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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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I completly understand the need to make money as a company, but after adding so many gemstore skins at once, i'm really hoping, we will be seeing some being acquirable through just playing the game the future.


Also I would really appreciate if you could stay away from RNG when it comes to gemstore purchases in the future, I would have gladly payed 700-800 maybe even 1000 gems depending on the skins that were added, if I could choose the skin I wanted.


I think you have a great game, and always have been very customer friendly for the past five years I've been playing this game, so please I beg you, don't take pages out of Electronic Arts and Activision marketing team.

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I'll start by saying mount skins do look nice, but the RNG aspect of acquiring them puts me off buying even one. My RNG in this game has always been bad in 5 years of playing i haven't gotten one precursor and even when spending tons of time and money in the mystic toilet still no precursor, which leads me to mount RNG. I do not want to buy tickets one by one just to be unlucky and not get the ones i like especially because i could save 30€ buying the 30 bundle because there is a chance i will have to get all 30 to get the skins to get the one i want and spending 120€ is way to steep for me, which made me decide i'll stay with default skins, at least untill you give us a way to somehow pick the ones we want.

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Really don't post on forums much, but gotta pitch in - The opinion of a nobody on the internet. The price does not fit the bill here. At all. That said, from developer standpoint. This is umong the most efficient methods of distribution in relation to the fact that we are for the better part of it, enjoying a game that is already free to play. Saying this while having bought even the core game and both xpacs at full price point of about 50-60.


I think fans of the game honestly have to stop getting so prissy over this kind of stuff. Games are entertainment, not something to blow all the fuses over. Internet easily allows us to say some insane shit. So rather than having shitfit, I hope that we as players can show trust in developers to do a right thing here. After all, no matter how much we curse on changes we don't like, it's the very same devs who still brought this very good (I mean say what you will, but you are too here posting about it.) standard pushing title for us.


Now all the ugly spats aside aswell as me attempting good heartfelt understanding.. I'm aswell at a disbelief over this kind of distribution. No matter how conventional this is in business or development side. I actually am very upset about this kind of policy. No matter how much I would justify any standpoint, I will preach the choire that this is something I'm unwilling to do. I mean if it remains as it is, be that way then. Not my call, but I know that I feel good about supporting devs with abit of extra sheckles here and there. (Saying this allthewhile I've spent quite alot of extra for vanity here my guys.)


So as much as I'd love to, I can't in good comfort throw away 10 for such a small slice of the cake. If I'm gonna get these things. I want to feel like I actually bought something I feel confident is a fair trade. You know, for a nice game like this here I'm happy to throw few buckerinos at them so as to endorse what I want more.


Even small RNG I'm ok with. Maybe the tuning is off here. Not gonna claim any outstanding suggestions here but what if instead of 2 randoms, different bundles which for example unlock 5 random skins for a specific mount I want so as to even my odds to get something cool or let me choose a ticket which unlocks 3 completely different skins for 3 different mounts. Or maybe a "legendary" ticket which unlocks one of the really cool ones for certain. Just suggestions and I'm kinda sensing someone might just choke me for even saying it, but hey. Really just how I feel about this.


Tl;Dr - This kinda blows. Knowing Anet, I feel they could make even something like rng drops into something I don't feel ripped off over. I'm ok with businesses needing to make money, but even that small little section to offer a customer, (in my case very long-standing customer) an offer I feel good paying money for or still with good comfort turn down.


This, not to even talking about the 2k (I love the skin, all the kudos to the modeler!) gem one makes me feel very bamboozled.

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1) No AA game title rated Pegi 12 should have real money gambling in it. Its aimed at certain people who are sensitive for this and develop gambling problems (its like a slot machine of the new age).

2) Stop with the overpriced bundles and offer decently priced individual ones. That applies to everything, will there ever be a sale on Permanent Convenience items and upgrades, that is what i am looking for.


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I think a major problem is the bundle price.


I've seen a lot of players agree that $5 for a given mount skin is fair. Maybe the nicer skins are worth more ($10?), and the plainer skins less, but $5 is a good ballpark for a standard skin - updated model, texture, and multiple dye channels.


The problem is that if you want to forego the gamble and buy all the skins, you are asked to pay $120 and that is called a discount. I do not think that 30 mount skins provide $120 of value, and I find it a little insulting that ArenaNet has that point of view. That's more than the price of a collector's edition game.


The marginal value/utility of additional skins for a given mount goes down quickly. If I don't have any Jackal skins, buying one is exciting. I'll use it and be happy. Buying a second skin gives me more options, but I can only use one at a time. Once I have 3, or 4, or 10, is each subsequent skin providing me $4-5 of value? I don't think it does.


