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My thoughts on the new que system


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> @Eddbopkins.2630 said:

> Sry its all in caps idk why

> #1 thing i hate in this game is inventory management. It wouldnt bother me in the least bit if they done away with rewards in ranked. Competitiveness is its own reward when you win or lose its fun. You shouldnt need boxes just to enjoy and continually play a game mode you either want to do it or you dont. With the reward system in ranked you get people who just dont care about learning what needs to be done in fights weather its when to cc someone so your team can burst or capture awareeness, or knowing what build/class you shouldnt 1v1 against repeatedly n lose. Yes rewards bring casuals to the ranked scene and help it grow but in the long run they are hurting the competitivness of ranked pvp with there half as s idelology of "o im mainly 75% here for the rewards so losing i dont care." And that what i feel your saying.


i understand your thought but i do care about losing (after all i get far less rewards when i lose) i only NOW don't care if i lose less since i want to retain my ability to play with friends in ranked which was the original reason for the thread. Addressing the whole" i think rewards should be removed from ranked" I disagree there is absolutely no reason that a pvper shouldn't be rewarded just like a wvwer is or a pver is just bc its in pvp and your trying to be competitive at the same time doesn't take away from the rewards.


i could just as easily say pve shouldnt have rewards you should just play it for the story or wvw shouldnt have rewards you should just do it for server pride lol.

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> We should have rewards for placement at the end of season, instead of rewards per match. Going up and down, up and down for eternity never should be "rewarding".


> Edit: Don't get Quaggan wrong, you should get "reward just for playing", but it shouldn't be higher than for playing unranked.


Ironically you only get a meaningless title for placing high at the end of the seasons... And I say meaningless because we know the top end of the ladder is manipulated. In last Season for exemple of the 5 top accounts, 3 belong to the same person. How I am suposed to take these titles seriously when I know that if I'm not part of the match manipulators I will never get there? Or maybe I could if play in the morning and queue against people that are ~300 rating below me instead. But in the end of the day, none of this interest me, and I'm here only for the Ascended Shards of Glory, which at least are some personal gratification.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @Morwath.9817 said:

> > We should have rewards for placement at the end of season, instead of rewards per match. Going up and down, up and down for eternity never should be "rewarding".

> >

> > Edit: Don't get Quaggan wrong, you should get "reward just for playing", but it shouldn't be higher than for playing unranked.


> Ironically you only get a meaningless title for placing high at the end of the seasons... And I say meaningless because we know the top end of the ladder is manipulated. In last Season for exemple of the 5 top accounts, 3 belong to the same person. How I am suposed to take these titles seriously when I know that if I'm not part of the match manipulators I will never get there? Or maybe I could if play in the morning and queue against people that are ~300 rating below me instead. But in the end of the day, none of this interest me, and I'm here only for the Ascended Shards of Glory, which at least are some personal gratification.


Well, if Quaggan would be in charge of sPvP and ranked play, Quaggan would forbid multi-accounting in ranked play, just playing on more than one would lead to suspension of all accounts player has. What is more, Quaggan would give unique armor skin (outfit mostly likely) each season for players who reach Gold or higher. Vote for Quaggan today! Ooo!

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> We should have rewards for placement at the end of season, instead of rewards per match. Going up and down, up and down for eternity never should be "rewarding".


> Edit: Don't get Quaggan wrong, you should get "reward just for playing", but it shouldn't be higher than for playing unranked.


hmmm i disagree getting small incremental rewards keeps the player base happy gives you a sense of progression even if you are losing atleast you have some sort of progression... im pretty sure spvp would be a much much smaller scene if it didnt have rewards after matches and frankly it cant get much smaller lol


also the issue with putting a season ending reward encourages toxic strategy like only playing the minumum games possible for a season or waiting to the very end of a season and playing all your games in the last few days of a season to get a better W:L ratio...


i think the system now is about as good as it needs to be it just doesn't need to be disabled during the offseason and it needs to work in unranked.... that would more or less solve all issues imo








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> @Nova.3817 said:

> > @Eddbopkins.2630 said:

> > If you need shinys n rewards to do ranked pvp in any meaningful way for your self then ranked pvp is NOT for you. All i care about is the ladder and how high i can climb on it. Not the rewards, not the shinys, not the felling of progression. Im in it for the out right fun of competition and gameplay the pvp provides. If you need to have the feeling of new shinys rewards and toon prgression how about not pvping at all? Your mentallity just seema toxic to the idea of competitive/ranked pvp.

> >

> > The enitre idea of duo q is dissapointing. This is a team based game not allowing 5 man q is bad enough but a 2 man q is almost worthless. I was hoping theyll allow at lwast 3 man q this season but then again anet is the king of dissapoint in my life atm.


> who are you to tell me ranked PVP is not for me? this is the mode they tied all the rewards 2 yes? if you think i shouldn't be in que bc im in it for fun and not for the competitiveness then how about you start a thread campaigning for pip rewards in unranked and ill back you 100% and ill never que ranked again.


