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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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Here's the real way to "fix" this, or at least make it less of a sting to people that don't want a large pool chance.

Because I doubt the RNG aspect is going to be removed, it's just kinda how these things work nowadays.

Why aren't these being treated like gemstore dye kits?


1. Purchase a Mount Adoption License.

2. Double-click to use the item once purchased.

3. Select from a prompt window of what type of mount you'd rather adopt: Raptor, Springer, Skimmer, Jackal, Griffon.

4. Now the RNG is restricted to only ONE type of mount.

5. This makes targeting easier. This makes people happier with the concept. It makes it less painful and less obviously exploitative.



And one more thing. The "natural" mount skins should be just obtainable in game. The special ones, like Pyroclast for the Jackal or any of the "magical" ones? Those probably can stay where they are.


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> How is that different from spending 100 gems for a chance at an exclusive dye]? Or 80 gems (in bulks) for BL keys, with a random chance of skins? Like any lotto, play if you think you'll get lucky, otherwise hang tight and buy the specific skin(s) you want when they show up at a discount later.


look at jormag dye, 13 possibilities at 100 gems, decent chance. 125 gems for 1 key for a chance at any 3 items out of 61 items... 1 of which is guaranteed.

this is a ratio game, if they gave us 3 skins per contract there probably would be no issue. at this rate its a ripoff



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> @Rococo.8347 said:


> 2. The Isle of Man actually has robust Law governing Loot boxes weirdly enough - if you care about this and are based in the UK - push your MP to look at what is probably the most enlightened modern example of gambling Law in Europe...


I'd be careful getting people to looking into the Isle of Man too much, the red scourge is currently licking its lips at all that private jet tax avoidance. I'm pretty sure the gambling law is very specifically designed for tax avoidance too xD


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As a loyal customer and fan of Gw2 and Gw1 I found the implementation of these mount skins very disrespectful to me as a fan. I have no problem with supporting the game with gem purchases (which I have done plenty of times, even buying the deluxe editions of the expansions), but this comes off as blatantly greedy in my eyes. Many of my guildmates feel very similarly to this lootbox. It would have been so much cooler to earn some of these mount skins by beating all the legendary bounties, or by completing the new raid wing that's most likely on the horizon. But no, you have decided to put all 30 of them into a box and charge money for a dice-roll on the one you get. If you want to sell them, fine, but don't force people to potentially pay for all 30 of them to get the one that they desire (assuming you roll 29 times and still don't get the one you were aiming for, which is theoretically and mathematically possible mind you). Because of this, I have considered never spending on gems again and that sucks. I love this game, and everyone in this discussion does, but we expected more from you as a company. You have stood out among the cream of the crop, until now and again that really sucks.


I think everyone here has good intentions, but quite a few of us are just disappointed.


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This entire situation is such a disappointment, both as a player and as someone who has worked in mobile game dev for the last six years. I've seen exactly what these kind of predatory methods can do to people, and in our dev meetings, I have always held up Guild Wars 2 as a way to incorporate f2p/cash shop elements correctly, without being cheap or exploiting the player base.


Yesterday, I watched a guildie spend money they cannot afford to purchase the entire skin bundle. It was crushing. Yes, everyone is responsible for their own choices, but this kind of deliberate targeting of whales (aka vulnerable people) is absolutely unethical and everyone in game dev knows it. I suppose I should be thankful that Anet decided to make the skins available in a bundle, without duplicates, to limit the damage.


The introduction of account-bound RNG to the black lion chest items was a test, and apparently, 'terrible loot-box mechanics' passed with flying colors. **There are currently NO mount skins that you are able to earn in game**; it's all cash shop, and the vast majority are locked behind a slot machine that costs five dollars a pull. Yes, you can get them all if you pay a premium--but if I want a drink at Starbucks, I don't have to buy ten drinks to get the one I want.


I have been happy to support GW2 over the last three years with gem purchases, because I love this game. But I can't support a game that does this. I would expect this from a scummy f2p app store title, but not from ArenaNet.