The bundle price should reflect that more closely. Frankly, I think charging more than $50 for the bundle is absurd and already pushing the line. And I say that as someone who can afford the $120 price and buys gems regularly whenever I am actively playing.


Getting random rewards is "exciting", but so is going to a casino. It feels bad if you are hoping to get a fiery mount and get a plainer one. It seems clear that you have priced the adoptions based on this stratification of quality. You could have a "plain" gamble for $3 and a "cool" gamble for $10, but didn't go that route, and I am having trouble coming up with an explaantion that isn't based on preying on customer psychology. This is compounded by the fact that you can't even choose the mount you're getting a skin for. If I am secretly hoping for the shiny griffon skin (who isn't?) and get a plain skimmer skin, I'm out $5 for something I will only rarely use and I feel bad.


If each raffle ticket was $2 (so max $60 individually), or even $3 ($90) with a $50 bundle, I think you would have seen a lot fewer complaints and a lot more sales. Is that more profitable than the current prices? Who knows, maybe not. But it wouldn't feel like you were trying to fleece your players.


I love this game. I want to support this game. Please don't make it hard to justify supporting this game by leveraging hostile business practices.

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I think the system is ok, as long as the skins can be aquired individually (for a higher price). For example, the cooler skins can be bought individually for 2000 gems (the same price as the individual skins cost) and you can risk your gems on the rng if you want a shot for a cheaper cool mount. In this way, people that don't wan't to gamble will still be able to aquire exactly the skin that they wan't and the system still offers reasonable advantages for rng a discount.

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Just wanted to add another +1 for NOT making the mount skins random or at least let us RNG on a specific mount type rather than throwing the whole menagerie in together. I first became aware of the new mount skins when I saw a picture of the celestial griffon on Twitter. Before doing anything else and with no other info, I sent the picture in a text to my husband indicating I was about to be spending a lot of money on gems, expecting the cost to be in the neighborhood of 1600-2000 gems based on the Halloween skins. My excitement level was through the roof!!! Then, I started frantically searching for more info on the skins and how much they cost. Twenty seconds later, I had plummeted off the roof and deep into the basement of despair when I learned it was random...and with a really horrible percent chance of getting a skin you want.


For a lot of reasons, I'm just not a gambler...I don't buy raffle tickets for charities, I don't spend my money at casinos or buy lottery tickets, I even make my husband keep an eye on our retirement stocks because I can't handle the risk-factor! It's not that I don't want to support ArenaNet by spending money on the gem store. I'm not bent out of shape that they want to make a profit on their product. But the emotional roller coaster that accompanies taking a gamble is just not worth it to me...it's something that is built into my psyche. I'd rather pay three times as much for a guarantee rather than save money at the risk of being disappointed/angry when I don't get what I want.


Please reconsider this decision.

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I have nothing against the licence per say but the quality of the skin is wayyyyy too spread. My first two skins were the most unnoticeable skimmer skins you can imagine. While some are really cool, some ok, there are still skins that are not warranting being different skins. Channel colour is cool sure but not enough to be a skin by itself.

On top of this I wish one could at least say which mount should be selected. Two skimmers in a row for me was really a disappointment.... and the first raptor I got was maybe the 10th skin... and of course was the crappiest one.

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Im going to try and be brief because I could ramble on about this all day:


1. Who at Anet has lost the plot? or is it who I think it is ( lets face it all the worst reward ideas originate from one place most of the time) the media is currently falling over itself to produce hundreds of articles about loot boxes and how terrible they are, not only did you 'go there' you went there at the exact point of backlash. That isn't just poor strategy ( and greed grab) that's wanton antagonism to the media, to players, to potential players....

2. The Isle of Man actually has robust Law governing Loot boxes weirdly enough - if you care about this and are based in the UK - push your MP to look at what is probably the most enlightened modern example of gambling Law in Europe...

3. The whole thing has a boiling frog feeling - I remember when Hot came out there was a ramp up in RNG, rewards hidden behind pay walls, stingy rewards that are later bumped up if enough whining is done or players drop off, hell, I counted around 12 new outfits in that 3 month period and only 4 armours in the whole expansion. We have been slowly being heated up on this for years, its indescribably cynical of Anet, and i'll bet the only thing that worries them is that they raised the temperature a little too quickly this time...

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Just to add in. I am fine with them each being 400 Gems. That's like $5 a skin.


IF I could just buy the ones I want. I do not like all of them...I do not WANT all of them.


