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A Few Suggestions and Requests, November 2017


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Greetings, lately I've been seeing a lot of wishes on map and guild chats about how cool it would be to have this and that in the game. But unless they're posted in a place it can "stay", no one will notice them, right? So here I am, transferring a lot of suggestions and requests I've collected from friends, guild members and random strangers on map chats :)



# **Path of Fire:**

* **Path of Fire maps are extraordinarily humongous, yet their immense size hasn't been utilized for something worth spending time there.** Like huge, chained meta-events with unique rewards at the end, similar to how Heart of Thorns maps were. That's what keeps players busy and gives them goals to complete. Currently it feels there's no point to play the PoF content after completing the story and all related achievements. New story steps will be added with Living World Season 4, yes. But considering how the original PoF story ended (avoiding spoilers here), will it take place on the existing, yet "altered" versions of PoF maps, creating new challenges/events/areas? Or will we get more gigantic maps that will be played for a week and then almost cease to exist? What's mainly requested is that the size of the maps is used for a lot more purposes; that is, anything new that is added, from new legendary weapons, armor and trinkets, also utilize every nook and cranny in the PoF maps to hide collection items. Which leads to the next suggestion..

* **Many people have wished for the ability to acquire legendary armor outside the Raids and WvW content.** Why don't we see a really enormous scavenger hunt collection, The Collection of All Collections, which spreads across Tyria, Heart of Thorns AND Path of Fire content? For once, scrap the "materials" part and create a tremendously long and time-consuming collection of hidden items to be found and tasks to complete, as well as a series of dialogues with many many NPCs that will give us information both about the next "step" and also valuable lore regarding the origins of the legendary armor we are trying to acquire. Why do legendary pieces have to be a mere gold/material sink? Make a series of new legendary armor pieces, the next legendary trinket(s) and remaining legendary weapons be acquired this way, properly utilizing all those beautiful areas you've created in the game! **Give it a feel of those old RPGs we all once played, talk to NPC, receive a task, complete task, return to NPC to report. And you can also add the option to "purchase the completion" of a specific collection item or task if a player doesn't find it enjoyable. Purchase with materials that would otherwise be used to craft a legendary, like Tier 6 powerful blood vials, or Globs of Ectoplasm, or Elder Wood Planks, etc.. This will make it so much more enjoyable both for those who just want to "pay for their legendary", and those who would prefer to rather "work for it". Make the journey matter, not the gold spent on it.**

* ~~I'm sure this will eventually happen, but I have seen requests about how PoF stats are not accessible in ascended gear yet, i.e. **insignias/inscriptions of new stat combinations cannot be acquired to convert/craft ascended gear to them**.~~ I think I noticed that addition though with the new collection achievements added 3 days ago. Still had to mention it though, promised it :)



# **User Interface, Inventory, Gem Store, Currencies:**

* **Firstly, please kindly notice the post of cumulative feedback regarding the recent outrage that came up with the latest release of [mount license skins here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/257368/#Comment_257368 "mount license skins here")** <---.

* **Spread in-game gold acquisition throughout more content.** A few years ago you made dungeon gold a daily reward, because it felt that having to farm Citadel of Flame path 1 a repetitive process players feel forced to do, yet now the most popular method to earn gold is... repetitively farming Lv 40 fractal. Then you felt the dungeon rewards were too high and reduced them by 66%, then added a separate achievement that gives 5g per completion of 8 unique dungeon paths. It would appear that you are trying to minimalize any possible raw gold reward there is in the game. And this is really unfair to new players, and those who don't want to spend hours experimenting with flipping items in the Trading Post, or taking the risk to gamble with Globs of Ectoplasm. Let aside that people use a specific exploit to bypass the cinematic in the Molten Boss fractal, and by now you are definitely aware of that, and how it really is an exploit. If you are fine with people bypassing the cinematic, just add a Skip button to it. Because some players do not wish to use exploits, and they are even kicked from groups for that. I'm sure this is not your intention. All players should be rewarded for the time they spend playing, so they won't feel forced to repeat the same thing over and over again to earn gold. Why don't dynamic events offer more gold? Some of them sure take their sweet time to complete. The only meta-event worth doing, to earn gold, is Tequatl. And it's not even a "hard" event to begin with. Why don't those who spend 90 minutes to do a Dragon Stand meta-event run get rewarded with gold at the end? Even if it's a daily reward. Speaking of which..

