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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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After purchasing the adoption ticket I thought I would try my luck to see what I could end up getting. To my disappointment it ended up with myself unlocking a griffon skin which I can not access due to having not obtained the griffon . While it perhaps it could give me a little more drive to get the griffon mount I feel a little cheated out of 400 gems and having a locked barrier to getting use of the skin. Could you perhaps do it so that we can unlock skins to the mounts we only have unlocked?

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> @joshc.3129 said:

> To sum up 40 pages "Anet you gone and fudge up big time with this thinking people will be willing to pay over $100 for a "chance" to get 1 or 2 or 3 skins they actually want!"


Not quite true. It's that much for all 30, but it's *only* $5 for that chance of 1 skin. Perhaps semantics, but at least get it right. :)

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I know there are 40 pages already. But...


I bought two skins and love them. Got one raptor and one springer. Four dye channels is awesome! My mounts look fabulous. I admit, I even kind of liked the suspense of seeing which it would be!


But now I am afraid to buy more because I really don't feel a need for more than one new raptor or springer style. For me, gems are bought with real money which I can't afford to throw away carelessly. Buying updates and in-game toys is barely permissible. Gambling is off limits.


There are people in my guild who hesitate even to buy one in case they are throwing money away on a design they don't like, and definitely don't want to risk buying multiple skins for the same mount.


As others have said, even if you can't choose the skin you get, PLEASE let people choose which mount it is for. I could buy at least one for each mount that way, and I am certain others would, too.


But under the current situation, I think I will stick with what I have. I can find much better uses for $5 than hoping NOT to score a superfluous springer skin.


Your choices seem to be: cater to the gotta-collect-em-all types with lots of throwaway gems and hope everyone else gambles, or offer something people want to buy. The rich collectors will buy everything anyway. It seems to me that the choice is clear.

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My feedback would be making the skins cost gold in game (around the same amount as 400 gems) and lessening the RNG aspect. Anet would still make money from people buying gems to get gold, and it'll be viewed as an in-game item over a cash shop item since it costs gold instead of gems. To me, as someone who doesn't care about legendary's, there isn't any content that I want to sink gold/money into outside of ascended armor.

In terms of lessening the RNG aspect I think having a low cost (400 gems) random and a high cost (600/800 gems) in which you can choose the mount is the best choice, since people that want all the mounts can buy the low cost random, and people who want a single mount can pay slightly more for no RNG.

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I admit, I did buy a good chunk of the mounts. I had a good chunk of gems sitting around collecting dust, and I dumped them all on this, I did get the mounts I wanted.


However, that was about 8000 gems. I am not entirely happy about that. I know it's probably too late to easily remove the rng vouchers entirely, but perhaps a nice compromise is in order?


How about keeping the rng but have the mounts on a cycle for sale directly in the bl gem store? Maybe on a rotation? Every couple weeks one mount of each type goes up for sale for 800 gems or so (price to be decided by you guys of course, just an example). People who want to be patient can still be guaranteed get the one they want for a small premium with a little patience, potentially keeping a player on the fence about continuing playing ingame because they don't wanna miss the mount they want. While other folks who wanna take their chances, or the gambling types, can still try for they want for the 400 gems with a voucher.


Trying to be a bit more reasonable and less hyperbolic than most of the posts I read so far and offer a solution. Sounds like a win win for both sides to me, how bout you all? I mean seriously, the current implementation has pissed off Jim Sterling, and a lot of people agree with Jim Sterling.

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I don't like nothing the new system, the 2k mount is abussive, but I can understand. Which I don't understand its 30 new mounts under RNG for 400 gems each one. In an extreme case, I can understand the RNG If you would divided the licenses in 5, one for each mount with it respectives 5 mounts, that would cost 2k gems max. to get what you want, but man, if I only want a griffon, I can't spend more than 100€ or insane gold quantities just for one.


And I would really like that you introduces some mounts skins as content reward, one for fractals (with a large collection or challenges maybe), other for pvp... and overall an exotic mount skins with a %drop from the final boss of the new raid wing (also exchangeable for magnetite shards (3-5k for example). The starbound / phoenix griffon it would have been a great reward for that.

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If needed be make the skins more expensive but let us pick, NO RNG. I bought a random one today and mine was not too bad but not what I wanted, my boyfriend got one with just more dye channels and it left us disappointed , considering there were so many great skins possible. Currently I regret buying it because this system is just a bad idea and left us both unhappy while we paid real life money. I don't have the luxury to pay so much just to get a skin I really want.

