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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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> @Rashagar.8349 said:

> > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> >

> > > 3. take risky action in the hope of a desired result:<

> >

> > Your very words; this is gambling. Spending 400 gems is risky in that I would hope for a desired result, and it is risky in that I would most likely end up with a skin I don't want and cannot gift or sell.

> >


> Haha! You've made the same mistake I was making for ages there thinking GreyWolf and WolfHeart are the same person.


> It made the conversation between the two of them particularly confusing to follow.


Oops, sorry! Yes, the quote thing can be a mess. Yesterday someone was "quoting" me yet it was nothing I said at all; it was someone else. OK, Witch of Doom out for now. Carry on!

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> @Wolfheart.7483 said:

> .> @Galactic.6453 said:

> > > @AnodicShadow.3647 said:

> > > There have been so many people who are trying to paint Anet in the worst possible light over this. There have been players in Map chat telling others to not team up with people who are buying the mount skins because to them, apparently people who buy them don't deserve respect. There are people who are actively out there trying to encourage others to not play/support GW2 anymore because of this decision. If that's not unnecessary hatred and anger, I don't know what is. This isn't something that warrants a cease of support for Anet for all of time. The fact that they're asking for feedback shows that they see that people aren't liking the decision and they can adjust it accordingly. I doubt that they sat there in a meeting and said "OK, let's worm more money out of people by exploiting and preying upon their unhealthy habits." like I have seen many people in an out of game say that was Anet's train of thought on this release That just makes Anet seem like an evil company that doesn't care about the people that play the game. Yeah, the whole concept of loot boxes might have a bad rep/history as of late, but again, Anet is not trying to become a Gacha game where you get tons upon tons of trash loot before getting that one ultra rare unit that's actually viable to use to progress the game. Someone could've thought getting two random mount skins for 10$ sounded like a genuinely fun and worthwhile idea. You never know. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, people just need the space/time to fix them instead of being constantly harped on about it. They know that the majority does not agree with this adoption situation at this point already so here on Day 3, it's probably time to let the hate die down a bit because the stress probably isn't going to help. Associating the company as a whole with negative words/treating them as something that shouldn't be supported isn't fair to the people that work on the game who are genuinely passionate about the content that they release in it. You don't have to buy the mount skins if you don't agree with them, but "donating" 10$ at least once a year even just to have 800 gems to sit on won't hurt anyone and collectively, could provide more funding for content to be developed. Even then, it's still up to the player if they want to even do that. Once again, there's no need to hate Anet for this so much. Things will get better, have faith. :)

> >

> > Goodwill is something you earn, not something you deserve from the get go. If everyone was like you they'd just get stepped on at every corner and nothing would change because "surely it's a mistake they will change next time :)". If they change it, then they will have earned goodwill. Until then, having faith is useless. And it's not like this is just the doing of one person who made a honest mistake. This stuff goes through multiple people and multiple companies and its effects are thoroughly researched and profits are estimated. And there's no way they didn't know about all the hubbub in the industry about lootboxes right now.


> They have earned it.


> You are dismissing anything good they have done in the past. So from the point where they made this mistake, you just dismissed any good will they already had and reset it to zero so that they have to earn it again. Naturally, how much good will they have earned in the past varies from player to player but the general consensus has been that Anet/GW2 has been one of the most customer/player friendly games/companies out there. So your point has no validity. You are trying to use the "good will" argument by inverting it and implying they are only allowed to earn good will *after* making a mistake and everything they have done prior is irrelevant.


Yes of course? They had my goodwill but destroyed it with this move. It's additive and this one was a huge negative. The fact that they seemed to be so customer friendly only makes this worse. I still like the game and I really like PoF though, I'm not the person who said PoF isn't worth buying because of this. And regardless of the fact, no goodwill can explain this away as being an unintentional mistake, only blindness.

