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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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I would much rather spend 800 or even 1000 gems on a skin I want, rather than 400 gems to most likely get I skin I will dislike. Anet definitely won't be getting 400 gems from me for a random skin. It's seems that the entire gaming community is on the same boat so I don't understand why they would do this when no one has any interest in it.

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**How I feel about RNG**

The old state of black lion chests were fine. There were some convenience items in there like the make over kits, hair contracts, bonfires, and even the permanent contracts. Even the fact that I needed the black lion tickets were not a completely crazy thing either because I could turn over a profit on these because the skins can be found in the trading post.


The black lion chests that you have now have unique skins for the glider, backpack, and weapons that can only be acquired through an rng method. RNG isn't completely bad, but I cannot even sell these items on the TP. Instead I am forced to get a wardrobe unlock whereas I could of made a profit in gold. Peeved me a bit, but I got over it.


State of now versus a few weeks ago. For the Halloween event, you gave us a discounted bundle of 5 skins for 1600 gems versus a 2000 gems for what will be the future price of the halloween pack. Okay neat. That is 400 gems a skin. I wish I could of bought just the jackal and the raptor skin, but okay that's not too bad. But now, there are skins that you have released (a total of 30 all at once) that I cannot even choose what I want. I have to pay $100 bucks to get the whole set. Looking at the price, that is 320 gems a skin that I may not even want. I would essentially have to pay about $120 USD to just get the skin I wanted if I had horrible RNG.


**Skins in general**

This is a problem. Instead of me spending $25 USD on skins I want, I am electing to spend none. I would like to buy a few skins for friend, but even the contracts to purchase the mounts are not giftable. I just don't want to spend money on gambling anymore Anet. I want to support you guys, but I don't want to be your whale anymore. On top of that, some of your epic skins should be available from doing stuff in the game as achievements, so people could be in awe. For example the celestial skins the Griffon and Jackal been a fractal reward for folks who do the T4 challenge motes religiously.


Please fix how you conduct your business, I want to give you my money, but not in the way you are wanting it.



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I haven't bought any yet (financial situation tanked 2 days before the release), but I did pick up the new standalone one. I actually don't mind this system, since while it is RNG, there are no duplicates. Now, before anyone bites my head off, let me just say that loot boxes in the traditional sense have been in all of the games that I've played previously-played primarily SK-based MMOs, and those suck up money more than ~~my character inhales food~~a vacuum cleaner.

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This forced mountskinbundle or gamble leaves a very bad taste because of:

- Anet was pretty fair in the past with the gemshop, gambling wasnt a big deal besides BL chests and dyebundles.

- an expansion lacking endgame, some of the low effort reskins would have been a great goal for farming pof.

- the original mounts only have 1 dyechannel, so all mounts look almost the same on all your characters - pretty boring.

- so you are "forced" to buy any kind of mountskin, be honest - you wouldnt play gw2 if you didnt care about the looks

- we already had a bundle of mountskins which was pretty expensive because

- not every mountskin is worth the same, most people would buy only griphon and raptor/jackal because thats what they use most

- most skins for the gimmick mounts bungoatguru/skimmer wouldnt sell for even 200gems

- the chance of getting the one you want is too low


Please dont follow the dark path of milking every penny out of your customers.

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Originally (around launch time) when Anet hired a monetization-wizard (or rather witch) of Nexon fame a lot of concern was voiced. This has been one of the few rare cases where expectations were actually met and perhaps surpassed by Anet.

When my favourite game introduced paid RNG-boxes my monthly spending dropped from an average €18 to a clean 0. Those whales must be really tasty :)

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I succumbed and bought the Halloween Mount Skin Pack. It was $20, which is a little expensive, but it was for 5 skins. Each skin had 4 dye channels, even if only two of them really stood out. I liked the look the skeleton designs on the mounts.


Now when it comes to the Mount Adoption cash shop item. It's 400 gems ($5 right?) each, and there are 30 different ones to randomly collect. Although I saw a few that looked cool, I don't have any plans to purchase any because I don't like RNG. I feel like if I'm spending actual money -- because most players don't have the gold to convert into gems -- I want to know exactly what I'm getting and already be happy with the purchase. RNG cash shop items is the antithesis of that.


I'm cool with 'themed sets' for mount skins. I'm sure ya'll will put out a Wintersday set, and I might succumb and buy that too. But like randomly adding random designs doesn't excite me as much. Like the Jackal skin that was added (for $20 might I add -- way too expensive). Other than it looking cool, why am I compelled to purchase it? See the difference between random glider skins and random mount skins is that if you get that cool arcane looking Raptor skin, you want a cool arcane version for your Hare and your other mounts. With a glider, all you need is that one skin, and a lot of the time, you don't even need a matching back piece. (see: meteor)


I also think having Griffon skins drop without checking to see if the player has unlocked the Griffon is pretty rude. I mean you purposefully put in a 250 gold sink to get the Griffon. I personally had to buy gems to convert into gold in order to purchase the Griffon. So someone spends some money on the Mount Adoption and gets a cool Griffon skin but can't use it and is then forced to probably spend more money to buy gems in order to purchase the Griffon. Not nice.


The gold sink for the Griffon was a stupid move too by the way. You could have put more achievements/collections into the system, instead you chose the laziest option.


People will burn out on Mount Skins though. And I think Mount Adoption hurt you in the long run. Because you could have sold a Flaming set of skins down the road, but you can get Flaming skins from this. You could have sold a Celestial set, but you can get some in this stuff. It makes me think ya'll had some skins ready but not others and decided to just lump them all together into a RNG piece of mess and hope people throw away their money. Some people will, and I'm sure you've made plenty of money on Mount skins already. But it wasn't the courteous thing to do. It was speaking from the wallet more than from the heart (or brain imho).