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This feels like a Boa Constrictor killing its prey.... (us being the prey and Anet being the Boa...) they have us wrapped up, and every time we breathe they get a little tighter... a little more tighter.... until you just cant inhale anymore... We keep offering alternatives that still cost us money in the hopes the snake will loosen its grip momentarily.... but it is folly... we will die in the end. Why do we slowly kill ourselves by offering these useless alternatives that lead to the eventuality of what we so desperately despise right now?

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Who in the world is making these decisions? Abandon sPvP and WvW.. Check, Make the weekly Outfit gem store skin 100x better looking that 90% of the non-gem armor sets.. Check.. , and now Loot boxes? only attainable by gems????????? This is worse than overwatch, atleast you get a decent amount of loot boxes just by playing the game. anyway... i know what box I'm check marking tonight!... UNINSTALL? CHECK.

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My statement, for the record.


With the Holiday season approaching and having some spare cash for the first time in a long time, I was getting ready to treat myself to a gem purchase. With yesterday's introduction of the mount adoption license, ArenaNet will no longer see a single penny from me until they backtrack the line they have egregiously crossed.


While I've never been a fan of the BLC's, they are at least 'fair'. The items they drop are, for the most part, trade-able with player-assigned values and give the option to purchase the item or take a chance at a gamble.


These adoption licenses bring gambling to the game on a level we haven't really seen before. The mounts are only obtainable through random chance with gems, with no alternative means of acquisition. Sure, I could get lucky and get the skins I want right away, but odds are that I'll have to spend considerably more money than I am willing. Even if I bought a 10-pack, that's still only a 1/3 chance of getting the skins that I want out of the 30 available. I'd much rather pay a reasonable price for what I want to buy, rather than get a bunch of stuff I don't even want.


ArenaNet have established that mount skins are worth about 400 gems to them, with the Halloween pack working out to 400 each non-discounted, and these adoption licenses costing 400 each. Gliders have already set a precedent, priced at about 500-700 gems each, a price I'd be more than happy to pay for mount skins.


As a side note, I also am a bit disappointed that a few of these skins are essentially nothing more than unlocked dye channels on the default mounts, a feature that could have been baseline to allow customization of the base skin and instead selling new models for those that wanted them.



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This game is really no different than any other shitty grind or pay game out there now, themepark mmo or otherwise, except it pretends to be and in comparison; it's an old spaghetti engine, the graphics aren't that good, 'balance' updates are slow and crap, it's buggy, pure easy mode, the story is meh, pvp and wvw's a joke, not much dev interaction, it's not innovative or original, amongst other things.


I'm sure all the fanboys will be fanboys and tell me I'm wrong regardless of what side of the loot box fence they sit on. But really, you might as well play other game/s that do it better. What you feel invested? That's just the same bullshit trap as grind or pay to gamble on rng lootboxes.


And no you cant have my stuff.

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I've spend a lot of money on this game because I love the franchise, but this feels like A-net treating us like we mean nothing to them. I know they have to make money to keep the game alive, but this way they will only turn people against the game. The price is fine if you get rid of the RNG, the price should be way lower if you want to keep the RNG.

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My ideas, which others might have already covered:


* Make the completely "normal" skins (Coastal Spiketail raptor, Tawny Hare Springer, Oasis Skate Skimmer, Banded Mystic Jackal, Spotted Sylph Griffon, etc) as in-game rewards. Do the mount's respective heart 100 times? Do a scavenger hunt collection themed around the mount in question? Whatever. These mounts are basically the default ones just with 4 dye channels (sometimes in a different pattern than the defaults) and thus shouldn't be priced for real money


* Make the slightly special skins (Desert Lop & Elonian Jackalope Springers, Ocean Ray & Dajkah Lantern Skimmers, Twin Sands & Crowned Ancient Jackals. Maybe even Canyon Spiketail & Striped Tri-Horn raptors) obtainable through much more difficult in-game activities, such as a multi-step achievement (a la Luminescent armor or the Aurora I), or as a rare drop from a PoF "meta" (Maws of Torment, Serpents' Ire, etc). To me, these skins are an upgrade from the defaults, as they include changes to the default model and/or small special effects, but the changes aren't _great enough_ to warrant putting a real money price tag on them


* Make the "special" skins (all the fire skins, the starry skins, the storm and ice skins, etc) available in the gem store. The current Black Lion Stables RNG would be perfect for just skins like these, but being stand-alone or in a pack similar to the Spooky skins would work too (we all know how fast a pack of starry skins [one for each mount] would sell). If stand-alone, i think a 400gem price tag is reasonable


* Also, if doing RNG, it would probably be wiser to let people select what mount they want a skin for. I mean, it doesn't feel great if you get a griffon skin and are no where near unlocking it. Like with the current Black Lion Stables, you could hit the adopt button, be presented with a silhouette of each mount, and when you select one, you get a skin for that specific mount. Or you could just do separate RNG boxes for each mount; Raptor Stables, Skimmer Stables, etc.