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they did right by introducing exclusive minis to adventures tied to those specific mounts and even minis tied to certain bounties ( i look at you mini abomination that costs 1000 gold ) but are very rare...if you want it you can still get it on the trade post...but adventures are account bound....this is fine. Where the mount skins came in should have also done the SAME THING & the gem store... **do the adventures tied to the specific mount have a chance to get a NONsouldbound/account bound mount skin**...if you cant, you can cave in and **throw money at gems** OR **Buy them off TP**. Everyone will be satisfied, adds a gold sink, and for those impatient can take that same chance on the gemstore which still benefits RNGesus and the pockets of anet to further their development.


they seem to be more focused on releasing the next big thing via gemstore items than making quality content and things that make the player feel like they actually earned it. Take a look at the dwarven weapons in desert highlands...achievement. the skins are utter crap, even for dwarven skins, but the dwarven mace given free to those that had enough prestige in guild wars 1 from the EYE OF THE NORTH MONUMENTS achievements is actually pretty good. They need to throw the gemstore weapon/item designers on the earnable weapons/items and take them off the gemstore crap then add achievements to earn the new items.


btw, remember that forged mount skin for the jackal? they could have easily gotten the metas more populated and incentive to "see their awesome map design" instead they divert attention to the bloody gemstore. this meta right here = https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_Legendary_Forged_Hounds could have dropped it as a very very rare drop...but at least people wouldnt be crying as hard!


if you want people to appreciate your work, the gemstore is the stupidest way to do it.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @Wolfheart.7483 said:

> > > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > > > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > >

> > > > 3. take risky action in the hope of a desired result:<

> > >

> > > Your very words; this is gambling. Spending 400 gems is risky in that I would hope for a desired result, and it is risky in that I would most likely end up with a skin I don't want and cannot gift or sell.

> > >

> >

> > Which will be different for every player. It is a gamble if you won't be happy with any skin possibly being the outcome. If you will be happy with any of the skins, then it isn't a gamble. It is not 100% black and white gambling.


> And I'm sure there are many people who sit in casinos, hour after hour, pulling that handle, saying, "I'm not gambling; I'm socializing with my best friend Mr. Slot Machine." Rationalization at its finest. Whatever. Not arguing over whether or not RNG in games is gambling, as I clearly think it is but you do not.


Not what I said at all. Also not the same thing as your example. Try and read this carefully:

If I like **all** the skins and feel like every single one is worth 400 gems then when I buy an adoption contract, I am **not gambling** because I simply can not **lose**. I am simply unlocking a random skin from a pool of skins where I like all of them and just want any one of them.

If there is even **one** skin that I do not want, then when I buy an adoption contract I **am** gambling because there is a chance I will lose.

If I play a slot machine, there is *always* a chance that I will come away with nothing.


My point is that it is not 100% universally a gamble, it varies from person to person, unlike a slot machine.


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> @Tsakhi.8124 said:

> > @nastyjman.8207 said:

> > I'm taking a break. I've moved from anger to depression. It's just hitting me right now at how disappointing this whole rng lootbox had transpired. It really feels like grief, like your best friend just died.


> Aw. Is there anything I can do for you? Being depressed is no fun at all, if you need to talk, please PM me. ^_^


Went to click their name to find their post and thumbs up it - user not found. Guess they were dead serious about taking a break.

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I got few ascended weapons/armor parts, some sweet exotics. My wallet is growing constantly despite I salvage almost everything. I was able to craft legendary wapon, backpack and second weapon it's on way.


Well, I could also say that game isn't rewarding at all because my friend opened once 10 BL chests and got 2 perma contracts and my other friend got 2 precusors.


But someone's luck didn't mean that I do not get rewarded for my work.

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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > @Rashagar.8349 said:

> > > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > > > @Rashagar.8349 said:

> > > > > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > > > > > @neven.3785 said:

