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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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Here's my honest opinion from playing games with this company for over 10 years. I think this is dirty as 'kitten'.


Most of these mount "skins" should have been given to players as means through the actual Path of Fire expansion. Selling a skin that gives what? 2 new spikes on a Raptor for $5 is the most kittened up thing I have EVER seen in a game. **What the hell are Trade Contracts for then? Why am I saving them up???**


I would legitimately like to talk Mike O'Brien about this whole fiasco to see what HE thinks of this because this whole topic goes deeper than just who is playing GW2 right now.


He wants us to get more people into this game, use word of mouth and make this game great right? He made the post on Reddit a while back. Then why is Arenanet making incompetent decisions like this that make it harder to recommend that people play this game?


You guys are doing exactly what nobody likes or wants with adding more loot boxes that are RNG based with only money in mind. Nobody has EVER said "Wow, I wish this game had more loot boxes.".


I'm *definitely* going to tell my friends that they should play this game and when they get into it and ask about mount skin prices for all of the new ones that it's RNG based and will cost them minimum $100 to get them all. They would quit this immediately.


You guys should definitely be taking a hard look at whoever is in charge of your marketing decisions and gave the **'Okay'** for this to ship because they might not be the best person to be in charge of this kind of thing and if you are that person and you're reading this message. Fuck you.


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So my question is why you (Anet) can't sell these skin individually like all the gliders and outfits in the Gemstore. I can see no other motivator than money, so I would like to know the logic behind this choice. The whales would still have bought all the skins because they are collectors, but you loose a lot of dolphins with this RNG system. Not to mention you are jumping on the loot box bandwagon. If you had sold them individually I would have bought like 3 or 4 for sure, but because they are locked behind RNG loot boxes, I won't be buying a single one.


On another note this goes for the BLTC chests too. Ever since that change where the uncommon rewards were exclusive, account bound items, I should have guess more loot boxes would be on there way. Please consider this change and use it to your advantage. Get rid of loot boxes and use that as an advertisement point. With so many online games abusing loot boxes, it would be nice to see an MMO that didn't do use people's gambling addictions to grab some extra cash.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Hey there,


> I've read every post in this thread, and am keeping an eye on several others, as well. I've noted several areas of general feedback and have shared quotes and suggestion in a community report, which is accessible to everyone at ArenaNet.


> Thank you for sharing your thoughts, concerns, suggestions, and more!




thank you for reading and considering our comments!!


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Kill the RNG. Give us choices, and we will give you money.


Not even two months in, and PoF is in a content drought. Put more rewards behind PoF events that don't have anything enticing as they are, and put less emphasis on gem store lootboxes. Keep in mind that a game that bores its players into taking their business elsewhere makes no money, regardless of how you format your microtransactions.

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As a new-ish player, any and all respect I had for Anet is gone. Thought I'd found the right MMO cause I loved the gameplay, lack of forced grind and monetization scheme, and I was just getting started buying gems, but after this fiasco I'm ashamed of having spent any money at all on GW2, and am uncertain of whether I'll even continue playing.

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> > @BartFargo.9867 said:

> >Yes, everyone is responsible for their own choices, but this kind of deliberate targeting of whales (aka vulnerable people)


> How do you feel about the people who buy a new iPhone every time they are released? Is that deliberate targetting of vulnerable people?


Well, you do get the iPhone you bought and not a box that can contain one of iPhone 8/X, Pixel 2, Samsung S8 or 10 different sub $100 phones. ;)

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Many good points have been brought up already. Mine is the following : Take around 20 skins out of that license and put them in the game. As rewards for bosses, achievements, festivals, whatever the hell comes to your mind. We paid for the expansion, we want something to do in that expansion, achievable mount skins would be a great thing to work (play) for.


We all know what everybody thinks about black lion chests and the rng... How could it cross someone's mind to put more of the same into the game?


And what the hell is up with the prices? 2000 gems for one jackal skin? Where did such a number come from, a random number generator? When I saw it first, I thought it was a typo, then I decided to check out the skin thinking that maybe it was fundamentally different in some way... Nope. It's just another fiery themed skin, not a bad one, but it certainly doesn't cost 2000 gems. I'd price it for around 500-700 gems.