Also, 2k gems for a single mount skin is a bit ridiculous, especially when there's no other ways to customize your mounts. WoW can get away with a handful of $25~$30 mounts, because a vast majority of the rest come from in-game participation. 1k gems for a single 'highest quality' mount skin seems more reasonable, even if in-game mount skins _were_ introduced along side it.

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I'm sure something along these lines has been mentioned a few times already, but since I currently don't have time to go through 40+ pages of comments I'll add my own to the mix. (so much negative space inbetween comments, but that's a different kind of feedback)


copying my official thread response here; for posterity.


What concerns me the most about this giant box of RNG skins is the total price tag, and how the only way to get all 31 of the skins through the discounted box (9600 gems); that's **120$ US / 152$ CAD**; that's more than one pays for the ultimate edition of PoF; this is not something that makes me want even try to gamble for this.


Instead, I think this RNG box would do way better if it was cut into the (currently) 5 different mounts... this allows us to gamble with a one-in-six chance to get the skin we want for our mount of choice; instead of 1 in 30 chance. I appreciate the guarantee that we will unlock one we don't have yet. However that's diminished by the sheer size of the bundle...; if I get all 6 raptor skins in a row; I can still only use one at a time; so being able to choose which mount the RNG skin is rolled for at least gives us the opportunity to limit the total RNG.


Gambling for a specific mount skins gives us a reasonable "expected result"; if I get lucky I only need to gamble once for the mount skin I like; if I get unlucky I'll gamble 6 times to get the one I want.


To increase the incentive for us to gamble; I would suggest making the "**Black Lion Stable Licence**" a growing stable of mount skins, so that our chances decrease every time a new mount skin is added; (4 more raptor mount skins; 1/10 chance, unless you already unlocked some of that particular mount-type's skins) This incentivizes early adoption of the mount skins since your chances remain better with each previously unlocked skin (if I have 3 raptor skins unlocked, my chances are 1/7 instead of 1/10. if I bought all 6 of them early; I'll have a 25% chance to get one of the 4 skins that were added, etc)


this also means that adding mount skins can be done on a mount-by-mount basis; instead of requiring them being released as packs of one-of-each instead. and community suggestions can be taken into account (Kormeerkat is an excellent example of community participation; think of the possibilities of a **Community Mount Design Contest**)

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1. Make loot boxes obtainable: IE weekly or daily achievements.

2. Put mounts up seasonally in a cycled system for higher cost. You can buy random tickets any time but to buy specific mount pay 1200 gems when it pops up in gem store.

3. Make loot boxes mount specific.

4. Lower Loot box cost considerably.

5. Replace loot boxes with choose your skin options, and refund players.

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Logging in for once to add my feedback to the growing pile - in theory, it's not _as bad_ as some I've seen, but I still find anything of this caliber to be extremely predatory on customers. Y'all already knew that cosmetics are endgame here - hiding maybe ten "good" skins behind twenty "meh" skins in a RNG bonanza is ridiculous on it's own, but at the _same time as a greater kittenstorm over lootboxes happened?_ What were y'all _thinking?_

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We should've been able to choose _which_ mount we want to unlock a skin for.

I have not unlocked the Griffon mount, and have no plans to do so in the near future, but managed to roll THREE griffon skins out of my **first four unlocks**. Skins that I can't use until I finish the story (I play very very casually and do not wish to rush myself) and spend 250g! And all I wanted was a raptor skin! It took me another 3 more unlocks before I got a raptor.


Please give us a choice to swap the skins we don't like!


My suggestion on how to implement a swapping option:


For each set of mount skins, there are 3 distinct tiers and using the Springer as example

T1. near identical to original model, with different dye patterns (Tawny Hare, Windy Spot)

T2. some changes to the model, and dye patterns (Desert Lop, Elonian Jackalope)

T3. some changes to model or dye patterns, and additional particle effects. (Arctic Jerboa, Primal Hare)


once all 30 skins are sorted into their tiers, allow players the option to swap a skin to another of the same tier or lower. So if someone has unlocked a Tier 1 skin they can only swap that skin for another Tier 1, but someone with Tier 3 can swap to any tiers. Allow this swap for any mount type so if someone (like me) has unlocked Fire Pinion griffon skin, I am able to swap it for the Flamelander raptor skin or a lower tier if I wish.