> > > > > > This is not gambling as some people like to yell. They simply can't get exactly what they want some are pissed off at anet for sticking to their chosen business model for this game. I love that they offer skins now and am glad they didn't chose to lock away certain mounts behind an account upgrade , rather it is only about how pretty you can make our mount.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Now I would say that there have been much truer forms of gambling in this game for a long time. You have the mystic toilet, black lion chests and those oriann boxes at the start of this game. Then came ecto gambling and races. People didn't complain much about it then.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Instead they choose to try to take this out of proportion because they want a pretty and they want it now. This is a pretty childish reaction. If they matter to you, then buy them, if you feel it's a rip off, then use the free skin you get with your mastery unlock. The choice is yours and it is your responsibility to manage your finances responsibly.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > For those with kids worried they will take advantage of your credit cards, then rid the accounts of your info and make sure you don't use auto fill.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > When my child bought $100 worth of robox because my autofill synced to the tablet from my phone, I didn't blame roblox or Google, I blamed myself and made him pay back every cent and donated all that currency to his brother as punishment. Then I removed all that information and disabled synchronization like a responsible person should.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So yes I like this concept, I like you don't get doubles and I like that you don't have to buy them. Only change that would have been better would be for anet to break up the bundles into mount types as that full bundle price is a hard pill to swallow for the common folk. As a side note I bought myself one and gifted one to my wife, this will likely take place of the odd black lion key purchases we make every month or two to support anet until we get all the mounts we want

> > > > >

> > > > > How is it NOT gambling? It's a slot machine just like the BLCs. The only difference is that you will eventually get all of the skins if you keep buying.

> > > >

> > > > Which is a fairly big difference. I don't know of any slot machine that will eventually give me all of the money if I keep playing.

> > >

> > > Nope, that's not what that means.

> > >

> > > gam·ble

> > > [ˈɡambəl]

> > > VERB

> > > gambling (present participle)

> > >

> > > 1. play games of chance for money; bet:

> > > "she was fond of gambling on cards and horses"

> > > synonyms: bet · place/lay a bet on something · stake money on something · [more]

> > > 2. bet (a sum of money) on a game of chance:

> > > "he was gambling every penny he had on the spin of a wheel"

> > > 3. take risky action in the hope of a desired result:

> > > "the British could only gamble that something would turn up"

> > > synonyms: take a chance · take a risk · stick one's neck out · go out on a limb

> >

> > You said it's a slot machine with a difference.

> > I said the difference is important.

> > The above copy/paste does not refute my claim.


> Yes it does. It is most certainly gambling by the third meaning. But go ahead, you buy them while everyone else doesn't and see how long it keeps the game afloat.


It has some form of gambling BUT compared to a lot of other RNG lootboxes of the game (be it directly from gemstore on in game) this one is pretty generous. There is guaranteed chance to get something new every time. As a gambler addict myself I don't feel brought down by this one nearly as much as the ecto gambling or black lion keys.


That there are issues and that we may need an alternative way to get them is a fine request, but half of these posts are using words that completely blowing things out of proportion.


By the way, lots of people bought them.

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not realy


the amount of time i need to spend in this game with mindless grind just to get a skin i like for a single something ( not even talking about the realy rare ones )

OR EVEN just the damned stat combos i want for ONLY a few items i can get ENTIRE almost top tier sets in other MMOs or outright new weapons and like 20-50 levels in mmofps games or a bunch of skins and characters in Mobas yadayadayada


i like the World and gameplay of GW2.... but the reward system is a LOAD OF TRASH.... everything is locked behind everything that is locked behind everything and they all require you to grind your face off in one of the most boring way possible......


And god bless crafting..... whoever made this crafting system needs to be ashamed of his job..... NO... just NO....


and with every single expansion this is getting worse..... less and less and less for more and more and more grind....

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We've still heard nothing about any kind of compensation/solution to all of this?

This is such bullkitten.

Are they just going to wait until next week to say or do anything? I mean, that gives them a week to milk the absolute crap out of the contracts.

I haven't even logged in since Tuesday.

I find no reason to do so considering this whole thing has pushed me so far away from this game.

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> @Darktooth.1078 said: To me that is completely destroying what was in my opinion one of the best online-gaming communities out there, but that is something I cant agree with. And the fact that they're actually asking for feedback shows that they are not 'money grubbing' like some people suddenly thought up, they want to listen and truly see if this was a bad idea on their part. >


I would say that several thousand posts between here and Reddit, along with several supporters on You Tube and and various gaming sites denouncing this should be enough feedback to warrant some response by Anet. Frankly i am not certain what more they need before they try and fix this and push back the tide of negative publicity this has garnered, to me the silence is the disconcerting part of this after two days.

