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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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> @Conncept.7638 said:

> It's a business practice for those who don't give half a crap about their players, creating a community, or even making a good game, and a lot of us thought ANet was different, above that, and in running their business like a whaling ship, they're proving we were wrong.


I agree, but didn't we know all those things about ArenaNet based on the Black Lion Chests? They're basically loot boxes that have been in the game since release, and now they're basically accepted.

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Very well put OP, I don't necessarily agree that all other aspects of RNG in GW2 have been handled well but this is undoubtedly the worst I've ever seen it since I first started playing back in August 2012. I really hope they reverse this decision, at least to the point where you can choose the skins you want from the ticket.


Unfortunately I have a feeling a lot of people will still pay for the gamble and, as they say, money talks.

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> @Swagger.1459 said:

> These are definitely worth the price! Hope you can rack up some good sales on these, and hope the team keeps offering desirable items on the gemstore!




They can't be worth the price, as they don't have a price.


You're not paying what the gemstore lists for a mount, you're paying what it lists for a chance, and chances are worth nothing.

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I was actually surprised that this style of loot boxes made it into GW2. Up until now everything has been fair and obtainable. You like the glowing shiny? here it is, spend 400 gems and it's yours. Also, it's been very easy to farm for skins you wanted. Find the farm you like the most, spend an hour running in the hamster-wheel and now you have enough gold to buy the shiny. With this adoption system, you could spend money 4, 5 or 10 times before you actually get the skin you want and it's the most absurd thing they have put in the game. It ruins the good work that the developers have done (skins really do look good).


I honestly thought that this mantra of being able to get what you wanted through minimal farming or minimal moneys was going to keep going. I hope they listen to the players and change it.

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The biggest caveat between the mount boxes and regular BLCs is that you can easily farm keys by doing map exploration and your weekly lvl 10 story it's reasonable enough to get 4-6 keys a month and put those toward opening chests, but with the mounts, you're forced to use gemstore conversion rates at a much steeper cost if you don't want to gamble. It's like they went one step in opposite directions for the mount boxes: one forward with having them separate from the nightmare that is BLCs with no dupes, and one back for forcing all those skins to be RNG instead of being allowed to buy what you want.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I say no. Those people should not have supported this type of practice to begin with.

> Early adopters are early adopters.


You mean Anet should punish those people who supported them with money and award those that cried and bitched on the forums?


They would make it even worse for everyone. Those people who were desperate or crazy enough to spend 9000+ gems made that purchase under the reasonable assumption that this would be the only way to get the mounts. Anet now changing terms completely would be a big fu** you to all those who supported them. Why the hell should they do this? So that people like you get their pleasure out of the thought of it?


Unlike you they don't want to punish unreasonably generous players.


_Edit: I find this argument in particular funny that when I think back to GW2 going f2p or things like that, the same people would cry about Anet "not caring about the veteran players" and that they want free stuff because now the new players get all the free stuff._

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> @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/246938


> I already made a thread here, please don't spam the forums with countless threads - it'll make our cause harder to be recognised if we act like apes.




Even though I staunchly oppose you in this, I thumbs upped you.


Although ape reactions do tend to get noticed faster... oh boy.

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> @"Cyber Locc.9836" said:

> > @Conncept.7638 said:

> > > @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > > I don't think anything has changed. ArenaNet knows people are willing to accept loot boxes - the Black Lion Chests have been in the game since release, and not only you don't see people complaining about them, they also sell. A lot, based on how often ArenaNet updates them.

> > >

> > > It was the fact players were willing to accept loot boxes that allowed ArenaNet to push the concept further with the RNG mount skins. Unless players vote with their wallets and give strong feedback about this, ArenaNet will not stop.

> >

> > That's just the thing, statistically most people are not willing to accept loot boxes, have never bought one, and will never buy one. Lootboxes are only profitable by leeching off a handful of irresponsible lifeless whales among the playerbase that spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on anything and everything, and in doing so making it profitable to leave most of the playerbase hung out to dry.

> >

> > It's a business practice for those who don't give half a crap about their players, creating a community, or even making a good game, and a lot of us thought ANet was different, above that, and in running their business like a whaling ship, they're proving we were wrong.


> Hmm I would like to see where you got those statistics, because I can for an absolute fact tell you, YOU ARE WRONG.


And yet, you provide no evidence, so apparently, you can't factually say anything.