Of course there will be a fee involved, but something reasonable and in gold instead of gems. And if a limit is imposed on the number of swaps per account (3), players will still have to spend gems to unlock the rest of the skins if there's more they want.

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You all do realize when they "combine" one topic into one official thread that just means they are going to completely ignore it and all feed back on it. Nothing is going to change with it and by the grace of God they do start selling each skin individually, I want back the gold I used to get 6 contracts so I can actually get the raptor skins I want.

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> @joshc.3129 said:

> You all do realize when they "combine" one topic into one official thread that just means they are going to completely ignore it and all feed back on it. Nothing is going to change with it and by the grace of God they do start selling each skin be themselves, I want back the gold I used to get 6 contracts so I can actually get the raptor skins I want.


Given it's hit several "big name" (for a given value in their respective fields) game journalists already, I don't think they'll be able to ignore the skrittstorm forever.

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> @whiteaden.7842 said:

> I'm sure something along these lines has been mentioned a few times already, but since I currently don't have time to go through 40+ pages of comments I'll add my own to the mix. (so much negative space inbetween comments, but that's a different kind of feedback)


> What concerns me the most about this giant box of RNG skins is the total price tag, and how the only way to get **all 31 of the skins** through the discounted box (9600 gems); that's 152$ Canadian; that's *more* than I paid for the ultimate edition of PoF; this is not something that makes me want even try to gamble for this.


> Instead, I think this RNG box would do way better if it was cut into the (currently) 5 different mounts... this allows us to gamble with a one-in-six chance to get the skin we want for our mount of choice; instead of one in 30 chance. I appreciate the guarantee that we will unlock one we don't have yet. however that's diminished by the sheer size of the RNG; if I get all 6 raptor skins in a row; I can still only use one at a time, being able to *choose* which mount the RNG skin is rolled for at least gives us the opportunity to choose some of our choices.


> Gambling for 1 of 6 skins is gives us a reasonable "expected result"; if I get lucky I only need to gamble once for the mount skin I like; if I get unlucky I'll gamble 6 times to get the one I want.


> To increase the incentive for us to gamble; I would suggest making the "Black Lion Raptor Stable Licence" a growing stable of mount skins, so that our chances decrease every time a new mount skin is added; (4 more raptor mount skins; 1/10 chance, unless you already unlocked some raptor skins) This incentivizes early adopting of the mount skins since your chances remain better with each previous unlock (if I have 3 raptor skins unlocked, my chances are 1/7 instead of 1/10. if I bought all 6 of them early; I'll have a 25% chance to get one of the 4 skins that were added, etc)


> this also means that adding mount skins can be done on a mount-by-mount basis; instead of requiring them being released as packs of one-of-each instead. and community suggestions can be taken into account (Kormeerkat is an excellent example of community participation; think of the possibilities of a Community Mount Design Contest)


this is exactly what I'm talking about here... why are we cutting our own throats by telling Anet what the best way is to squeeze more money out of us? I'm not picking on the person here, but this idea of settling for the lesser of 2 evils when there is a third choice of no evil at all, just boggles my mind!

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I don't think you need feedback, I think you know what you did wrong. But anyway, here I go:


30 skins and 1 directly to the TP for 2k gems, none in the game. Some of the skins I like and would be happy to buy for 500 gems to 1000 gems, others just reskins that I wouldn't even care. There's is a bigger chance to get one that I don't want than getting one I like. Why even make this RNG? I don't go into the mall buying tickets and buying Surprise Boxes on the store to see if I can get those pants that I like... I just go there and buy what I want!


Give me the choice to buy what I want and stop this bad practice please. Stop insulting your collegues that spent time doing this and your players that love to support this game.

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> @"John Valdea.5879" said:

> 2. Put mounts up seasonally in a cycled system for higher cost. You can buy random tickets any time but to buy specific mount pay 1200 gems when it pops up in gem store.\


1200 gems are still an awful price for these skins, especially when almost all of them are just retextures with no actual model changes. Keep the proper skins' prices in line with outfits and gliders, and either don't make cheap retextures or at least sell them for 300-400 gems directly rather than through a lootbox.


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