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> @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

> > @AnodicShadow.3647 said:

> > I doubt that they sat there in a meeting and said "OK, let's worm more money out of people by exploiting and preying upon their unhealthy habits." like I have seen many people in an out of game say that was Anet's train of thought on this release That just makes Anet seem like an evil company that doesn't care about the people that play the game.


> Only that this is exactly what happened. Usually ANet places items directly for sale. So something must've happened to change this. And I doubt ANet changed the system to RNG boxes because they think those are fun. RNG boxes pop up whenever someone asks "How do we make the players spend more than they're comfortable with?" or "How do we make sure players keep spending instead of just buying what they want?".


> 400 gems for a 1/30 chance to get the skin with some consolidation prizes thrown in is a pretty bad deal. So how do we make the bad deal look good? By adding an even more obvious worse deal. What do you think the 2k gems skin is there for? For you to buy? Think again! It's there to make the 400 gems seem like a cheap alternative. It's there to set a point of reference, to create the illusion that each RNG ticket is only 1/5 the price of a skin. It's far from a coincidence that these two items appeared in the gem shop at the same time.


I seriously doubt that they sat down in a meeting and discussed ways to exploit people for more money. That's exactly what I meant when I said people keep trying to paint Anet in a bad light. The company isn't corrupt. They aren't going to literally discuss ways to... as quoted by many other people: _exploit_ and _prey_ upon people. It's attaching negative intentions to all of the employees who work at Anet and I doubt that they all are evil, moneygrubbing jerks.

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> @Pandonation.7201 said:

> Anyone bother to note that Anet hasn't said a darn thing about any of this since this thread was compiled?

> I'd start arguing less about semantics and more about what Anet plans to do with all of this, if anything at all.


Oh, I wouldn't bother with that too much. ANet has made miss-steps of similar magnitude in the past and kept silent about it until announcing their solution to the problem. The best bet now is to keep this thread going until Tuesday and see what happens.

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> @Darktooth.1078 said:

> And the fact that they're actually asking for feedback shows that they are not 'money grubbing' like some people suddenly thought up, they want to listen and truly see if this was a bad idea on their part.


That's certainly not how their or NCSoft's marketing department works. Those people aren't stupid. They're professionals who do this as a full time job, they have done this for years, they research what all their competition does and research all statistics they can get their hands on and calculate all possible profits or losses. And it's not only one person, but multiple people who check and revise the system and suggestion. There's no way they didn't already think of all the points that were already posted in this thread and didn't know what people are thinking of lootboxes right now. And if they actually didn't do that I'd actually be even more disappointed in their competence as a company. And it's not all of Arenanet, I never said that. It's not a conspiracy that hundreds of Anet employees are in on. The artists who made the skins might have not known other than "it's going to go into the gemstore". But their marketing did and NCSoft certainly did. This thread isn't for getting actual feedback and suggestion to implement, it's for testing the waters with how mad people actually are and as a containment to let the anger simmer for a while.


Even if we assume Anet was a ragtag bunch of friendly gamer folks who wouldn't exploit microtransactions, their parent company certainly isn't and their parent company's shareholders certainly aren't

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I really like the new skins, but the whole RNG around them is really bad. I mean, there are like 5-6 different skins I would have bought for like 600 gems each IF I could choose which ones I like.

I mean if the rng is such a big deal to you Anet, why not make 5 different stables in the gem shop, one for each different mount. This way I can at least get a random skin for the mount I choose.

Or sell them as packs, each of the 6 Griffon skins for like 2000 gems.

Or let us buy each individual skin.


ANYTHING is better than what we have now...

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> @Pandonation.7201 said:

> Anyone bother to note that Anet hasn't said a darn thing about any of this since this thread was compiled?

> I'd start arguing less about semantics and more about what Anet plans to do with all of this, if anything at all.


a.) Nothing. Initial outrage will die down, Wintersday will be upon us, sales of the licenses high enough that it won't matter. The big teller here will be if they really sold out long term success for short term gain.

b.) A 'we here you'. In which numbers will be moved around: licenses will be cheaper, mount selectable option, higher prices in gem store to get the exact one you want, or some combination. The cynical part of me will wonder if this wasn't the plan all along as people will praise Anet for 'responding to customers' and 'honoring their players' with an "acceptable" compromise. They will then continue to increase the pressure on lootboxes as time goes on.

c.) An 'okay we stepped in it'. In which it's rolled back entirely in as much as possible.