* **Please split the meta-event in Dragon Stand into two phases, pre-events to earn Machetes (among other rewards) and the second phase being the 3 bosses at the towers, leading to Mordremoth fight.** It's dreadfully time-consuming, having to do content in Verdant Brink AND Auric Basin AND Tangled Depths, to earn currency for the Machetes. You had split the meta-events of the 3 above maps in the past, to make them less grindy, why not do the same for Dragon Stand, so it comes to par with PoF content event durations and feel less burdening to new players as well? After all it's been 2 years it was released. Time enough to make a split.

* **Please convert the gathering tools to wardrobe skins/animation unlocks and let those who own at least one of each tool type, have them permanently equipped on all characters of their account.** It feels so redundant, having to transfer the tools to each character all the time. But what feels worse is that some of these tools have really great animations, yet we feel forced to use the watchwork pick or unbound magic tools because they are more "profitable". Sell the ability to permanently acquire unlimited uses of gathering tools on the account separately, and once that's unlocked, a player can select select gathering animations for each character from the wardrobe, as well as the "special bonus" they want to have (e.g. chance to get watchwork sprockets, unbound magic, and anything new you'll come up with, lots of materials and currencies you could release as bonus rewards. Eventually, sell new gathering animations for a cheaper gem price, and sell the bonus reward effects separately, for gems again. This way a lot more people will buy both new animations and bonus reward effects as they see fit. Those who already purchased multiple gathering tool sets could talk to a specific NPC to automatically redeem the tools and permanently unlock the related animations (and bonus reward effects, in the case of unbound magic tools and watchwork sprocket pick).

* **Allow extraction of runes, sigils, infusions from legendary items for free**; they are legendary for many reasons, let's make them even better shall we?

* **Allow legendary armor and weapons to switch skins for free, always based on the skins unlocked on the related account wardrobe.**

* **Add a "Randomize dye colours" button in any place where we can dye equipment, gliders, mounts etc., so the game randomly chooses colours for it**. With the option to add specific filters as well. For example, choose random colours from a specified hue, dye rarity and surface material. Obviously only unlocked dyes on the account will be selected. This could end up creating really amazing looks!

* **Add "Randomize Glider skin", "Randomise mount skin", "Randomize miniature" checkboxes (and if you eventually implement the above suggestion, also "Randomize gathering animation"), so each time we use it's randomized.** Like we have one for the Finishers. Perhaps also give us the ability to set certain skins as Favourites, so only those will be chosen for the randomization.

* Minor request but had to include it. **Please allow the Geomancer Glider to be dyed.** Mostly the flame part, so just one dye channel would be just okay.

* **Add an Invisible Glider (and possibly Invisible Mount skins) in the game.** Where we'll just see our character flying like Superman, each race with their own animations, possibly having a faint aura (dye-able please!) surrounding them, leaving a faint trail (also dye-able please!) behind. We're all sure you can make it happen!

* **Allow all endless transformation tonics, musical instruments, movement-altering toys, costume brawl weapons, kites, music boxes etc. to be permanently unlocked in the wardrobe, like you did with the outfits, so they can disappear from our inventories.** Seriously, they have become just too many to keep by now, they take up so much space in the bank. And add a new box in the user interface to select them from there, exactly like we have the mounts selection box. With all the above added to the wardrobe, players will also be able to see what they own and what not.

* **Convert Luck into a currency and add it to our wallets.** Those who have not maxed out their Magic Find to 300% yet, will be able to do that by talking to a special vendor who will tell them exactly how much Luck they need to spend (pay) to get the next 1% of Magic Find. This vendor will also be able to sell exclusive rewards using Luck as a currency, like unique miniatures, weapon/armor/backpiece/mount/glider skins, endless tonic(s), consumables, temporary buffs that increase Magic Find, Karma, etc., similar to the Guild Hall Tavern buffs, etc.. This way the players who have maxed their Magic Find won't feel forced to destroy the Essences of Luck, make them worth it!

