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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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Konig Des Todes.2086 has the right idea.


I think that, going forward at least, you should give us the option to either RNG the skins for cheaper, RNG the skins from a smaller pool (by mount type) for a slightly larger price, and then finally sell a token in the gem store that will allow us to "use" the contract to select a skin.


If I had the option to not-RNG skins, I would actually spend more money over time on just the current skins that are available. I am interested in buying around 13 skins, both for myself and friends. I just don't want to gift my friends a contract and have them receive a skin they hate, it devalues the gift itself.


Imagine getting a skin from your friend and learning that their well-spent money got you the ugliest skin in the book. (For me, that would be the Fire Pinion) It's just a waste. I would never go to a restaurant and accept a deal where if I gave them $1 I would get a random item off of their menu when I could just spend $5 on an item that I want.


All we have to do is look at who at Anet/NCSoft has a paycheck that is directly reflects GW2's profits to find out who's idea this was.

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I simply wanted skins. Overall I think the price should be lower to black lion key if it RNG. If not maybe make loot boxes like Duffy said which is. Put all rabbits in their own box. Put all raptor's in their own box and so on.

But I would be dis-please if I get refunded my gems for something I did want and paid for. I don't like outfits and a lot of other things, but I'm not forcing or whining about you guys refund or stop selling those said items.

This is double edge sword when BLC should be re-looked at then too.

Then gem store as whole etc.


As a person who bought $20 gems. Then plus gifted 2 to friends. Overall I'm good. I was just happy to have 4 dye slot channels on my raptor instead of one. Who knew some people it's the simple things that win them over haha.

I do think ANet needs look into price change though. Maybe have a better system or P.R. to express what coming into gem store. What is % of said items what is my dollar value going towards?

Plus it really upset me to see people tell devs to "Kys" when they didn't even work on said items or area. Like what....?? At the end of the day this is a digital world it can easily be shut down with a switch. All the money I spent on GW1 to GW2. It would mean nothing so quick.

Or told how to spend my money that I'm part of the issue. Hello...we all are then. ANYTHING thing a person buys is from gem store to endless tools, kits. Want talk RNG what about dye packs. I shouldn't be told how spend my hard earn money. If not hard earn gold. At the end the day. Big time when not all us came in mindset of I'm here to GAMBLE AND GET LUCKY BOIS!

I came legit to get some skins ugly or not. I WAS happy just to have 4 slots. BECAUSE that all I wanted from day 1 of PoF.

I hope next box or any mounts you guys do.. next time. Do your research for a fair price so this doesn't upset a bunch, folks. Because at the end of the day price/rng of it was a bit over top.




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Alternative solution: keep the 400gem mount raffle and add the "choose mount" option for 600gems. You save money per skin if you take the random option, but you still have the opportunity to choose only the ones you want.


For the 2k gem mount, that one I have no solution other than 2k gems for 1 non-bundled skin is ridiculous. I know more work probably went into this one than the others, but either bundle it with similar skins for each mount or drop the price. I happily bought the spooky mounts at the same price, but that was for 5 of them

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> @Hezkore.9568 said:

> The Black Lion Chests are very much random, people seem fine with those.


Then you're not really paying attention. The specific problem most people have with the BLC is exactly the RNG factor of skins that are otherwise unobtainable. Same as the mount adoption scheme.


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The only thing I've been doing in the game since finishing PoF story is making money waiting for mount skins. Spooky mounts were added, but although the price tag of 400 per skin was okay for me, I only wanted 2 skins, not all 5, so I refrained from buying them disappointed that they decided to go with a bundle instead of individual skins. So I went back to waiting, just to get the news that individual mount skins are now 2000 gems, with an option for RNG skin for the old price tag of 400 gems.


I haven't logged into the game since yesterday, I probably won't play until they remove the RNG from the 400 gems skins, I have no reason to play for RNG lootboxes.

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Lets be real, there's a place for RNG-based cosmetics (and most of the RNG based stuff for that matter) called the Black Lion Chest, that said, the price of thoose skins is fine, the RNG factor isn't, for me, out of all the 30 skins i (kinda) like 8, as a costumer I won't buy any just because the chances are ridiculous, and the only way to bypass the rng is buying the whole thing, leaving me with 22 cosmetics i don't like for a HUGE amount of money. The lootbox would be fine if like many players said there was a realistic way to bypass the random factor, like "choose a skin tickets". As i said, i'd buy 8 of thoose 30 skins... with this rng system i won't buy any.

About the Jackal skin, seriously, I'm gonna be honest here, when i read the patch notes and saw Warhound skin for 2000gems i thought it was a pack of skins, then i realise its a single skin for 2k gems, are you out of your mind? how can you justify selling a single skin for the same amount as a 5-skin pack release weeks prior? It just doesnt make any sense, it's completly insane, single mount skins should go for 500 gems, i dont think players will buy if you go over that.

