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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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I would even agree on some RNG , but getting SAME skimmer skins that i already had is really depressing. My friend and i agreed we should support GW2 for the great game it is , but this is not the way .

From reddit:



Here is the worst part. This was "well" planed before mount release. We will give them mounts with single dye channel, then we will add EXACT same skins , twice , with 4 dye channels.

Anet , dont look at us as morons . Those of us who gladly support , per month (almost as subscription) do that since u made great game. But when we see, what u did here and its planed and not just simple mistake, its disgusting at least.

I wonder, are you trying to push even supporters out ? I can say in name of at least 8 friends i have, and me, we decided we will pass on this month gem buying based on this. And im sure many others, who feel the same will do the same.

Please Anet, get this "economists" out of this mindset , else you will kill game we all love.


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ANet added Loot-Boxes and I didn't like them. But it was ok, since all their rare contents could be purchased on the TP.

ANet added random dies and I didn't like them. But it was ok, since you could buy them on the TP.

ANet added account-bound stuff to the Loot-Boxes and it was the first time I was genuenly disgusted. This was not ok. But there were plenty alternatives to these skins, so I did my best to ignore the Loot-Boxes.

Now ANet added random mount skins and I feel like the company is laughing at us. Laughing at all the YouTuber who worked their asses off to draw new players in for PoF. Laughing at all the old players who came back for the expansion. Laughing at everyone who stayed even during the content draught. At the highest peak of player-activity since a long time ANet decides to start the whale-hunt of the century. And I don't know what disgusts me more, having to pay up to 120 € for the skin I want or the fact that LA is full of whales who did pay the 120 € for all skins.


Let me tell you: The end-time is near. The gem-shop is headed directly in the direction that many ftp games went before. It's only a matter of time now before ANet starts selling character progression (oh, they already did) and then raw power.

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Remove the RNG portion of the purchase.

You'll have yourself a buyer.

I'd let this pass if this was content that F2Ps had access to.

But it's marketed toward people who have already spent money and purchased Path of Fire.


Also, the fact you can get skins for the griffon, when you don't even have it...

I don't even.

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> @kiranslee.4829 said:

> I would even agree on some RNG , but getting SAME skimmer skins that i already had is really depressing. My friend and i agreed we should support GW2 for the great game it is , but this is not the way .

> From reddit:

> https://g.redditmedia.com/nUKjrGeHsvpE4a4Ag30bdnW_ni0gv-sr7YVmDyeR84E.gif?w=652&fm=mp4&mp4-fragmented=false&s=67c09ceb457648500c26e5433200202c


> Here is the worst part. This was "well" planed before mount release. We will give them mounts with single dye channel, then we will add EXACT same skins , twice , with 4 dye channels.

And I would gladly pay a reasonable amount of gems to have a plain old mount with 4 dye channels. Not this way though.

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The thing is they knew they will get away with it as GW2 has some of the worst whiteknight fanboi's ever, no matter what they do they will be defended


I have already seen people saying "it is for cosmetic so it is not p2w or a problem"


no it isn't p2w, but it is basically milking the cashcows that fanboi them all the time knowing ppl will still defend it lmao


Basically they know that they couldn't sell a full collection for say $100, so instead RNG it knowing full well that the herd of cash cows will blindly throw the cash until they get the skin/skins they want


anet adore gw2 as the revenue stream from the shiny shiny crap is insane and just went 1 more step further in seeing just what they can get away with


I have seen people use the term whales, sorry but that does not apply here.


p2w games have whales, quite intelligent creatures who just want to be at the top by throwing cash knowing they will be hated


gw2 has cash cows, dim witted creatures who throw cash at something shiny that catches their eye (and ofc then defend a-net for it lol)


flame away or infraction me or w/e I couldn't care less lol this game is a pisstake in regard to how far they are willing to push the boundaries to milk more money

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I've played many of Trion's Games in past few years along with GW2, and the main reason why i love this game is because the RNG aspect is low. I'm not trying to compare 2 company but just take Trion for an example, in their games they created a massive RNG system and not just that time gated as well. Some lootbox take weeks to get but they all turned out wasted because of RNG. Sure that kind of model bring them huge amount of money but also losing the love of the player's community til now i decided to quit all of Trion's Game cuz i couldn't take it anymore.


Please don't walk down this path. I'm fine with the price but not the RNG, let us pick what we like and if you afraid of "us" stop buying the license after we got what we want then just add somekind of achievements and rewards once collected all of the mount skins as motivation. Again !! Please no more RNG.

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> @Halbarz.3854 said:

> Also people have to remember that a company has to make MONEY they do not get around by paying everyone there with cookies.


That is not an argument. The game industry is filthy rich, partly because it is badly regulated. Nobody, _especially_ not the corporate suits who tend to push these unethical and exploitative moneymaking schemes, "needs" to scrabble for every sad cent to survive. They do it because of sheer greed. And franky, if a company "has" to rely on lootboxes, that is not a company that deserves to continue business because it does not live on customer satisfaction with quality products, it lives on scummy predatory practices that are overdue for better legislation across the planet.