I was prepared to buy between 7-10 of them(I'm a theme geek...got an Icy Ranger that needs the icy bunny, Electric Raptor for my Ele, etc.)...but I have to say (I live under a rock, because i did not realize they were RNG until I got onto the forums today) since I now know they are RNG...I won't be buying any of them, because if I get one I don't like, I'll never use it, I can't sell it, or trade it...that is a waste of my Gems.


ANET, if you let us buy the ones we want...you'll get my $$$. Until then...I'll keep it. (Note: I'd easily pay 500-800 Gems for a skin I actually WANT. I wouldn't get them all at once, but over a few weeks I'd have them, and ANET woudl have my money. :) )


I was really excited about these. Now, not so much.

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As for the RNG skins it would be much more bearable if we were at least allowed to choose which mount type we'd like to gamble for.


As for the general opinion. I'm really tired with GW2 being 'fashion wars' and having the best looking and unique skins available only in gemstore. Sadly, it's even more of a problem with gliders and mounts as game gives no alternative to earning skins at all (I'm not counting legendary backpieces gliders as they aren't for the majority).

Give me something. Anything. I don't ask for Super Cool Flashy Raptor 3000 but having at least few mount (and glider) skins obtainable through achievements or loot (meta events, world bosses) would certainly balance the equation and make RNG gemstore mounts look less horrible. I know gemstore is a must and I buy gems almost every month but having something to earn with hard work is what GW2 desperately needs.

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With Mount Adoption, **there's no alternative. I either gamble or have no chance of getting the skin at all.** That's clearly an issue, and I really expect the devs to reconsider this. Enforcing RNG is harmful for those with gambling issues, for those only interested in a particular skin, and for the whole community's opinion about ANET as a developer.


Gambling should always be **an alternative method of acquisition**, it's simple as that. Yes, we always had dye packs and black lion chests, but those who don't support or can't engage the RNG aspect could just buy the items from those who do like (or are addicted and in need of help, but that's for another topic).

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> There are a lot of conversations about the mount adoption option that was [released today](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-reforged-warhound-and-friends-are-looking-for-homes/ "released today"). Many of the comments in the individual threads repeat ones made by the same person in another thread. We very much want to hear your feedback, but have found that a single feedback thread offers the best opportunity for you to share your thoughts and for us to review it in the context of a wider set of feedback.


> So here's a thread into which you're invited to post your thoughts on the subject of the Black Lion Stables Mount Skins.


> Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Here's a thought, how do you justify having an expansion that most would say lack rewarding content, and then, a month after release, you throw in a patch adding 31 mounts and various other skins, all behind paywalls, but NOT A SINGLE one added as base content.


You're heading down a slippery slope real fast, and even people like me who don't mind spending some cash in games are getting worried...

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The lootcrate scenario has been beaten to death, but I think it's still relevant to point out that it's still the biggest problem because gambling is a real problem and it does properly give players what they want in a *reasonable* manner to both the company and the players.


But the other pertinent issue is that these skins were very clearly ready from the get-go of Path of Fires, or at least soon after release. Yet, not a single skin is attainable through regular gameplay, and I'm not talking gem to coin and vice versa transactions. Half of these skins are literally flavorfully named and could fit right into the world of Elona by appearance alone, yet none of them are actually available in the game for no other reason than to shove them into RNG loot boxes.


It could literally add hours of gameplay if even a single skin set (one skin for each mount) were attainable through in game content and provide the longevity in content people were looking for. But instead, it's lazily locked behind gambling. We don't even have the option of customizing the mounts or selecting our type. It is a **perfect** example of microtransactions that have cut away potential content from the game. **Not even a single skin out of 30**. Instead of being rewards for additional gameplay content, it's behind gambling with real money, or significant sums of gold that most regular players struggle to attain. While I myself can easily throw down gold to gems over time, the RNG of the situation is far too much of a barrier for me to even consider buying a single one.


I like Guild Wars 2 and I understand it's a part of the regular game cycle to do the same events and fights again and again, but these mount skins and gem skins are PERFECT examples of content that can be attained from something implemented worth a choya into the world. Instead, we could just cynically farm the same events over and over again so we can eventually buy the reward we want, but it just fundamentally highlights an even bigger issue with the game, and that's how you actually attain rewards in game compared to buying it with coin to gem conversions.


The reason people say end game is fashion is because all these beautiful vanity items are exactly that. Vanity that's isolated from the game because they're in the gem store. Not even remotely part of the game world, and not even remotely implemented into the game.

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To put it very simply.


I'm glad there are new mount skins with dye channels. I am not happy at all by the price for the quantity or the rng aspect (unless collecting them all). The fact that there is no way to earn in game mount skins aside from farming a very large amount of gold to gems is very discouraging as well.

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