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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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Gameplay is fun and I do enjoy the world which is a reward on it's self. But when it comes to actual rewards ... it sucks.

play this game since launch, and I am starting to think that my account is bugged xD never get any good stuff (exotics, precusors, ... ) while I see people with barely 2-3 achievement points getting every item on the other side of the rainbow :P .... Yes I am bit jealous but also annoyed as I do not get how RNG can be this bad.

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> @tappajabob.5983 said:

> Selling these gambling lootboxes is unethical. I am just disappointed that GW 2 is taking this direction, but I also see hope that game developers would see this as a mistake and learn from it. One of the good old golden rules of GW 2 was that developers are allowed to make mistakes and learn from those.


I agree they can learn from this but come on...How did they not see the hole EA battlefront 2 backlash with loot boxes? You have to pretty dense to try this on gw2 and not see the backlash coming....


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I feel like story mission rewards, achievement rewards, these are rewarding. Drops almost never feel rewarding, because they are only very rarely anything I want or need. I really do wish that every single green and blue item in the game would never drop at all, just provide the salvage equivalent. The new unidentified loot boxes are far better than the HoT method of just pouring the items directly into your inventory, as it means that you don't have to manage them every five minutes while in the field, but at the same time it means I had to spend almost an hour in the Mistlock Sanctuary a couple weeks back just opening and processing my stacks of unidentifieds I'd accumulated to that point.


I don't mind the Gem store though, **when it's fair.** I don't mind that most of the fancy new skins appear in the gem store, as a way for the game to make money, because I understand that this is a business and they can't survive on box purchases alone. Either grow up and accept that reality or move on, they can't make you happy if you don't. What I *do* absolutely hate though is when they involve RNG and other gimmicks in this process, when you cannot pay a fixed and fair amount of gems to get the specific item that you want, but instead have to gamble in the hopes that you *might* get the item that you want. I will NEVER support that sort of behavior, and its inclusion makes me *less* interested in supporting the game going forward. I also hate when they bundle unrelated things, like the recent Halloween mounts, or when they bundle an outfit and a glider together and don't offer each piece separately. And of course Outfits. I'll never buy an Outfit that I can't mix and match with other armor pieces, Outfits have zero value to me, but if they'd released them as mix-and-match armors I'd have bought over a dozen of them already.

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I won't buy account bound skins locked inside RNG loot boxes. I love the mount skins and would happily purchase a few if I knew what I was getting (like what was done with Gliders), but as it stands there's no way.

I think 400 gems is perfectly fine for a simple mount reskin IF I can pick which one I want. Only then.

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I've said it before around here, but I bought some gems, got some skins - mostly out of sheer excitement (of my own volition, I'm under no illusion, I chose to participate, I chose to roll the die, that's all on me), but this is the first and only time I have ever felt... regret for purchasing a component of the game.


I'm always the guy who rolls his eyes at people who freak out over this or that: "ugh weapon skin so much gems anet y?" or what have you; but this... I feel a little cheated. I just wanted three or four of the skins. I spent a lot of actual money, almost as much as I spent on the actual _expansions_, and I got something that is kinda nice, but isn't something I want. I'm not okay with that.


I'd like the opportunity to choose the skins I actually wanted to spend money on. If you're looking for a solution, that's what it is. I don't like half the skins I inevitably bought, I'd like the ones I wanted to buy.


All in all, I expected better from ANet, and that's my two cents.


_[EDIT] cleaned up grammar/wording._

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I say almost never because I miss getting cool stuff from achievements and even as drops by playing the game like we did in the first year of Guild Wars 2. . . Pretty much all the skins and stuff linked to achievements and defeating bosses. Ever since LS1, everything has been equipment like accessories that have no effect on our unique look (looking at you LS2 and Heart of Thorns Story content, and all those ascended accessories for completing the story achievements). There have been so many missed opportunities in rewarding players for completing feats, as well as Achievements, in the game. For example, the Fallen Balthazar outfit should have been a reward for defeating Balthazar without Sohothin instead of locked behind a Black Lion Chest. I dropped a bundle of keys to get that skin, and didn't get it; and yes I am regretting wasting my money on BLC keys . . . completing "Reins of the Raptor" could have rewarded a Raptor skin with 4 dye channels . . . but in the end, we are just left with achievements that give us between 1 to 5 points that adds up to nothing; not even enough to get us over the hump for an Achievement Chest.


Its even worse that we are still dealing with diminishing rewards, and have the risk of our accounts being suspended or banned for grinding/farming for materials and gold. Sucks working towards Legendaries, ascended gear, and pretty much everything that is cool looking that is a material sink, while combating the stated risk and diminishing rewards, along with RNG.


