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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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.> @Aya.6321 said:

> Since when is the trend of gambling in this game okay? Ecto gambling, sure, but gambling for things that we should have access to freely in the first place is just wrong.

> RNG stuff isn't even allowed on the eastern market anymore because of how wrong it is.

> I hate knowing that the Devs are just sitting back watching this unfold. It's so sad.


You got access to your mounts with Path of Fire. Putting the RNG issue aside, why do you think you should have the mount skins for free? Or did I misinterpret what you meant?

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If they make these more expensive just because people wanted to get pissy on receiving a specific one, I'm going to be livid.


I'm grinding gold to get a skin every three to four days, and if they boost it up to 2k gems because people can't just learn to control their money spending then I am giving up on humanity.

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The funny thing is that should the price have been shown in gold at a vendor, like typically: 150 gold for one RNG mount, people wouldn't have complained so hard. Why? Because the cost is shown in gold instead of gems... even though the conversion would be pretty similar.

That might be Anet real mistake here, they didn't hide it behind ecto gambling or anything this time. And people got all salty for it.


> @Rawr.9467 said:

> Unfortunately you only need a few people to buy them. Boycotts don't work very well when you have whales that give in and purchase everything, further solidifying the benefits of this marketing model.


This isn't specific to you, but in addition to constantly blaming one side of the problem, why not also discussing the other side? Aka people who never want to contribute helping finance the game they play everyday? Who won't ever spend one dollar on anything else than the core game, and still ask to get remunerated during stress tests (okay that was a very particular case)? People who, in this very thread, have no problem telling you $30/players every 2 year is enough to finance servers, employees, marketing, new content etc?


It's shady, yes. RNG isn't ideal. But I can kind of understand how not getting steady numbers every month push companies to try as much as possible to secure money from the few users who can and are always willing to finance their game.


That's why having a subscription fee would be infinitely better. Plus skins could get locked behind what actually matters, aka gaming, skill, etc. Players got what they deserved for massively rejecting monthly subscriptions in modern games.

(And yes, it would hurt the portion of players not willing to help financing the game... but they don't matter economically anyway).



(EDIT: Oh, also the guaranteed wardrobe are kinda worse already. You play the RNG game to even get them, then you play the RNG game to get a skin you'd like. Somehow this didn't cause all that fuss.)

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I like most of the skins (although I'm sad that the skimmer didn't get as much variety as the rest of them) and we're guaranteed not to get duplicates, so I'm mostly okay with the RNG part. I would like it a lot better if we could at least choose which mount we get a skin for- I wanted a griffon skin (didn't matter which one) since it's the mount I use the most, but it took several tries just to get one. Picking the type of mount would also help people narrow it down so they have a better chance at getting the exact skin they want.

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Im sure a lot of effort went into making these skins, but for me the price point is the issue. 400 gems is too much for a "chance" at the one I want. Even if I am guaranteed to get a skin that I don't have every time.

100 ~ 200 gems would be better.


It would also have softened the blow by having some of these available through achievements or in-game activities rather than just solely through the BLTC.

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Here is an idea, one that might be able to serve as a suitable compromise (forgive me if someone already suggested it, it is a long thread):


Introduce "skin boxes" in the same vein as mount boxes for the other skins. Split the skin boxes up as such:

Outfit Skins

Armor Piece Skins

Light Armor Outfits/Armor Pieces

Medium Armor Outfits/Armor Pieces

Heavy Armor Outfits/Armor Pieces

Jackal Skins

Raptor Skins

Glider Skins

Etc, etc.


Each of these would cost 200 gems and would give an item in accordance with the theme (outfit boxes give outfits, raptor skin boxes give raptor skins, etc.) that the player does not own already.


Then, allow the player to buy each skin individually, at a higher price (what they are now).


So, you can choose to purchase a skin box at a lower price for a chance of getting the skin you want, or a skin that is not currently available (for example, a Halloween skin when it is not currently Halloween could be acquired from the skin box). Or, you can purchase the skin you want at a higher price (400-1000, depending on sales, deals, or what the item is).


If we wanted to go for a really generous route, skin boxes could also be given as rewards similar to how black lion keys are given away. For example, a skin box could be given for world completion or some-such.


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You've done fucked it up. Not only you released this shit during lootbox witch hunt, you released this crap same week WoW released new expansion, LoL started new season and along with it you released this sorry ass patch that has probably worst changes I have seen so far.