A poll of 450 million users from one of the largest mobile game platforms in the world shows that on average 70% of a games income, comes from 10% of its playerbase. It's a well known fact, as this is far from the first poll on the subject, and it took literally two seconds on google to find it, two seconds which you could have taken yourself.

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Most of the people in here are really dissapointed by this rng stuff. same with me. I wish they would change it. But I don't think they will do it. Running through LA just shows me, that anets plan works. so many people with those skins. even that one Jackal skin which costs 2000gems.

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I agree with OP. Price isnt the issue its when you buy one at a time and its a rng on what ones you get. Its my money and I should get what I pay for. I dont mind the black lion chest to much sometimes. Its fun once in awhile to get a few keys see what you get. But for something like this its wrong in my book . I hope you fix it . If you dont ill just be drooling and not buying and I wont buy anything else from gem store with real cash again. ( And I and others have spent lots to support the game) I just think this is wrong. They are awsome nice job on design but be fair is all I ask . Thank you

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> @Conncept.7638 said:

> > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > > > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > > > It is a interesting bundle, 400 gems for a single gem item while 320 (total 9600) for 30 skin.

> > > >

> > > > It isn't p2w so I don't care.

> > >

> > > Except that it is 400 Gems for a _gamble_ or 9600 to _avoid the gamble_.

> > >

> > > It is underhanded and dirty.

> > >

> > > Had you been able to directly buy the skin you want for 400 Gems instead, the forums wouldn't be overflowing with hatred towards Anet like they currently are.

> >

> > isn't black lion key gambling too?

> > did you complain about it?


> Uh I would wager so? Since the blacklion chest RNG has been the most complained about aspect of this games monetization since release day. Did you not frequent the old forums?


of course i did but that wasn't the point

the point is did he complain about it?


you are not him, please don't cut into the conversation, is rude.

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I agree. It's too much costs and RNG to dump on us (pun intended) in one gemstore update. It's obnoxious and disrespectful to the playerbase.


It's like they aren't even trying to be subtle here, not a little "spoil yourself with this $20 item!" Which I consider fine, and often buy - But a full blown casino scam designed to ween over a hundred dollars out of people. In a single purchases. Absolutely awful.


I'm a freaking "whale" okay, I admit it, but this is just pushing it too far. I was literally just at the store looking at gem cards, I picked a bunch up and decided no, not this time. I'm taking a break from this game. If I come back to more of this customer abuse and disrespect and see this is indeed the direction you are headed, I will be done with Gw2 and Anet, especially NCSoft.

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I bought Ultimate knowing mount skins would be coming and that would be what I did with the extra gems. But implementation like this...absolutely not. I stay away from AAA games that have the loot box bull...I won't participate in this game and I am severely tempted to just stop logging in until they remove it. The outfits as random loot in black lion boxes was pushing me...this is over the line. At best they're not getting another dime from me...at worst I will be leaving the game.


Arenanet if you want my money...sell me a product...not a slot machine.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

> > > > The Black Lion Stables are pleased to open their doors and offer new mount adoption licenses. Each license will allow you to claim a random mount skin from the Black Lion Stables, and they are available in the Style category of the Gem Store for 400 gems each.

> > > >

> > > > If this trend continues I won't fund this game anymore, simple as that. This is stupid.

> > > >

> > > > The math:

> > > > 400 * 31 = 12,400 gems.

> > >

> > > How is that different from spending 100 gems for a chance at an exclusive dye]? Or 80 gems (in bulks) for BL keys, with a random chance of skins? Like any lotto, play if you think you'll get lucky, otherwise hang tight and buy the specific skin(s) you want when they show up at a discount later.

> >

> > Those dyes can be bought on the TP and flooded quite nicely with supply. Mount skins cannot be bought on the TP.


> Still, someone had to play the lotto for folks like you or I to take advantage of the discount. In fact, at least in this case, the 400 gems guarantees a skin; the other RNG boxes on the gem shop contain more junk than not.


> I'm not likely to be willing to plop down 400 gems without getting to choose a skin, but all the same: I can see why you (like I) won't want to spend that amount for RNG, but why does it affect your paying for anything else that the game has to offer?


Principle really, to be honest though I still have a lot more discretionary income approaching my 40s then I did when I first started playing this game, I can't guarantee I wouldn't spend gems on something I have a choice over despite my issue's with rng


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