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So, I really want to know

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Anet does not usually share their Plans for the Future here, sometimes on Reddit though.

I personally believe there will be such Skins, because it just makes sense for both Game environment and Company's money making, especially since changing skin is not really changing species of the actual Mount, so I hope there would be no issues =D

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I don't think we will see new species per se. Jackal will always have some kind of dog skin, raptor may always be a lizard like creature. That's mostly because of animations and main model that would need to be animated seperately if they made sth different. Instead of giving different species skins they may aswell just make totally new mount because of the work needed to make them.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> I don't think we will see new species per se. Jackal will always have some kind of dog skin, raptor may always be a lizard like creature. That's mostly because of animations and main model that would need to be animated seperately if they made sth different. Instead of giving different species skins they may aswell just make totally new mount because of the work needed to make them.


I think that Jackal for one could be made in to Cat easily, only I did not quite think about what would happen with the iddle Howling animation =D

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I recon that they are gonna stay the species that they are.

Jackal will always be some sort of canine (so guess hyena is not out of the question, specially with the husky being a thing)

Springer will always be some sort og bunnyroo... maybe add more bunny or more roo... maybe elements of other rodents?

Raptor will always be bipedal dino

Skimmer will always be that.... rayfish thingie... might make it more like normal rays or more "alien"... maybe... but the basic shape will stay somewhere around the sameish.

Griffons will always be catbirds... not wyverns... not dragons. So ok maybe it can be a catdragon instead of a catbird... dunno


I know I might be the naysaying hater here.... but I want to be right.... new species could be entirely new mounts... if they can find a purpose for them.

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I do really hope we won't.

Mounts are skills related, and more beasts could mean more skills.

Also i want to be able to recognize what kind of mount ( and what skill ) a determined players can use with the mount he's riding.


At last, game was already ruined enough by flashy colours, auras and gliders.

I feel no need for dragon mounts ( since dragons are mostly enemies and rare beings ) and so on.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> I do really hope we won't.

> Mounts are skills related, and more beasts could mean more skills.

> Also i want to be able to recognize what kind of mount ( and what skill ) a determined players can use with the mount he's riding.


> At last, game was already ruined enough by flashy colours, auras and gliders.

> I feel no need for dragon mounts ( since dragons are mostly enemies and rare beings ) and so on.


If they go this route, but my suspicion is if we don't get new species via skins, we won't get new species period. Maybe one solution is to provide a "basic" mount with no skills that can have more variable skins (horses, etc.) that doesn't require any mastery or anything.

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