So those are my honest thoughts on the mount skins so far. The halloween set was a big success in my opinion. The mount adoption idea was poorly thought out, likely rushed, and will probably turn a lot of players away from the cash shop all together. You win some, you lose some.

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I just registered this thing here to give my 2 cents on the matter.


Dear Anet devs,


I am a long time player of GW2. Loved the game since Beta and have religiously followed the developement and growth of the title. I have wept over the loss of dungeons and smiled with the biggest grin first time I was in Raids. I have love this community and always I felt that every decision you devs made in the end was one that you made for us, the players. We may not like every single one, not every one might even be the right decision in the end but they were always made with the best intentions.


I have seen the numbers and I was concerned for the game after the big slump post HoT. I was hoping mount skins would finaly bring you guys the bottom line you deserve, I was overjoyed to pay money for them and I had my wallet ready for a fire themed griffon ever since I first got that amazing mount. But I did not expect this.


Loot Boxes are to me and I believe to many others a sign of total anti-consumerism. The worst of the worst. A predatory, underhanded way to exploit human weakness and even gambling addiction. I shudder when I think that my favorite example of how to do it right has sunk this low. I refuse to pay money for these skinseven though I love half of these and I really have the itch to push my luck.


But what is a fun joke with Myst forge and ecto gambling is now bitter reality in these mount adoption contracts. Enough is enough. Let me pay you between 5 and 20 bucks for these skins and I will happiely throw like 60$ at you just because I feel like you deserve it but try to pry my wallet open with these and I will stop playing the game.


I trust you will make the right decision in the end, as you always did.

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Loot Boxes aren't a bad thing, if you ask me.


I mean it's fun to gamble and you help out ArenaNet so we can get Wing 5. ;)


It's also unfair to flame about loot boxes, if they are common/ok in other games, while this gem of a game gives you free content in form of living world.


It doesn't even have any impact on the gameplay, so what's the problem? You can still get it with gold, so it's not locked behind any paywalls.



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Okay so like... despite the fact that you shouldn't have even _gone_ the Lootbox route to begin with... (_like seriously have the people who make the decisions at your company EVEN been paying any attention to the amount of flack lootbox systems in recent games have been getting?_) The _least_ you guys could have done -- the _absolute bare freaking minimum_ -- to counterbalance the bad taste people get in their mouths from roulette systems like this... is to _allow players to select with mount-TYPE they wanna buy a skin for_. Like, I don't want a Skimmer or Springer skin (nor a griffon skin cuz I don't have it and don't intend to ever get it becuz im not in a position to blow 250g), I really only care about Raptor and Jackal skins. And I _know_ that there are plenty of people who share my sentiments.

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I am sick and tired of lootboxes and gambling in video games, and the disgraceful devs trying to milk every last penny from people they see only as whales and dolphins by phsycological manipulation. And the fact, that the developer I had some trust into gave up to this anti-consumer practises makes me very sad. Anet, do the right thing and remove all this fallacy from your game. You did it right unlill now: trading exact skins for exact amount of money (gems). You can do it right once again.

But untill then I will boycott your gem store entirelly (including exchanging gold for gems) and advice my friends to do the same, sorry. Lootboxes are the plague of video industry and should be stopped.

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I'm not incredibly impressed. I feel like it's disingenuous to handle this through random distribution (Or, random with a guarantee of no dupes) when we'd all get a much more satisfying experience by allowing mount recolours/additional dye patterns through achievements, collections and regular play, and additional models/effects/markup through the gem store.


I still bought three (one as a gift) but I'd be much happier if I didn't get a gryphon... that I can't use yet.

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Just adding my wood to this fire. I think this system is absolutely stupid. This is absolute exploitation and the exact reason we are seeing so many different games nowadays getting blasted for it. Shadow of War took big hits for this look box garbage and battlefront 2 is also getting slammed for it. This practice is absolutely toxic for gaming as a whole. I will make sure to not buy any gems with $ because of this. Anet I thought you were better than this.

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I really dislike the whole gambling aspect that slowly slips into the game. I really liked Guild Wars 2 for the simplicity of paying for that what you wanted. Locking skins behind RNG based boxes/chests is by far the worst decision made by ArenaNet in my opinion. I'd much rather see a new tab 'Mounts' in the gemstore with all the skins and upcoming ones. Same goes for BLC rewards, unique skins that require you to again, pay and hope.. Yes, there will always be people paying for it, but I believe they'll lose a whole lot more players than keeping them if this is the new path they're walking on.

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> @rikilamaru.5842 said:

> beet me to it lol


As long as it gets out there, eh?


If you have a YouTube account, feel free to leave a comment. I personally did as it allowed me to be a bit more... _colourful_... in my feedback than I would on the clean and neat official GW2 forums, heh. Venting feels good.

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I think the main dig here isn't that its a lootbox -- we already have loot boxes in this game. It is however, entirely in the TIMING. Right now, even the screw-loose gaming press who couldn't be further out of touch if they lived on Pluto, are turning on Loot Boxes -- it was a TERRIBLE idea to introduce one right now, especially for a mechanic that people were giving you unbridled praise for. Even worse is that the majority of the skins are minor changes on the base skins.


If there's a solution here, (and I doubt this will be heard, because even I've spent a good 15 bucks on this already), its to pull it out, and put skin sets into the game either along lines of Theme, or along Mount. You need to minimize the RNG majorly, because right now its reaching a boiling point with players.


For the time being, just avoid this entirely, go back to Outfits, Weapon Skins, (Armor Skins maybe), items that might cost more, but have guaranteed items behind them, and stick with that until this Lootbox issue dies off.

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