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Having cosmetics on the gem store is a perfectly reasonable system for a buy to play game like this. However, I absolutely will not participate in any RNG based schemes that have a likelihood of giving me something that I was never interested in. I haven't even bought many Black Lion Keys for this reason, even though they at least have a decent chance of providing _something_ of value, depending on the current offer. Ideally, the gem store would only offer goods a la carte and I could buy whatever I wanted for a fixed price. Since that appears to be very unlikely in this day and age, then at the very least we should be allowed to sell/trade any items that are part of an RNG system. If that were the case, I would be more inclined to use the gem store, but I steadfastly refuse to reward game developers with insulting RNG schemes. If you are delivering a quality product, you shouldn't need to use cheap tricks and psychological pressure on your players to inflate your sales. I have confidence that you can deliver such quality products and you have done so in the past. Please don't resort to this lottery system again in the future.

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Trying not to be hyperbolic but; After you did so well with Path of Fire and presumably introduced many new people to this wonderful game, after what appears to be an excellent overhaul patch, you bundled in one of the most anti consumer moves you've done in a long time. Arena net has always walked a fine line between what is acceptable motorization practices, to mostly great success. 30 dollars for Path of Fire is an incredible bargain and the addition of 4 armor skins and a lot of progression systems in the expansion is appreciated. The gem store has always been a smart way to finance the game without ripping off customers or creating a pay to win scenario.


One major issue that has always existed in GW2 is the fact that the primary incentive to progress is cosmetics, however many cosmetics exclusively exist behind the Gem Store. Factor this in with the obnoxious loot boxes via Black Lion Chests, it's always been somewhat problematic, but not horrible. I am not a fan of loot boxes and I think they are toxic, but the black lion chests were somewhat harmless. The addition of this new mount loot box is atrocious. I got drunk last night and bough 10 of them, and I wasn't overly disappointed with the drops I got, but that's not to say this is in any way a compliment to your business model. Loot boxes are exploitative and this is by far the most atrocious implementation I've seen. This is a bad image to the community at large, when we as fans are desperately trying to expand the community and get new people in to our game. This mmo deserves more people, but we as players deserve respect. This is additional loot box is shameless, arena net.


My suggestion: Include more rewards into progression systems in the main game. Allow us more awesome cosmetic unlocks through new quests/achievements and in game rewards. You did well with Halloween and you can clearly pump out these mount skins like no one's business. The mount skins you DO sell on the Gemstore should have the option to buy the mount skin you want, and 30 dollars for a wolf skin is ridiculous. Each mount skin should be no more expensive than a glider skin (and even those have always been over priced). Then, reduce the price of a roll for each mount adoption. I think a fair price would be 200 gems fro a roll on the mount adoptions, and 600 gems for buying the one you want. Bundle that in with additional cosmetic rewards in game. I understand why you need to find ways to finance your game, with the amount of continuous support you give the game with living story and expansions. That said, you've gone too far.

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I don't like randomness/pseudo randomness when it comes to cosmetics **and** when the endgame is mainly cosmetics.


My thoughts on this are:


1. Retextures should be 500 gems

2. Anything with particle effects should be 700-800.

3. Fully reworked meshes (assuming no rigging/movement animation changes) should be 800-1200. Anything more than 1200 indicates the mount skin in question has some sort of additional incentive such as including a BLC claim scraps or guaranteed dye selection from recent dye packs.

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> @Nile.5614 said:

> Here's the real way to "fix" this, or at least make it less of a sting to people that don't want a large pool chance.

> Because I doubt the RNG aspect is going to be removed, it's just kinda how these things work nowadays.

> Why aren't these being treated like gemstore dye kits?


> 1. Purchase a Mount Adoption License.

> 2. Double-click to use the item once purchased.

> 3. Select from a prompt window of what type of mount you'd rather adopt: Raptor, Springer, Skimmer, Jackal, Griffon.

> 4. Now the RNG is restricted to only ONE type of mount.

> 5. This makes targeting easier. This makes people happier with the concept. It makes it less painful and less obviously exploitative.



> And one more thing. The "natural" mount skins should be just obtainable in game. The special ones, like Pyroclast for the Jackal or any of the "magical" ones? Those probably can stay where they are.



Exactly what I think. You can roll just one mount until you get one you're okay with it and then roll the next one until you get just for the mounts you like using.