I'm banking on A, wouldn't be surprised with B, would be decently surprised with C.

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I'd like to put my opinion here though I doubt it'll get a read after 50+ pages of posts on the matter. I'd preface this with mentioning I have supported the gemstore whenever I could and am one of those players prone to spend on skins they enjoy. I do think the discounted mount skins RNG box isn't an overly bad idea, had it been introduced somewhere down the line, after all the skins had filled the rotation through regular gemstore releases. I think a lot of the anger stems from the fact there is no way to directly buy what we want, so an initial gemstore release for 800-1000gems would have been more sensible for the players. You've done this before with the Braham outfit exclusive in BL chest but later added the outfit as a standalone gemstore purchase. It is not too late to fix this! I also don't like the forced bundling purchase introduced with Halloween, as someone who primarily uses raptor and springer and doesn't share an affinity for the griffon like everyone else, I think having the ability to pick and choose for each mount at higher price and discounted as bundle should be the way to go to keep everyone happy.


I would like to close by also mentioning the new mount skins introduced a bunch of bugs that the vanilla mounts do not have and need to be addressed right away. Players are paying money for these premium skins but end up getting frustrated and reverting to their regular mounts awaiting fixes. Myself and others have had their chars and mounts vanish into oblivion, sink underground, get rooted in placed while mounting, falling through map and even camera issues!



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It sounds like a handful of gaming companies and publishers have decided to push the limits of what a player base will accept before they lose their @#$$t. Sounds like Arenanet has signed up on this one. My initial sentiment is that enough people will still buy into this model, enough to justify keeping it around. It's a shame and feels like a sucker punch to the gut coming from Arenanet, as it takes something most people would want and find a way to squeeze every bit of cash they can get out of it while souring the purchase experience for its customers. I wonder if this would float in the retail world: purchase a box until the T-shirt you're wanting is in one of them.

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.> @FrozenStarRo.7240 said:

> I'd like to put my opinion here though I doubt it'll get a read after 50+ pages of posts on the matter. I'd preface this with mentioning I have supported the gemstore whenever I could and am one of those players prone to spend on skins they enjoy. I do think the discounted mount skins RNG box isn't an overly bad idea, had it been introduced somewhere down the line, after all the skins had filled the rotation through regular gemstore releases. I think a lot of the anger stems from the fact there is no way to directly buy what we want, so an initial gemstore release for 800-1000gems would have been more sensible for the players. You've done this before with the Braham outfit exclusive in BL chest but later added the outfit as a standalone gemstore purchase. It is not too late to fix this! I also don't like the forced bundling purchase introduced with Halloween, as someone who primarily uses raptor and springer and doesn't share an affinity for the griffon like everyone else, I think having the ability to pick and choose for each mount at higher price and discounted as bundle should be the way to go to keep everyone happy.


> I would like to close by also mentioning the new mount skins introduced a bunch of bugs that the vanilla mounts do not have and need to be addressed right away. Players are paying money for these premium skins but end up getting frustrated and reverting to their regular mounts awaiting fixes. Myself and others have had their chars and mounts vanish into oblivion, sink underground, get rooted in placed while mounting, falling through map and even camera issues!

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13513/mount-disappears-underground



Those bugs where the mounts don't appear right away, or the player gets in mounted position but is half in the ground were there before. They need to be fixed, of course, but they were not introduced with the new mount skins.

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> @Dropdown.7460 said:

> > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> > > What happens if you already got a certain skin and get it again?

> >

> > The FB page says you won't get duplicates.

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/17PbiWY.png "")

> >


> You still have to spend over $120 to get all the skins (or spend up to that amount for the ONE skin you WANT). This is predatory and while there are "no duplicates" it's like saying a diet cola is better for you because it's diet. This is Diet Lootbox presented by Anet.


AND I'd like to point out (although less of a bullet point here but..) some of the skins are MARGINALLY different. I mean you have to squint to see the difference, especially after you set them to a color you like.





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