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So stupid. First of all, the majority of these skins should have been in-game rewards. The really unique ones clearly should be gem store exclusive. And by that I mean, "hey I like that, I want that. I'm going to buy that". Instead we get "Hey, I like that, I want that. I won't get that when I buy that box though. I guess I can't get that."


I mean, what do you expect Anet? I've definitely spent my fair share (probably) over a thousand dollars on the gem store.... already more than I spent to play WoW. But you want me to pay $150 CAD just to get the mounts that I want? Are you bloody insane? I have other games, in fact other games I'm interested in. If this is the direction of the game, I certainly won't hesitate to play your content for free.


Oh, and you want me to pay $38 CAD for that Reforged Warhound? Guys. WTF. I'll pay $15-20 CAD for one mount. The mount I want. Read it carefully. I will gladly spend a reasonable amount of money for the mount that I want.


This crap is just BS. I've always thought the gem store prices were a bit high and I've never said anything but this takes the cake.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey there,


I've read every post in this thread, and am keeping an eye on several others, as well. I've noted several areas of general feedback and have shared quotes and suggestion in a community report, which is accessible to everyone at ArenaNet.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, concerns, suggestions, and more!



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My apologies for not reading all 28 pages of comments, But what I got out of this discussion, Is that arenanet is bad because they put a gambling system in place to receive things that are not necessary to the game, and are just there for the enjoyment of players who want their mounts to look different. This may be a loot box situation, but I believe it is well done, I personally have not interest at this time for mount skins. I also do not have a griffin yet... If you wish to take the gamble for new skins, then you now have that option, if you do not, then don't.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Btw it's like the spooky bundle.

> 9600 gems for 30 skins

> 400 gem for 1 skin


> 10k gems for all 31 skins.


> 322 gems per skin.


> Spooky bundle was 320 x skin.


> Everything is fair.


Not like it at all. Spooky was only a few skins so the extrapolation does not work.


Besides, if you do not have the griffon with spooky it is only one skin. Depending on how much you liked the others it may or may not be worth it. With this it is more than a single skin.

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To be honest, I would absolutely pay the equivalent of an outfit price for those skins,... And I would already have bought 3-4 of them if it wasn't for the RNG factor and that's money you're not ever getting the way things are right now, because I am NOT gambling my money and getting some lazy recolor. I think they would be received much better if they were priced like outfits are, that's the model everyone's been used to anyway. And some of the skins that are simply recolors could be a bit less expensive and you could keep the most complicated ones, like the Reforged Jackal at the price they are now.

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***TL;DR at bottom***


Gaile, as always thank you for being a great point of communication, reason, and understanding; also for hearing a ton of the heat the players have. You're too good. That being said, nothing I say is against you, but more against this decision with the new mount skins.


First of all, I think these new mount skins are great, beautiful even, and unique. Who wouldn't want at least some of them? Regarding that, I am for them being on the gem store. I love this game, and as a 911 EMT I personally don't make much money right now, but with responsibility and in moderation over the years, I have likely spent more than a few hundred American dollars just on the gem store to support this game and the things I like in it. After all, I am a capitalist, and in the realm of the economy, I vote with my wallet. That being said, I am especially in support of individual skins being available to be obtained at my discretion and by my decision or possibly even in small packs! *I would pay for them.*


Some of these skins warrant a 400 gem price, some are easily 1,000 gems. I would pay either for the ones that I wanted, I'm not going to get carried away with the 2,000 gem Reforged Warhound though lol. As it stands, I am rendered without a choice but to not purchase any, as I--and everyone that I know--cannot compel ourselves to spend _$120_ to unlock all of them, and we cannot spend 400 gems for even one with very little likelyhood that we will get one of the ones which we want most (even if we would enjoy any of them, the choice is not there). I even have 1,900 gems left over from buying the Ultimate of PoF!


I believe that the extended use of RNG into mount skins, however fantastic they are, is a move that will cost ArenaNet far, far more than they will gain from the hopes of us purchasing bundles. To be frank, it feels dirty, and I cannot, no, I will not, dump roughly one _tenth_ of my paycheck into gems just to get what I want, with many skins left over that I will enjoy, but truly did not want to pay for in the first place for the simple reason that: I did not intend to get them in the first place, but I had to because of RNG.