Now, what i'd really like to see here is, remove the rng factor, the price is fine, but leave the rng stuff for the old lootbox we all love to hate, called Black Lion Chest.

And decrease the price of the warhound skin, i wonder how many you sold at that price lol.


EDIT: Also, I do think you handled the halloween skins perfectly, was just missing the option to buy "singles" out of the pack, but overall it was perfection compared to this madness RNG-lootbox and 2k jackal skin.

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Let's be honest in 30 mount's that they added we are all looking to get 10 mount's that we like , coz other 20 are more or less the same as regular mount's.I dont want to pay 120 $ to get all of them since i rly want only those 10 , and i dont want to gamble because i will pay even more true gambling proces.Those who say it's just cosmetic , no it's not.

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Honestly would be completely fine with this, so long as you guys are transparent with how the mount skins money was used.

If it funded a better code base and dx12/vulkan, that would be amazing and id be all for it.


However, I would be more ok with the mount contracts being seperate so if someone wants all of one particular mount, its only $5 more than say a mount on the wow store. Maybe even make it so a portion goes to a charity from a list.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Sorry for the delay. Things went a little weird and I thought I had a disappearing thread here. All should be fine now.


> As far as whether we need more feedback: As long as players want to offer their thoughts, we want to read them. I have already submitted a detailed report on the feedback, including many areas of concern, individual and aggregate suggestions, and much more. I've also had conversations on the topic, as well. So this is "in the system" so to speak, but anyone else who wants to share their thoughts is more than welcome to do so!


Thank you, Gaile. It goes without saying that this feedback is appreciated. It can't be easy reading through these 38 pages, in terms of volume let alone content. Fingers crossed for a speedy resolution.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Sorry for the delay. Things went a little weird and I thought I had a disappearing thread here. All should be fine now.


> As far as whether we need more feedback: As long as players want to offer their thoughts, we want to read them. I have already submitted a detailed report on the feedback, including many areas of concern, individual and aggregate suggestions, and much more. I've also had conversations on the topic, as well. So this is "in the system" so to speak, but anyone else who wants to share their thoughts is more than welcome to do so!


When can we expect an official announcement on this? I want to get back to playing the best mmo ever made, but I can't do that until something is done about this.

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> @Quarktastic.1027 said:

> > @Menadena.7482 said:

> > > @Nile.5614 said:

> > > Here's the real way to "fix" this, or at least make it less of a sting to people that don't want a large pool chance.

> > > Because I doubt the RNG aspect is going to be removed, it's just kinda how these things work nowadays.

> > > Why aren't these being treated like gemstore dye kits?

> > >

> > > 1. Purchase a Mount Adoption License.

> > > 2. Double-click to use the item once purchased.

> > > 3. Select from a prompt window of what type of mount you'd rather adopt: Raptor, Springer, Skimmer, Jackal, Griffon.

> > > 4. Now the RNG is restricted to only ONE type of mount.

> > > 5. This makes targeting easier. This makes people happier with the concept. It makes it less painful and less obviously exploitative.

> > >

> > > EDIT:

> > > And one more thing. The "natural" mount skins should be just obtainable in game. The special ones, like Pyroclast for the Jackal or any of the "magical" ones? Those probably can stay where they are.

> > >

> >

> > There would still be problems but it would solve a biggie. Right now this can 'give' you a skin for a mount you did not have. So if you never intend to get the griffon but unlock a griffon skin that is 400 gems up in smoke.


> Honestly, if you don't have the griffon, you should convert that 400 gems to gold and put it toward getting the griffon instead of gambling on mount skins.


What ever happened to 'play your own way", since when is the griffon mandatory? Many who have it say the exact opposite. Whatev, that is getting off-topic. The point is it is possible to get a skin you can not use. Unlike other content, if you do not have HOT you can not buy a glider.

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I don't like the RNG side of things..hence why I'm not going to buy any despite some looking sweeet.


What I am more annoyed at is.. you made 30 mounts.. and none..zero...0 went into the actual game as rewards... not 10, not 5.. not even 1.. all... could you not put any into the game... really?

It hurts Anet.. It blows my mind...

That's all I gotta say really...Night :disappointed:

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I don't post on the forums ever, but I've been playing the game for 3-4 years now, and I'm just hopping in to throw in my two cents. There's not much that I can say that will be new, but I personally am the exact sort of person these business practices exploit. I disliked it when it was exclusive items in Black Lion Chests. But as mount skins were something that I, as well as many others, were looking forward to, this just feels... low. As someone with a highly addictive personality, it's tough to hold myself back from these sorts of things when I want something out of them. I even rushed without thinking to sell off a bunch of mats just to buy one, and I feel incredibly ashamed. I know this is still my fault, but it takes a lot of self control to stop myself from buying into these systems, and leaves me feeling personally targeted and exploited.


