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Lootboxes and recovering from addiction


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> @Canakun.8031 said:

> First of all, to the person saying I should be out playing with my dog instead of trying to get a mount that resembles him, that dog is sadly no longer with me.

> To the rest of you, I don't think of myself as an expert on gambling or addiction or anything, really. I was just sharing my story. For me, I kept buying 'just one more' to have a roll on the reward that I wanted. It was the same feeling and the same urge that I had when using a machine at my local. Whether it is or isn't gambling to me is irrelevant. I spent money on something because there was a chance that I'd get something I wanted. That's all there is to it. Arguing the semantics doesn't really help me. And I get that people are trying to convince me that because it 'isn't TECHNICALLY gambling' I haven't actually relapsed. I appreciate the thought, but the reality is that I just opened my wallet to roll the dice. And that's what I've been recovering from. That's all that matters.


Hi, mate


Best of luck to you and don't listen to the smartasses that know better about you than yourself. I hope you didn't miss the really insightful and meaningful response from Elyssandariel.2679 on the 1st page.


Stay strong and vigilant, I wish perfect recovery to you.


> @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> However, in this case with the mounts you can't compare it to "casino gambling" (where you can get nothing).


A lottery is not gambling, because you can't get "nothing", you always end up with at least scrap of paper.

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> @Canakun.8031 said:

> Hey guys. It's insane how much conversation my post has started here.

> I'd like to clear a few things up regarding my story.


> First of all, to the person saying I should be out playing with my dog instead of trying to get a mount that resembles him, that dog is sadly no longer with me.

> To the rest of you, I don't think of myself as an expert on gambling or addiction or anything, really. I was just sharing my story. For me, I kept buying 'just one more' to have a roll on the reward that I wanted. It was the same feeling and the same urge that I had when using a machine at my local. Whether it is or isn't gambling to me is irrelevant. I spent money on something because there was a chance that I'd get something I wanted. That's all there is to it. Arguing the semantics doesn't really help me. And I get that people are trying to convince me that because it 'isn't TECHNICALLY gambling' I haven't actually relapsed. I appreciate the thought, but the reality is that I just opened my wallet to roll the dice. And that's what I've been recovering from. That's all that matters.


I am so sorry to see the non-understanding from others of the issue you suffer from and what others suffer from to some degree or another whether they know it or not. It really does not matter if people consider it "gambling" or not is beside the point (it is in my opinion, it is paying for a chance to get random something, which is the essence of how gambling works). You had a relapse, which is a shame, but it can be part of the recovery as well. You learn from it and keep going. Remember what happened, it might help you pause before opening your wallet again when a situation like this arises. But remember you are not alone, you are not the first to go through it and sadly, probably not the last. We all have addictions of some sort. It is managing it that can be the tricky part and that goes for anyone, not just you.


I applaud you for stepping out and telling your story. It helps shine a light on the gem store issues.

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_Hey folks out there!_


As stated earlier in this thread to one of THE most compassionate comments I've read to a sensitive topic in like YEARS!

This whole thread makes me think we as gamers can recover from Gamergate and Hatespeech >>> _pls insert swearword of your choice_ <<<, and in sometime can find some way of being a community again.

Split up in divisions and groups, which is fine because thats how society works in the first place, but to some degree as one.


Well, but maybe I'll get a little too enthusiastic because of some glimpse of humanity in the gaming scene again! XD



XOXO and stuff... ^^



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  • ArenaNet Staff

Some forum members are suggesting that it be merged into the larger feedback thread, but I've chosen to leave it separate because it's about a very personal situation and doesn't seem appropriately merged. However, I believe that enough people have shared their thoughts in this thread and some comments are veered quite a bit off the topic so this thread is now closed.

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