Hopefully devs see this comment and take a step back and look how broken their game is in the aspect of being "rewarding." Still love Guild Wars 2 in the end despite its set backs in terms of rewards and the gem store. I play it with my wife, and we are having a blast exploring Elona, as well as the rest of what we currently have in Tyria.

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when i heard the news that there were new mount skins, and saw pictures of some of them, my FIRST thought was "kitten anet, why you gotta do this when i'm between paychecks. i am totally buying that..."


and then i found out how much it was.


![](https://i.imgur.com/dsymyQP.gif "")


i am no longer excited.


i think Anet saw the huge sales of the spooky pack and their eyes lit up with dollar signs and they heard *KACHING!!!* and went overboard with the cash grab.


a generous friend has given me 2 skins... but aside from that, i am putting my "buy more gems so i can buy mount skins" plan on hold until a better solution is offered... yes, no matter how ungodly cute the husky is... if it means i miss out on it, so be it. the choice between RNG or absolutely enormous outlay of cash relative to other purely cosmetic things in the game make it not worth it.


if... IF... they had offered the skins the same way they do gliders... single or in packs, you know what you're getting, and at a reasonable amount (300-600 gems or so i suppose... NOT 2000 gems for a SINGLE skin...) i would have totally been buying SEVERAL skins come friday. as it is now, i don't even want to exchange gold for some "freebie" dice rolls..


not happy Anet. really screwed up this time in my opinion... mores the pity that some of the skins are really very nice too.


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> @CepeDuH.7543 said:

> > @Cronos.6532 said:

> > Further comparing this to other games, consider **Brawlhalla**:

> >

> > - Free game

> > - Has rotating themed chests of skins

> > - No duplicates

> > - Skins cannot be traded or refunded

> > - Approximately US$3 in gems to open a chest

> > - No gold to gems exchange.

> > - The chance of getting the exact skin you want is 1/18 to 1/20

> > - You can get the skin you want on the gem store for a cost of about 40% more. (gem cost depends on how much you buy at once)

> > - The exception to this is the 2 or 3 skins that are exclusive to the chest.

> > - The incentive to buy the chest is that you pay less gems but may not get the skin you want. You might get one of the chest-exclusive skins, though.


> GW2


> > B2P

> > No duplicates

> > 5$ to open a chest

> > Gold to gem conversion


> I think it's pretty fair if compare to that pile of f2p trash you mentioned.




Perhaps I added too many details. The main focus is how there are less items per chest, and that you can pay 40% more to buy a specific item in the chest.

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Most of the time, yes.

First, I am a slow learning player. It means that I need time at things to become good at them. So, even nowadays I keep learning and progressing. Already thanks to that, I am always learning new and progressing, what I find very rewarding.

Aside of this, thanks to my activities, I have a daily gold income varying between 10 and 20 gold, even more once in awhile. As a veteran player, compared to what were my earnings during old times, I find that very rewarding on a daily basis.


- In term of golds, there are the meta events, WvW, fractals and such.

- In term of points, there are the loads of achievements available that I will probably never achieve to complete in a lifetime!

- In term of fun: I am a commander and this is a "job" that I love to do and that is very rewarding on the fun and pleasure side. Aside of that, there are so many things I love to do and bringing fun to me. That's very rewarding too, the best being when I can do stuff with my friends.


And the reason why I do not select "All the time"? Simply because nothing can be perfect. There are things I dislike, out of which some that I find real bad or even "hate". I try to avoid those, but it is not always possible when they are mandatory to progress further. Also, regularly, I can be pretty upset and frustrated, and in such moments, my love for the game gets a bit down... ROFL.


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As it has been said before this game has always been on the friendlier side of micro transactions compared to most of it's counter parts however this decision to add another lootbox system behind an even higher paywall is not only disappointing, it is insulting to their loyal fan base (new and old). I have spent **a lot** of money over the years on their cosmetics, happily so, as I felt that the time and enjoyment I got out of the game was more than worth the financial investment however after a poor expansion such as HoT (glorified dlc) and now trying to sour the experience of the new more fleshed out PoF, after applying a very much anticipated balance patch may i add, I refuse to spend another penny on the title until something is done. Either talk to your publisher, shareholders, financial and marketing department to have this system made more consumer friendly or preferably remove it entirely. The greed of, lets face it, less than reputable publishers and shareholders has sullied the amazing piece's of digital art that developers have put their heart and soul into for our enjoyment. THIS INDUSTRY NEEDS TO CHANGE! MORE POWER TO DEVELOPERS, LESS INVOLVEMENT FROM PUBLISHERS AND PANDERING TO SHAREHOLDERS....LET THE GAME SPEAK FOR ITSELF AND STOP APPLYING THESE UNDER HANDED, GAMBLING TACTICS TO PREY UPON THE WEAK OR DARN RIGHT STUPID.