I truly hope that you can see the dilemma, and frustration that I, and many supportive people like me, feel towards the situation. Like I've beaten on a few times: I want to buy them, but I will not put a single dime towards the skins until I can choose the ones I want. I believe you will accumulate much more revenue if you stick to those ethics. Thank you for the forum thread for such feedback, and I do hope it influences the Mount Adoption topic, because it is a neat idea without RNG.


-Leggo My Drago [MOO]



TL:DR (because I basically wrote an essay):


*I want to buy mount skins--I cannot spend $120 on all of them; I will not spend 400 gems on one of them due to the RNG.

*I will buy mount skins for a fair price when this is fixed. Until then, it feels dirty. I love the game.




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I was so excited about these skins until I logged in to find out they were basically RNG loot boxes. I got disappointed and logged back out lol. I would have loved if they were rewards in game to give me more of incentive to play and another option to get them instead of throwing money out hoping I get the one I want and not stuck with one I dislike. Heck I would have even rather just have the option to specifically choose which I want to buy.


I feel like this is something BDO would do and that's part of the reason I stopped playing it tbh. I really, really dislike RNG cash shop items.

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I feel a lot like I was something like "forced" to buy the mount pack (9600 gems) yesterday, cause I, on one hand, liked 5 out of the 30 skins, but I also wanted to avoid the gambling part which in the long run will probably cost a lot lot more than "just" 9600 gems.


Never ever do something like this to me again, please.



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If this is more profitable than players individually buying skins, then I hope anet doesn't give in here and change it. Many posters here make it seem like they think they are entitled to easy access of the purely cosmetic items they want, not stopping to think that this is a free to play game. The company needs funds to continue to provide us with a free to play game.


If this proves more profitable, then I hope they continue with this type of practice for future neat items.

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> @Wolfheart.7483 said:

> .> @Aya.6321 said:

> > Since when is the trend of gambling in this game okay? Ecto gambling, sure, but gambling for things that we should have access to freely in the first place is just wrong.

> > RNG stuff isn't even allowed on the eastern market anymore because of how wrong it is.

> > I hate knowing that the Devs are just sitting back watching this unfold. It's so sad.


> You got access to your mounts with Path of Fire. Putting the RNG issue aside, why do you think you should have the mount skins for free? Or did I misinterpret what you meant?


Well, for all the vanilla mounts we just got basic models and 1 dye slot.

The only way to customize the mount is by spending real money...

I would think that we would at least be able to unlock some sort of skin for each mount by playing the game respectively.

Why? Because that just makes simple sense.

*My problem is that the only way to really make your mount your own, you have to pay for it*

Instead of playing the expansion that we already payed for.

Which from my understanding, mounts were one of the main selling points.

They knew people would buy these skins simply because there is no other way to obtain mount skins or customize them in-game without Gems~

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I would rather pay 800 gems for the skin I want, than 400 for an 80% (if drops aren't weighted) chance of a skin I don't want.


Similarly I would rather pay 800 gems for the skin I want rather than 2000. If the only alternative to 400 gem randomized skins ar 2000 gem skins, then no, thank you. I don't want either. I've spent more than 25 000 gems over the past year but there are limits to how much I'd pay for a single cosmetic item.

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I think the sticker shock of getting the mounts unlocked is hitting hard because it was 30 skins all at once. If they had been spread out over the course of time between expansions, there would be much better adoption by the community. Hitting all at once coupled with the RNG aspect makes it seem like players are being forced to spend an exacerbate amount of money to get what they want.


While I cannot see the returns on Glider skins as they released gradually, I know that myself and many friends ended up getting multiple glider skins over the course of time between HoT and PoF releases. By releasing all at once, I see a couple I am interested in and would only spend the minimum to get those skins now as a result.


TL;DR: spread out skin releases and stop the RNG aspects of it.

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I am shocked that management made the choice to go with a "buy all or RNG" mechanism to sell these skins. These would have easily sold individually anywhere from 400 to 600 gems, some may have sold for 1,000. The choice to force players to either pay $120.00 for all the skins (even if they don't want all) or roll RNG to try to get the one they want is something I never thought I would see in GW2 and frankly I am deeply disappointed! I will pass on this and all other gemshop purchases until all RNG is removed from the gem shop.

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