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What axe builds you running?


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What axe builds is everyone running?


I mean cmon....you had to have noticed how they do stupid amounts of damage now, makes all the other power weapons look idiotic by comparison.


I'm doing DOULBE AXE+ rife with arms/strength/berserker in wvsw, and its loads of fun. Basically you just use rifle most of the time then when you need cleave and they get close, swap to axe and go ham on whatever is infront of you. its hilarious.


I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to using axe f1 and f2 though...I mean even if they do land it doesn't seem worth it even with berserker's power runing or whatever its called. for the +21%dmg thing.


axe f2 does 20k though sometimes, 10k per the attack and 10k per shockwave....then it has that 1s burn damage as well which is nice. Seeems to be kinda random tho on whether or not both things proc or not....rly annoying. Bit too random to count on for many fights.


Axe 2 followed by axe 4 then straight into axe 5, while tapping berserker mode whenever its up, seems like the best rotation (as far as my ingame playing goes, haven't done actual scientific testings!!)

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I like the double axe, also. I have used it a lot. At the moment, though, I am trying out axe/dagger spellbreaker. It is working pretty well, so far. Big damage from the mainhand axe, and healing from the off hand dagger (using the sun and moon style trait), strength/arms/spellbreaker. I am pretty unhappy with the rifle damage, so I am using the longbow for the secondary, not that it is much better, but it _feels_better.

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ya that sounds pretty cool




Been using this lately in wvsw. Its just epic cleave. Killing downs has never been easier....used to be the bane of my wvsw play, but now its just plain fun to deal with downed players.

I gotta work on finding something with blood reckoning that doesn't auto die when I get run over tho....its fun for backline and duels and smaller group stuffs atm tho.

shake it off can be changed to whatever you want, just been testing it lately since I'm out of ideas on how the hell to make my build fun and deal with condi damage post berserker stance nerf.

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