Honestly, I'm kind of lacking the words to explain what I think. I didn't realize that this, seemingly, obvious playerbase opinion was so unclear. I hope this was just some weird miscommunication, I don't want to think that this was just an attempt to milk us for more money, that would be really sad.

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> > @BartFargo.9867 said:

> >Yes, everyone is responsible for their own choices, but this kind of deliberate targeting of whales (aka vulnerable people)


> How do you feel about the people who buy a new iPhone every time they are released? Is that deliberate targetting of vulnerable people?


> Can we please just try to get to a point where we don't use "vulnerable people" as a bludgeoning instrument to get what we want. Every single day there is someone getting up on a soap box demanding something then wheeling on a "vulnerable person" and telling everyone who doesn't agree with them that they are hurting Timmy.


> I won't be buying the mounts using this delivery method, I don't like it. Anet will need to look at their data and see if this model is worth it and sustainable. Make arguments about customer trust, about reasonable price points, about the structure of the stable but please stop wheeling out a "vulnerable person" to guilt people into obeying you.


You deliberately misunderstand--casinos, lootboxes, etc rely on people who are unable to control their impulses buying into them. One more pull, one more roll. It's what makes an already sleazy move even more so, and it's important to acknowledge it. It's also important to point out that while there is a subset of people who are particularly susceptible to these tactics, these methods are designed to tempt EVERYONE, to make MANY people spend more than they normally would. I found myself trying to find a way to justify the purchase (I can afford it, it supports the game, I spend more on coffee every month, etc) before I came to my senses.

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Apologies, I've never had to use the forums all that much so I'm still learning the culture and policies on how anet runs them.


Let me start with my **solution** to this problem: Every week, have a different specific mount in the store along with your stable contract (if you really want to keep it). It looks like you are already doing this, correct me if wrong anet?


I'll simply say I think the RNG elements of the new mounts is a bad direction, one that I see to greater extents from companies I no longer support. Anet has always stood above this by having fairly honest straightforward purchases for cosmetics and convenience. I have gladly put 100s of dollars over the years because I respect this. In fact I regularly cite GW2 as one of the few companies to handle a no-subscription transaction store well. Please maintain your integrity anet.




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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> There are a lot of conversations about the mount adoption option that was [released today](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-reforged-warhound-and-friends-are-looking-for-homes/ "released today"). Many of the comments in the individual threads repeat ones made by the same person in another thread. We very much want to hear your feedback, but have found that a single feedback thread offers the best opportunity for you to share your thoughts and for us to review it in the context of a wider set of feedback.


> So here's a thread into which you're invited to post your thoughts on the subject of the Black Lion Stables Mount Skins.


> Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


I appreciate you putting on your armor and asking for input, knowing you're gonna get royally slagged. I'm flummoxed at how it seems acceptable to put players in a situation where they feel like something they really wanted was given to them in a way that also makes them feel betrayed at the same time. Customer satisfaction, in my opinion, should not be bittersweet.


Here's my feedback:


1) 2k gems for a single skin (that's not even all that great) after you sold 5 skins for the same price (undiscounted) is seriously disheartening to see.


2) When I want to buy something, I want to buy **the thing,** not a *chance* at the thing. Many players already feel that Black Lion chests are a ripoff. To spend my hard-earned money to get only a handful of anything decent and whole ton of useless items... Bitter resentment is NOT the feeling I should be getting from my favorite MMO. By making the licenses account bound, I can't even hope to recoup some of my wasted money with in-game gold.


**POSSIBLE SOLUTION:** Either remove the RNG aspect entirely (and adjust prices accordingly) or allow mount skins (and glider skins for that matter) to be sold via the TP. By "adjust prices accordingly" I mean the fancier skins should cost more. That's fair, no one could reasonably object to that.


Thank you for listening!

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Who would bother buying the non-shiny mount skins when they can just insta-get the most shiniest and most legendary looking ones? No one. You don't need the mount skins. And if you feel like you need it, then buy it. If you don't want to buy it with real money, then farm money to exchange for gold. There is no real life money gambling involved here. How do you entitled people not understand that this game is Free to Play, servers aren't free, staff needs a salary to feed themselves, the ANET building has an electric/water/gas/internet/phone bill on top of what I can only imagine is extremely overpriced Seattle rent.