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I've been saying the same thing about black lion chests for quite a while. Hilariously nobody cared about the exploitative real money RNG until it walled off something they actually wanted and they had to pay for it themselves in stead of getting some other anonymous player to do it for them.


You people brought this on yourselves by supporting Anet's "you might win 1/10 of a weapon skin or get boosters we give you for logging in" nonsense in the first place.


You people brought this on yourselves by BEGGING to pay ten bucks for mount skins in an expansion that cost forty dollars.


Imagine a world where you all got up in arms about the ridiculous stacking rng of black lion tickets, or the overpriced nature of GW2 skins in general. Imagine how much better the game would be. Imagine how much more loot would actually exist in the game that wasn't clones of stuff you already had.


You're mad now, sure, but where was that rage before? Where was that rage when you wanted that nice black lion skin? Where was that rage when arenanet released gliders or mounts as a focal point of an expansion, in a game where cosmetics collecting is the rewards loop, with no customization in sight for MONTHS without asking someone to pull out their credit card?


Where was your anger when someone who wasn't you was paying for the gems you got "for free" on the currency exchange?


Where was that anger when in the entire lifetime of HoT the VAST majority of rewards appeared not in the expansion you already paid for, but in the gem store? Where was that anger when on RELEASE DAY Anet was selling you glider skins while having none to earn at all?


Where was it?


Why are you surprised?


You voted with your wallets, and in doing so indicated that you are complicit with overpriced skins and RNG bullshark.


**My advice to you:**


**Learn from this experience. Stay Angry. Stop buying Gems. Demand better value for your consumer dollars. Stop treating gems you get on the exchange like they're free. Stop giving Anet a free pass to exploit you.**

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I love some of the new skins - the one's with new markings and patterns to be specific. Seeing more variation in the models would be nice. I liked that some of the models did have subtle changes to them (griffons and skimmers with different tails, raptors with different horn structures). I'm not such a fan of the sparkly/burning skins.


I won't partake in the RNG because I don't have a griffon and I don't want the "fancy" skins. Buying the whole bundle is too overwhelming - I don't need 6 new skins of every mount all in one go. I did buy the Halloween bundle, so that's enough "fancy" for me, and these latest mounts take the effects to very sparkly levels. A bundle of one of each mount at 1600 gems was fine and probably the maximum amount I would spend in a go in the gemstore, and I don't mind the Halloween griffon skin sitting for a while until I do decide I would like the griffon mount.


I'm glad you can't get duplicates via this new RNG system, so people can try their luck without being stuck with 2 of the same skin. 400 gems per skin is a very fair price, I would say. I guess its worth it if you want most of the mounts and are happy to swallow the chance at getting one you don't want. It's not worth it if you only want 1 to say 5 mount skins in the bundle.


So yes, I'm sad I can't get a new skin for each of my 4 mounts, but so life goes.

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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > @Cloud.7613 said:

> > Bags inside of bags ... so rewarding.


> Congratulations! You killed the dragon! Here are you trash bags.


Haha! So true. What if Anet would have done like, **1** ascended trinket for the **first TWO times** you complete your personal story. A trinket that says like, "Eye of Zhaitan" and you could pick any stat combo for it. Imagine how much better this game would be, how rewarding that would feel. I feel like it wouldn't be broken either since you could only receive a max of two per account. But that's just wishful thinking :'(

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> Most of the time, yes.

> First, I am a slow learning player. It means that I need time at things to become good at them. So, even nowadays I keep learning and progressing. Already thanks to that, I am always learning new and progressing, what I find very rewarding.

> Aside of this, thanks to my activities, I have a daily gold income varying between 10 and 20 gold, even more once in awhile. As a veteran player, compared to what were my earnings during old times, I find that very rewarding on a daily basis.

> Then:

> - In term of golds, there are the meta events, WvW, fractals and such.

> - In term of points, there are the loads of achievements available that I will probably never achieve to complete in a lifetime!

> - In term of fun: I am a commander and this is a "job" that I love to do and that is very rewarding on the fun and pleasure side. Aside of that, there are so many things I love to do and bringing fun to me. That's very rewarding too, the best being when I can do stuff with my friends.


> And the reason why I do not select "All the time"? Simply because nothing can be perfect. There are things I dislike, out of which some that I find real bad or even "hate". I try to avoid those, but it is not always possible when they are mandatory to progress further. Also, regularly, I can be pretty upset and frustrated, and in such moments, my love for the game gets a bit down... ROFL.



I love your positive attitude <3 Thanks for sharing, honestly, I need to share the same outlook as you instead of being so pessimistic.

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