I hate the bunny and the manta, and I don't feel like the raptor's skins are that different/good. So why in hell would I buy something that has AT LEAST 60% chance it's going to screw me over?

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If they were on sale for 400 gems ($5) a pop and we go tot pick, that would be fine. A cheaper cost and and RNG with the ability to sell dupes on the trading post, that's fine too. But I high cost RNG account unlock? That's gross and you need to change this. It may already be too late.


You release a great expansion and fail to light the world on fire. You over price your RNG mount skins and Jim Sterling gets involved. Not good.

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People need to chill out.

Its an optional gemstore item, i have bought a couple and will continue in the futur.

Imho people are just angry because there was no new content in this patch (which was clear to begin with) and now need something to let ther anger out.


If you dont have the money or want buy the new mount gamble just dont do it.

You can continue playing as you were before and iam sure there will be no rng mounts buyable with gems in the futur.


Anets other option is to put the nicerlooking skins for 2000 gems in the gemstore and thebother for 400-800.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Hey there,


> I've read every post in this thread, and am keeping an eye on several others, as well. I've noted several areas of general feedback and have shared quotes and suggestion in a community report, which is accessible to everyone at ArenaNet.


> Thank you for sharing your thoughts, concerns, suggestions, and more!




Thanks Gaile! You rock! Glad to see someone is helping this stuff move to the people who need to see it! and WOW still around from GW1 Days!

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The RNG is too RNG, splitting the skins up and making smaller RNG gambles would have been better. Let's say super fancy skins in one gamble pack, not so fancy in another, and so on. Even split them up for each mount; skimmer batch, raptor batch etc. You could likely have made more money that way as the more fancy skins could have been charged extra for and thus, psychologically, it feels like less of a gamble even with the extra cost.

I personally am not bothered at all by mount skins, dyes are fine, so i won't be purchasing any of them. Bottom line though, making it a gamble was a terrible idea.

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Also I just wanted to add that I really don't think that "You should be able to get these skins in game by playing it!" is exactly productive feedback here.

Sure, having stuff for free is cool and all, but I like that they offer aesthetic stuff for you to buy and support the devs.

The issue at hand here is that even if you pay you can sink 2k gems into this and get absolutely no skin you really liked or would use.

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what would appeal to me is put these mount skins behind a huge achievement wall, you want em? earn em...this game is nothing but a paywall right now, spend all this money to epeen...and my god my eyes bleed for this. You have money? good you get all the skins...but the thing this game was supposed to do was to let people FEEL heroic...add some skins to the adventures as a rare drop (if you got it you cant get it again/sell on tp) depending on the species of mount and adventure type...


you guys know the mini junundu drops from the Junundu rising event? what about how the mini abom drops from the Leg Hoarder as a rare chance...

Theme...theme is what im getting at. - KEEP it on the gemstore as is, but if you do, add achievements / events that drop these skins in the open world. NO one would complain...not only will everyone still be able to get it...but people will actually get out and explore the GW2 world...and do stuff.


place the griffon skins in the adventure, place the raptor skins in the adventures. reward them as rare event drops / chests.

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Remove rng from it and we'll be fine, you can even make it slightly more pricy (although personally I'd prefer not :)), like 500 gems for a reskin, 800 for total remodel (gliders are completly remodelled and for 700 we get packs - glider+backpiece for crying out loud), but 400 to get some random thing and 2000!!! for remodel? No. Don't make GW2 that kind of game.

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> @BartFargo.9867 said:

>Yes, everyone is responsible for their own choices, but this kind of deliberate targeting of whales (aka vulnerable people)


How do you feel about the people who buy a new iPhone every time they are released? Is that deliberate targetting of vulnerable people?


Can we please just try to get to a point where we don't use "vulnerable people" as a bludgeoning instrument to get what we want. Every single day there is someone getting up on a soap box demanding something then wheeling on a "vulnerable person" and telling everyone who doesn't agree with them that they are hurting Timmy.


I won't be buying the mounts using this delivery method, I don't like it. Anet will need to look at their data and see if this model is worth it and sustainable. Make arguments about customer trust, about reasonable price points, about the structure of the stable but please stop wheeling out a "vulnerable person" to guilt people into obeying you.

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