I would be absolutely fine, and certainly purchase them myself if the price was raised per skin (more in line with gliders), but we could buy them individually. I would even be a bit more okay with this if the mount skins you got from the Adoption were sell-able on the TP, much like the Black Lion weapon skins. But as it stands, I cannot approve of this decision, and I feel it is disrespectful and exploitative to your player base.


All in all, I just feel incredibly disappointed in this move to further capitalize on an exploitative business practice. I've been incredibly generous with gem purchases in recent memory due to just how satisfied I have been with the quality of content that's been put out. I've ADORED LS3 and PoF. But if this points to how this game's monetization is going to be handled in the future, I'm incredibly reluctant to spend any more money on gems, as well as continue recommending the game to others, as I have for so long.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Sorry for the delay. Things went a little weird and I thought I had a disappearing thread here. All should be fine now.


> As far as whether we need more feedback: As long as players want to offer their thoughts, we want to read them. I have already submitted a detailed report on the feedback, including many areas of concern, individual and aggregate suggestions, and much more. I've also had conversations on the topic, as well. So this is "in the system" so to speak, but anyone else who wants to share their thoughts is more than welcome to do so!


Will we get acknowledgement or will you guys just shrug it off?

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I don’t post much, but this has got me so annoyed. To the people who are defending this type of RNG delivery method for mount skins I ask you this: In how many other areas of your life would you be willing to put up with this? Would you buy a car not knowing which one they will ultimately give you? Are you OK buying EVERY car on the lot, just in hopes of getting the one that you actually like? And after buying all of those cars, would it then be reasonable to justify your purchase by saying, “Well, I guess the dealership has to make its money somehow.” This is WRONG, and I guarantee you you would not put up with this sort of thing in almost any other consumer environment.


As many have already said, this could have been avoided by just allowing people to buy the skins that they wanted.

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I like most of the designs for the new mount skins. But I never liked spending my money on things that are luck-based. I play this game since release and I never cared buying black lion keys. But this time I could not resist, even if I hate this way of selling the skins. I bought 13 tickets. And I highly regret it. Not because I got only "bad" skins ( I got 3 that I like), but I feel robbed and I hate myself for spending money on 10 skins that I will most likely never use.

I would pay 600 or 700 gems for a nice mount skin with a fresher look or nice particle effects. 400gems for a recolor skin would be okay. Maybe 1000k gems if the skin is really really outstanding or different from the original - like the Reforged Warhound Jackal.

And please let me choose which one I can buy.

I'm not a player that buys gems that often, but I'm willing to pay for good looking or super useful stuff for a fair price. And I always buy the ultimate addon editions, because I like this game way too much, so that's the least I can do.

Fashion Wars, as silly as it may seem, is also a huge huge part of the endgame - especially in GW2. And now mounts are a part of it.

I hope that the way of selling mount skins will be reconsidered and changed.

And I hope, that there will be a way for people, who already spend money on the rng-method, to get their gems back (not the money). So that we can just re-buy the skins that we want.

~sincerely, a 5 years GW2 player

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Sorry for the delay. Things went a little weird and I thought I had a disappearing thread here. All should be fine now.


> As far as whether we need more feedback: As long as players want to offer their thoughts, we want to read them. I have already submitted a detailed report on the feedback, including many areas of concern, individual and aggregate suggestions, and much more. I've also had conversations on the topic, as well. So this is "in the system" so to speak, but anyone else who wants to share their thoughts is more than welcome to do so!


Given how much this has blown up and in the interest of transparency, perhaps you would consider posting your report here for all those concerned to see? It might go a way to let those concerned know what has been submitted to Anet for review.

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My only addition if it has not already been said in this now 40 page mega thread is


I'd like the content to be a part of the game, not the gem store. Glider's suffered the same fate and it's time to rethink having so many artist dedicated to the gemstore team and perhaps dedicate some of them to meaningful long-term in game rewards.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Sorry for the delay. Things went a little weird and I thought I had a disappearing thread here. All should be fine now.


> As far as whether we need more feedback: As long as players want to offer their thoughts, we want to read them. I have already submitted a detailed report on the feedback, including many areas of concern, individual and aggregate suggestions, and much more. I've also had conversations on the topic, as well. So this is "in the system" so to speak, but anyone else who wants to share their thoughts is more than welcome to do so!


I'm glad you guys are taking these complaints seriously... If you intend to make it less RNG or more direct, any chance you can throw a bone to those of us that have buyers remorse?


It was really disheartening to spend a large sum of money and lose on the "gamble" so to speak. I would have spent 2k gems just on a griffon stable area if it meant I could end up with the mount I wanted, but instead I spent 4k gems on mount skins I'll never use because they are mounts that I do not use.


Just for clarity: I would have directly bought the Fire Griffon or Star Griffon for 2000 gems if it was released like the Forged Warhound.

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