I got tired of relying on RNG to get a certain card, so guess what I did. _I bought a single online._ For like the same price as a booster pack, I bought the exact card I wanted.

> >


> Agreed. If I open a pack of MtG cards and don't get a card I like or need for a deck, I can trade the rest, sell them, give them away. Not a legit comparison.


Good for you if you find a way to sell crap cards. I can't, but maybe I'm too bad.


Let's assume these 3 ways of buying the skins:


- 1 mount = 1 price: No RNG involved, but you will also not get a skin that everyone wants for 400. Let's assume 700/800 (price of a nice weapon skin sold on TP) for the sake of it.

- the dye/mini pet system: You open a box, you have a high chance to get a crappy skin, a very small chance to get a good one that everyone wants. The result? Lots of skins with no actual value, and very few "perma frost" quality skins that are worth much more than 400 gems. Yes it's tradable, but you still need people to gamble to get more on TP, actually losing most of their value by getting the same worthless skin again and again, and you get to pay the price of 5 mounts for your super rare mount (assuming prices here, but it's not what matters)

- the guaranteed skin system, which is already in game with the wardrobe guaranteed unlock. There is RNG but limited risk of losing value since you only get skins you don't have. You also have as many chances to get the super rare one as you have of getting the crap one.


I don't know, but people are whining like crazy over this last method while I'm personally glad it's not the second option. Yes, having the 1st as a choice would certainly be nice as well as an alternative, but I mean, it's not a crazy scam as some people want it to be. We've had gliders sold in bundles, a specific set of weapons account bound (privateer), wardrobe guaranteed unlock, this is just nothing new.


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> @Swagger.1459 said:

> It's a shame some of you are complaining about optional cosmetic items ("mount outfits") that have zero impact on gameplay.


You're right. We should have all our characters run around in their starting style armor, in the default colors, because it has zero impact on gameplay? _Après vous_ ! :-|


I for one am complaining-whinging-venting because I would LOVE to give ANet some more money. Would LOVE to buy the skins I think are the nicest, prettiest, most appropriate for how I view my mounts. It's the random part that's irking me since it's gambling, and for the money I can afford to spend right now it would likely not yield the ones I want. If I got ones I didn't want, I couldn't sell them on the TP.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @felincyriac.5981 said:

> > Places are also getting cluttered with obnoxiously colored mounts, hope there is a "default mount skins" setting on the way.


> Just like there's one for gliders.

> Oh wait... still waiting on that kitten option.


Max-sized Norns using the Raven glider skin ftw!


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Not buying any of these skins. The RNG and disregard for the player base sucks, and whereas I'm okay with the total package being available (not that I'd ever be able to afford it), leaving it for just one week at that cost is sick.


I don't think I've ever had such a negative response to something Anet's done. I'm angry, disgusted and disappointed. Now the best way I can show my feelings, aside from making this post, is this: there'll not be another penny from me until this alters to being 400 for the mount you want and overall _zero_ predatory business practices. Good grief, how about no more kitten moves?

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @felincyriac.5981 said:

> > > Places are also getting cluttered with obnoxiously colored mounts, hope there is a "default mount skins" setting on the way.

> >

> > Just like there's one for gliders.

> > Oh wait... still waiting on that kitten option.


> Max-sized Norns using the Raven glider skin ftw!



I remember looking through glider skins and seeing one where poor chickens are trying to fly while their broken legs are holding the player up.

Can only imagine max size/buffed male norns with them would look/feel.

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> @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> I don't know, but people are whining like crazy over this last method while I'm personally glad it's not the second option. Yes, having the 1st as a choice would certainly be nice as well as an alternative, but I mean, it's not a crazy scam as some people want it to be. We've had gliders sold in bundles, a specific set of weapons account bound (privateer), wardrobe guaranteed unlock, this is just nothing new.



Not many care about a different shade of dye, a weaponset that can't be bought on the TP but otherwise in range of other black lion skins (and also got loads of backlash then). There is lot's of choice in other options.


With mounts, it's this or nothing atm. There is no alternative.


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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > @felincyriac.5981 said:

> > > > Places are also getting cluttered with obnoxiously colored mounts, hope there is a "default mount skins" setting on the way.

> > >

> > > Just like there's one for gliders.

> > > Oh wait... still waiting on that kitten option.

> >

> > Max-sized Norns using the Raven glider skin ftw!

> >


> I remember looking through glider skins and seeing one where poor chickens are trying to fly while their broken legs are holding the player up.

> Can only imagine max size/buffed male norns with them would look/feel.


Oh the Raven is so obnoxiously huge that I pretty much cannot use it on my Norn - it obscures literally everything.


I can imagine me using it would annoy the heck out of nearby players as well.

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