This thread is full of selfish thinking.

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I would like to play this game and by doing that get some rewards, like armos skins, weapons, mount skins... I do not have a problem with paying for core game and expansions. I also fully understand and support the need for gem store. BUT... typing in my credit card information is not really an engaging experiance.

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> @Iridium.6385 said:

> Many good points have been brought up already. Mine is the following : Take around 20 skins out of that license and put them in the game. As rewards for bosses, achievements, festivals, whatever the hell comes to your mind. We paid for the expansion, we want something to do in that expansion, achievable mount skins would be a great thing to work (play) for.


> We all know what everybody thinks about black lion chests and the rng... How could it cross someone's mind to put more of the same into the game?


> And what the hell is up with the prices? 2000 gems for one jackal skin? Where did such a number come from, a random number generator? When I saw it first, I thought it was a typo, then I decided to check out the skin thinking that maybe it was fundamentally different in some way... Nope. It's just another fiery themed skin, not a bad one, but it certainly doesn't cost 2000 gems. I'd price it for around 500-700 gems.


> Honestly, I'm kind of lacking the words to explain what I think. I didn't realize that this, seemingly, obvious playerbase opinion was so unclear. I hope this was just some weird miscommunication, I don't want to think that this was just an attempt to milk us for more money, that would be really sad.


TBH I agree that the Reforged Jackal skin is also way overpriced. Like, if it's an outfit you can wear it all the time with any character from any race. If it's a mount skin? you may be using it from time to time in your travels (it's not even the fastest or most useful mount in the game either).


700 Gems might be too cheap, but when you consider that's what outfits cost and you're always using it 2000 is mind-numbingly expensive. It even feels like they gave all this RNG blowback so that we would complain about the 400 gem skins and not the, let's say, 1000 gem skins being sold for twice the price.


It does feel like they are preying on the market/consumers because there is high demand for this and so far no skin you can get in-game. Price points are definitely not worth it as they are right now. And this is coming from someone who has time and time again bought gems and the Deluxe version of the expansions and really loved supporting the ANet.

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I love that there are a great variety of skins from the drab to the sublimely ridiculous. This caters both to people who don't want mounts with flames shooting from their butts at all times and for those who do. However it doesn't at all help either type of taste because you might get technicolor aura vomit if you just wanted a neat pattern with dye channels and vice versa. It cannot really make anyone happy. I go to the gem store to get myself a small treat. $10-15 for a glider or outfit set here and there is something nice but $5 for something that I might not use or that goes to a lesser used mount randomly is less of a treat and makes me feel cheated. $5 for something I choose I would probably start collecting over the next year or so and is a fair value.

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> As a new-ish player, any and all respect I had for Anet is gone. Thought I'd found the right MMO cause I loved the gameplay, lack of forced grind and monetization scheme, and I was just getting started buying gems, but after this fiasco I'm ashamed of having spent any money at all on GW2, and am uncertain of whether I'll even continue playing.

Many people are taking this situation and seem to be acting very gravely and immediately. Personally, I would recommend letting ANet get the feedback and then waiting to see if they make an adjustment before losing respect and leaving. They may have just made a misstep; they also may have been ramping up to this point, seeing what they could get away with, adding more RNG to Gem Store stuff. We can't know for sure. But I say give them a chance to make things right, otherwise you can leave. Also, be wary of future happenings to make sure they are learning. If you have been watching them for a while and feel that this is the last straw (rather than the first), then I can't stop you, and it may be perfectly fair for you to feel how you do.


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I am an end-game player. You need to keep me in the game. Which means, you have to keep things exciting for me. Put a carrot at the end of the stick. Like legendary armors, weapons, unique infusions. I will keep playing the game to get those shiny things. I will even buy the expansions you throw at me. Just to get more carrots.


Oh look at that, a new expansion, PoF!

I finish the whole thing in a week. Opened all the elite specs for my characters. What's next? Challenging end-game content with shiny rewards? Yes, that would do!

What did we get in this expansion? Mounts! So.. rare mount skins maybe? From raids and fractals.. maybe?!!!! Oh god! How exciting!