> as i said earlier pvp is by far my most enjoyable game mode and i am by nature a competitive player and will always try to win.....however i also want to play with friends and WILL play a lesser class on purpose so as to keep my rating in line with the new rules...... and also agree with smurf that if they banned duo altogether that people would just start syncing and win trading even creating more toxic game mode.....heres a fix make unranked team que ranked mode and walah even have separate leaderboards EZPZ


What I would love to campaign for is a report function that is actually monitored like Lol has so people like you can get reported and get nice bans. Believe me there is plenty A-net could do if they cared to take care of people like you tough guy.

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> @brannigan.9831 said:

> > @Nova.3817 said:

> > > @Eddbopkins.2630 said:

> > > If you need shinys n rewards to do ranked pvp in any meaningful way for your self then ranked pvp is NOT for you. All i care about is the ladder and how high i can climb on it. Not the rewards, not the shinys, not the felling of progression. Im in it for the out right fun of competition and gameplay the pvp provides. If you need to have the feeling of new shinys rewards and toon prgression how about not pvping at all? Your mentallity just seema toxic to the idea of competitive/ranked pvp.

> > >

> > > The enitre idea of duo q is dissapointing. This is a team based game not allowing 5 man q is bad enough but a 2 man q is almost worthless. I was hoping theyll allow at lwast 3 man q this season but then again anet is the king of dissapoint in my life atm.

> >

> > who are you to tell me ranked PVP is not for me? this is the mode they tied all the rewards 2 yes? if you think i shouldn't be in que bc im in it for fun and not for the competitiveness then how about you start a thread campaigning for pip rewards in unranked and ill back you 100% and ill never que ranked again.

> >

> > as i said earlier pvp is by far my most enjoyable game mode and i am by nature a competitive player and will always try to win.....however i also want to play with friends and WILL play a lesser class on purpose so as to keep my rating in line with the new rules...... and also agree with smurf that if they banned duo altogether that people would just start syncing and win trading even creating more toxic game mode.....heres a fix make unranked team que ranked mode and walah even have separate leaderboards EZPZ


> What I would love to campaign for is a report function that is actually monitored like Lol has so people like you can get reported and get nice bans. Believe me there is plenty A-net could do if they cared to take care of people like you tough guy.


I don't recall anyone being banned for playing a hero that they aren't good with... And I've played lots of League over the years, from Bronze to Platinum.


The fact is that while you people acuse us of throwing, you cannot really prove that we are doing it when we are not. Principally because we are still playing serious, except with a profession we don't play as much or some build that isn't meta. I did played a lot of my variation of boon Chrono for PvP last season, which is far from being meta, and yet I couldn't drop below Platinum I for the simple fact that I don't actively throw the match. But if I were playing with somenthing I do PvP more often, like Engineer, I would obviously have placed higher.


People like you, who think anyone that isn't playing the Flavor of the Month is throwing, are the reason why most competitive gaming are toxic. I bet you rage when you see a Revenant on your team.

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> @brannigan.9831 said:

> > @Nova.3817 said:

> > > @Eddbopkins.2630 said:

> > > If you need shinys n rewards to do ranked pvp in any meaningful way for your self then ranked pvp is NOT for you. All i care about is the ladder and how high i can climb on it. Not the rewards, not the shinys, not the felling of progression. Im in it for the out right fun of competition and gameplay the pvp provides. If you need to have the feeling of new shinys rewards and toon prgression how about not pvping at all? Your mentallity just seema toxic to the idea of competitive/ranked pvp.

> > >

> > > The enitre idea of duo q is dissapointing. This is a team based game not allowing 5 man q is bad enough but a 2 man q is almost worthless. I was hoping theyll allow at lwast 3 man q this season but then again anet is the king of dissapoint in my life atm.

> >

> > who are you to tell me ranked PVP is not for me? this is the mode they tied all the rewards 2 yes? if you think i shouldn't be in que bc im in it for fun and not for the competitiveness then how about you start a thread campaigning for pip rewards in unranked and ill back you 100% and ill never que ranked again.

> >

> > as i said earlier pvp is by far my most enjoyable game mode and i am by nature a competitive player and will always try to win.....however i also want to play with friends and WILL play a lesser class on purpose so as to keep my rating in line with the new rules...... and also agree with smurf that if they banned duo altogether that people would just start syncing and win trading even creating more toxic game mode.....heres a fix make unranked team que ranked mode and walah even have separate leaderboards EZPZ


> What I would love to campaign for is a report function that is actually monitored like Lol has so people like you can get reported and get nice bans. Believe me there is plenty A-net could do if they cared to take care of people like you tough guy.


IF EVEN......even if anet did monitor reports actively then they still wouldn't ban me bc i will be playing my hardest but NOT with the current meta build or NOT with my best class.....BUT i will try my best with what i am playing that isn't throwing....that's playing a weaker build on purpose and there is nothing wrong with that....and if and when i master that class/build and climb close to 1600 rating i will change again.


been playing power reaper and maintaining around 1500 which is perfect


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