When I look at the games I enjoyed the most over the past years, none of them engaged in this BS. Many games do not. Please do not help the shady parts of the industry, especially among the immensely rich AAA studios, normalize increasingly unethical practices. This is not a situation of "oh these poor devs need to make money every way they can or we won't have any games anymore". It never has been, it never will be. And even if it was, it wouldn't be _worth_ it.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> And I would gladly pay a reasonable amount of gems to have a plain old mount with 4 dye channels. Not this way though.

That is EXACTLY what i think. I bought halloween skins since i wanted 4 channels . I dislike bones part but hell i managed to make it look, okeish. If they gave me set lets say 1200 gems , plane skins but 4 channels, i would buy , 1600 for sparcly ones set, good enough, super sparcly , hell yes each can be 500 gems i would buy all 4.

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It's bad. Unless you put an occasional mount unlock in the game like Black Lion keys, or make it so a person can pay higher to select just the mounts they want, or give a way to accumulate mount unlock scraps like you do Black Lion claim ticket scraps, or make guaranteed mount unlocks part of Black Lion chests the way guaranteed skin unlocks are (and really, it should be all of the above) it's not the same as your existing RNG situation with Black Lion chests, and it's only going to make people frustrated and angry.


I want literally 3 skins from what is currently available. Spending upwards of $100 or more for a likely chance of getting all three is absurd.

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I'll be more pointed and less editorial this time:


* I bought the ultimate edition of PoF when I returned to the game about a month before the expansion launch.

* I spent a decent amount _more_ than that on the gem store between then and now, catching up on various cool cosmetics that were added in my post-HoT hiatus, as well as snagging some older stuff as it returned to the store or fit new concepts I had for characters and the PoF specializations.

* I probably did not spend enough cash to be considered a whale, but I imagine I was decent revenue as a ~2 month returning player.

* **I will not buy gems or convert gold to gems as long as this current mount skin implementation exists as it is, but I may endeavor to continue enjoying what I can of the game while no longer financially supporting it.**

* According to the support site, you have to submit a ticket just to remove your saved credit card info from your account, as there is no automated process to remove the info _unless_ you do it _while making another purchase._

* I would have _happily_ bought some of the mount skins, perhaps paying even more than 400 gems per skin, if they were available in a manner that did not feel exploitative to me. I _adore_ that Siberian Husky Jackal. It's like the bestest thing ever. However, I'm not going to throw a random amount of money into a system that will very likely give me a bunch of skins I don't want and won't use until I get that one skin or something else I could feel satisfied with.

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After thinking about this for a while. I would like to point out that a lot of these responses I think are coming from expectations that were misconstrued to begin with. This comes from a product of little to no Developer feedback on exactly what to expect, and our own interpretation on how it'd be done. For example, when PoF came out, everyone was excited for potential mount skins. That was fine, but with no clear direction on how they'd handle it in the gemstore, people's go-to comparison was the glider for obvious reasons.


When Halloween rolled around, people saw the Halloween mount skins. I believe this is what set everyone's Ideas in stone, full sets of themed skins. (Potentially individual skins later down the road.) Which didn't help but set our notion of how it "should" or "would" be done. This I think is why there's such an uproar at the moment when that was shaken.


Someone in a party I was with when we were discussing this said something interesting; "I doubt the reaction would be so polarized if Anet slowly released mounts over time rather than dumping all 30 on us at once." Personally, I agree with this players thoughts. If the menagerie exists, and we get a random skin. I would have rather it slowly expanded, maybe one set every few weeks. Slowly expanding the pool of RnG skins. But let people know that if they really want a specific mount skin to get it sooner rather than later when the pool is too large.


Suffice it to say. This is a business, they need to be able to make money or they make nothing. Nothing for both us and for themselves. Personally, I'm not happy with this aspect either. As someone who has always had terrible luck and not a lot of disposable income that I can spend on a game. It's disappointing to see skins I want that I wont be able to get, or probably even afford ever. A bunch of them are really cool looking. The only thing I can hope is that these skins will help Anet produce much better content in the future because of the increase in funding they'll receive.


I'm not going to call Anet "stupid" for choosing how to handle this. I can however say I'm disappointed as a consumer. I can't speak for who made the decision, I don't know why they did it. I just hope their market team and those that worked on how to handle these mounts understood what kind of reaction they'd get after something so highly sought after. Maybe down the road we'll get an official response that will help explain things. Personally I will continue to play the game with my default skins until one I actually want that I can buy individually for a higher price comes out.

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I don't have anything against the skins themselves, just the method of acquiring them. I do not support RNG loot boxes and refuse to spend my money for a roll of a dice. There are a few skins I would have purchased if I was able to buy them seperately for say, 400 gems or so each. I would _happily_ do so. But taking a gamble for a skin I have very little chance of getting? Turned me right off it.


