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Reaper shroud uptime


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I do understand the need to reduce the uptime while buffing the damage, but I think from 3% per second to 5% per second was too large of a nerf. I'd say 4% would have been a better starting point. Outside of a zerg fight in wvw, not enough things are dying to make the shroud anywhere near effective due to its uptime being decreased by nearly half. I think it should be adjusted to 4% and see how it goes for a couple weeks. If it ends up being a little too strong, up it to 4.5% per second. You also decreased the ways of keeping it up longer, which is why I say you halved its up time. Before, just by time degrading, 3% would take 33 and a third seconds to fully drain shroud. At 5%, it takes 20 seconds. That is 13 seconds shaved off its uptime right there. You also lowered the amount gained from attacks from 2% to 1.5% Let's say every 1 attack gained that back, that after 6 attacks, instead of 12%, it would now be 9%. Now, that doesn't seem substantial, but in a drawn out fight, that isn't gonna cut it because you are getting hit that entire time by physical and condi damage, which condi will shred it fast in pvp and wvw. I feel like whoever balanced it jumped the gun by going straight to 5% from 3%. Though I understand they didn't want to make reaper physical too strong, they overdid it. I don't think they should completely revert the degrading time, but the nerf should have been less extreme. I'd love to see reaper be able to compete with its condi counterparts, and I think this patch nearly put it there.

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Honestly, why are we even accepting the idea of trading shroud uptime for damage...do we even have defensive options to replace shroud?

Locking us out of shroud for 10 seconds was bad enough defensively.

Now we are okay with trading our only subpar shield for a bigger sword?


Compared to other classes, our non shroud defensive options are a joke.

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> @EremiteAngel.9765 said:

> Honestly, why are we even accepting the idea of trading shroud uptime for damage...do we even have defensive options to replace shroud?

> Locking us out of shroud for 10 seconds was bad enough defensively.

> Now we are okay with trading our only subpar shield for a bigger sword?


> Compared to other classes, our non shroud defensive options are a joke.


that is the point my friend!!! i still miss to understand how exactly those guys could think that a class with no evade, no breakstuns, no block, no mobility could stay alive if they nerf the only defensive mechanincs there was.

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> @ilmau.9781 said:

> > @EremiteAngel.9765 said:

> > Honestly, why are we even accepting the idea of trading shroud uptime for damage...do we even have defensive options to replace shroud?

> > Locking us out of shroud for 10 seconds was bad enough defensively.

> > Now we are okay with trading our only subpar shield for a bigger sword?

> >

> > Compared to other classes, our non shroud defensive options are a joke.


> that is the point my friend!!! i still miss to understand how exactly those guys could think that a class with no evade, no breakstuns, no block, no mobility could stay alive if they nerf the only defensive mechanincs there was.


Aye...I think most of us know that Power Reaper needs more damage to be competitive, but not all of us know that Reaper has subpar defensive options compared to other classes.


Other classes can chain damage **immunity/disengage** for long periods via all their defensive weapon skills, class mechanics, utilities.

We got **zero** damage immunity and disengages that cannot compete with other classes.


This patch should have given us the offensive boost without nerfing our shroud.

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If we get shroud cd reduction (Core necro) and higher LF gain (Reaper trait line), this whole concept might get where it should be. Using Shroud as offense or defense or both depending on the situation we are in. Only then I can really understand and support their current design.

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i think that they have no idea of the amount of damage taken in WvW nor in PvP in the fact that in large scale fights you loose more than 50% life just to get in melee range. Come WvW t1-2 europe and try yourself then let me know. While in PvP you can be kiten forever till your shroud is gone, so at this point you are totally exposed due to the lack of defensive ability.

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