Anet puts them in the gem store.



Ok, stay calm, they have to make money too. I will buy the skins I want the most and be happy. They will eventually add some skins that are only obtainable by participating end game content right? Like raids. When the time comes.. right? They did that for gliders.. right?




What were they thinking?


Rookie mistake, it was their first expansion after all. They will probably do justice for the mount skins this time. I mean it's a huge deal. It's the biggest selling point for the PoF! Last time, they added legendary armors to the game, as.. you know, the carrot (1.5 years after the expansion, "Not that I'm saying you suck.." -RB). Maybe this time, it's the legendary mount skins!



We don't know that?

They don't tell us?

Why would they do that?

Ok.. never mind. I'm just gonna buy the skin I want for now and hope for the best in the future.





Why are you looking at me like this?


Come again...


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I don't mind Anet's system of the stables. I'm interested in some of the skins, but I won't get them, cause I'm working on other ig projects. What I don't get is why ppl now start to bitch about a system, that offers a semi RNG based style, I mean u get a new skin no matter what. BLC chests are in the game since release and have far worse loot, have ppl actually played in the last 5 years? Or what about the Mystic Toilette? I'm sure there are thousands of players that drowned their money there!


1. They are a guaranteed new skin every licence!

2. They are just cosmetics, optional.

3. They give a long term goal to farm gold! Yes, gold can be exchanged, about 90g I think, that's maybe a week of casual farming... But sadly many ppl just tend to go for a fast instant reward (and a week later they cry for something to work towards).

4. I read the argument, that there are only few nice skins while the rest is just crap. Hey, guess what? Taste is subjective! I had a discussion yesterday in guild chat about a particular skin, most liked because it's fancy and shiny, but few ppl actually didn't like it at all.


So ANet, u get my *Thumps up*!

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As I see it I think the community was ready to pay for mount skins, I do not believe we should have received them in the form of rng boxes. If you are guaranteed a non duplicate why even distribute them in the form of loot boxes... All these skins at once is very frustrating to me, 31 skins? and Im finding it hard to understand why you couldn't put 5-8 of those crayola skins in gameplay by way of achieves or events... I say scrap the loot boxes, offer skins at a base price and sure you can bundle a few (5 tops) at a discount according to its theme. But allow people to buy what they want, or earn them by way of grind and exchange gold for gems for the item they WANT, not RNG. BLC are already a thing we dont need to be expected to gamble all the time with content. With that said no one in the community should be threatening or harassing devs over these issues. Lets all act like humans beings and give our feedback in a constructive way. Im sure allot of you have very strong opinions and that shows you care about guild wars 2. but blanketing your anger to Anet is reckless and guarantees your opinion wont be heard. Happy gaming everyone and see you in the desert!

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> @Turk.5460 said:

> Who would bother buying the non-shiny mount skins when they can just insta-get the most shiniest and most legendary looking ones? No one. You don't need the mount skins. And if you feel like you need it, then buy it. If you don't want to buy it with real money, then farm money to exchange for gold. There is no real life money gambling involved here. How do you entitled people not understand that this game is Free to Play, servers aren't free, staff needs a salary to feed themselves, the ANET building has an electric/water/gas/internet/phone bill on top of what I can only imagine is extremely overpriced Seattle rent.


> This thread is full of selfish thinking.


Like, I agree that the concept of loot boxes is that you can create a wide range of content and have everyone be a consumer for all the content whether it's their cup of tea or not. But you can still achieve the exactly same thing if you could choose which Mount you're rolling the skin for.

You could try to go for your favorite Griffon skin and have to pay 3 to 4 Mount Adoptions to get it, but you'd still only get it for the mount that was relevant to you.

And you'd still consume/buy the 2 other that are lame or you don't like.

The problem is having to buy 12 to get the one you like, you know? For the mount you use.


The Jackal is only useful in certain points on the maps of the expansion, why in hell would I buy a skin for 2000 gems for it?

Why would I have to get 3 skins for Raptor, even if it's the best raptor skin ever, if I really don't like it?


I'm not against RNG vouchers for the skins, but each mount is entirely different. If I don't like one I don't see why I should be paying for it' skins.

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