I have no problems supporting the game, but I will NOT support RNG loot boxes. Black Lion Chests are enough. We don't need more. Just put the skins in the store separately so people know what they're buying. I can almost guarantee you'll sell more that way. I would definitely buy a few if that was the case, but in its current state, not a chance.


Loot boxes becoming the norm in most games nowadays makes me sad. I thought AreaNet was different. Disappointing.

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I'm all for new skins and that.... The only mount skin I want is the Gryffon fire one......


I spent $50 on gambling for it, got a bunch of skins I'll never use. I'm kind of angry about the complete RNG side of it, I can't choose gryffon stables and RNG just on gryffon but have to bundle up with the other mounts.


If a refund was possible, I would do one. Instead I have a huge amount of buyers remorse. Even buying a 10 pack of skins, atleast let us chose 1 skin and rng the 9 or some sort of categorisation so we are only gambling on the mounts that we use. I unlocked mostly skimmer mounts today.

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Oh, and count me among the people who would definitely pay for a set of skins that was just the basic models with 4 dye channels that take all dyes well. No washing out, no "all your reds are purplish now". No silly gimmicks like sparklesmoke or bony body paint. Put the price of such a set somewhat below the fancier Halloween skin bundle, and I think most people would say it is fair, and many would buy it. Is it disappointing that the base mounts only have one channel and many dyes don't look right on them? Sure. But as I said, I still think it's a distinct step above the "dirty dish rag" base glider. While two channels as baseline would have been perfect, I'd still pay for the full four well-dyeing channels because I love the mounts and I think PoF did many things well.


But no RNG, no gambling. Even if I loved and wanted and would use every single skin in this lootbox fiasco, I would _not_ buy the bundle as a matter of principle.


Also: wouldn't doing the decent thing and letting players pick what they want for an okay price provide much more useful feedback?

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I, for one, detest hollow cashgrabbing practices as anyone else, and certainly won't shell out real cash to purchase those mount skins anytime soon, but...

After a good night's sleep I have begun to grasp the real genius in the business sense they displayed with their decision to play it like that, and must admit:


bravo, Anet, bravo...

(no sarcasm intended)


This way you can convert gold to 400 gems now and again, and try your "mount-lotto" luck.

Can be entertained that way for a long time and they get their effective gold sink/exchange rate inflater and they are happy.

If you have enough money, just buy the stuff and they are happy even more.


Only bad thing that is left for me is the argument quite a few people have posted - that Anet actively encourages/promotes gambling practices to kids.

So, that would be the point 2 that will keep me from spending real cash indefinitely for the, admittedly quite beautiful, reskins.



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I'm not going to read through 21 pages of similar posts when I'd rather talk about the elephant in the room. Now, I could very well be wrong about this and I hope that I am BUT.. the contracts, as they are listed in the store, do not explicitly state that PoF is required for the purchases of the adoption contracts. That's also disheartening to me, since I paid hard-earned RL money to buy the deluxe edition of PoF only to have what appears to be perks that I paid for available to people who either don't have HoT or still just have the core game.


If this is true, this really makes me sick that people whined and cried about not having mounts when they haven't bought the expansion. Just goes to show that the squeaky wheels always get the grease.

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The way of unlocking skins with RNG boxes is terrible.

The actual skins are even worse! If in group content (let's say bounties) two or three people have the spectral-like griffon skin, their wing effects just clutter the screen. It's very annoying and completely takes me out of the flow of the game.


Guild Wars 1 had only a few skins that were flashy and that was perfect. It allowed for at least some sort of realism in a world where there's dwarfs and talking plants.


The way Guild Wars 2 is going (seems to me it is the 'everything must be flashy-oh and you can buy it for real money' is one I do not like and I find myself distancing myself from the game_ EVEN THOUGH_ I like the gameplay.

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> @Nikal.4921 said:

> IMO, mount skins should be treated more like glider skins- 400 to 500 gems each, depending on how fancy. I won't touch gamble mount skins, nor will I ever pay 2000 gems for a mount skin- a new mount _type_ maybe, but not a skin.


Agree, or they should just release bundles like they did with the spooky mount skins.

Buying 3 contracts and getting 3 skimmer mountskins is not cool Anet. Want to be a 100% certain u get the skin u want? Well pay tons or gold or just x4 times the price of PoF :)

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> @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

> I'm not going to read through 21 pages of similar posts when I'd rather talk about the elephant in the room. Now, I could very well be wrong about this and I hope that I am BUT.. the contracts, as they are listed in the store, do not explicitly state that PoF is required for the purchases of the adoption contracts. That's also disheartening to me, since I paid hard-earned RL money to buy the deluxe edition of PoF only to have what appears to be perks that I paid for available to people who either don't have HoT or still just have the core game.


> If this is true, this really makes me sick that people whined and cried about not having mounts when they haven't bought the expansion. Just goes to show that the squeaky wheels always get the grease.


Uhhh they're skins, even if ppl without pof bought them they wouldn't be able to use them. They don't give you the mount--hence ppl who don't have the griffon being upset about getting griffon skins they can't even use.

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