* **Convert all Keys into a currency and add it to our wallets, with each key amount shown next to the map currency when we are on that map** (e.g. 127 Exalted Keys shown next to 1078 Aurillum, when we are in Auric Basin map). As far as we are concerned, the keys we use to open chests are not used in any Mystic Forge combination, cannot be sold to any vendor or have any other functionality than opening chests. Bandit Skeleton Key, Zephyrite Lockpick, Trader's Key, Completed Aetherkey, Pact Crowbar, Exalted Key, Vial of Chak Acid, Machete, for example. Maybe I forgot to mention some keys, but do we really need these as physical items in our inventory? They could work just fine being recognized as currency from within our wallets.

* **Allow certain materials we have excessive amounts of, to be sold to vendors, even for 1-10 copper per piece.** In other words, it feels bad having to destroy stacks of items just because we don't have enough space to store them. Make the sacrifice be worth it a little! Items like bloodstone dust, auric dust, as well as consumable food we get from seasonal events like Halloween, Wintersday etc..

* **Could you allow us to right-click on a recipe and "Hide" it, so it remains hidden permanently?** Crafting UI is really cluttered with the enormous amount of recipes that exist in the game. We could have a checkbox to "Show all hidden recipes", should we ever wish to unhide a recipe.

* **Outfit overhaul:** Separate dye channels for each piece, in the same way we can dye armor pieces. Allow show/hide options for all pieces, possibly with the ability to show the armor piece beneath when something is hidden. Cosmetic shoulder pieces should shine through (Nightfury etc.). All those options saved on a per outfit, per character basis. A hotkey for, and possibly a rework of the outfit sub-window so the above additions can be implemented there.

* **Allow us to create personal notes and place waypoints/pins on the map, which are only visible by the person who creates them, for our own convenience when exploring or wanting to keep track of what daily stuff we wish to do in the game.** They can be locally saved in our GW2 folder to avoid flooding the servers anyway. Perhaps also allow the use of checkboxes per item on the list, to "lock" certain entries so they persist and are visible every day.



# **World vs. World:**

* Please make WvW function like Edge of the Mists, having multiple instances per map. Currently there is no actual point in "winning" the weekly matchup, as the rewards are unfortunately insignificant. Many players are encountering their hardest opponent yet, "The Queue", every evening. Divide all servers into factions (possibly based on the server's name and in accordance to geographical position on the map), and each faction gets a different team colour every week. Players of the same team colour can join each others' map instance and fight together. This will eliminate the queues and allow stronger WvW guilds to form, with players from multiple home worlds. Currently it's hard to find members for a WvW guild, as the number of players with a high interest in WvW is limited on some servers, and on some other servers is asphyxiatingly high. Team colours will solve a lot of problems, and ... the best experience of any WvW players is having the numbers and enjoy good fights, whether won or lost. I doubt experiencing constant fights of 50 vs 20 is any fun at all.


That is all for now, will update the list if I see more requests! Please feel free to post your opinion below (this includes Anet staff members!), providing some constructive feedback :)

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I do agree with everything...


... except


> Add an Invisible Glider (and possibly **Invisible Mount skins**) in the game. Where we'll just see our character flying like Superman, each race with their own animations, possibly having a faint aura (dye-able please!) surrounding them, leaving a faint trail (also dye-able please!) behind. We're all sure you can make it happen!



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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> I do agree with everything...


> ... except


> > Add an Invisible Glider (and possibly **Invisible Mount skins**) in the game. Where we'll just see our character flying like Superman, each race with their own animations, possibly having a faint aura (dye-able please!) surrounding them, leaving a faint trail (also dye-able please!) behind. We're all sure you can make it happen!


> kitten?

Haha, this was not really my idea, but I had to post it. But admit it, you'd love to watch an asura randomly jumping a long distance out of nowhere. Or flying up and down as if it has strings attached like a marionette. :P



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Although there is some stupid/controversial stuff in there which I am against, there are so many good suggestions which are reasonable and partly have been asked for for years (like putting the enormous amounts of items in your inventory into a wardrobe/keywallet/toystorage/tonicstorage etc. etc.) that I would like to "upvote" the post as a whole and just agree to it :)

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> @Shikigami.4013 said:

> **Although there is some stupid/controversial stuff in there which I am against**, there are so many good suggestions which are reasonable and partly have been asked for for years (like putting the enormous amounts of items in your inventory into a wardrobe/keywallet/toystorage/tonicstorage etc. etc.) that I would like to "upvote" the post as a whole and just agree to it :)


Forums exist to discuss, so do that :). Anything you disagree with, speak of it or propose a better suggestion for it.


> @ovinnik.9216 said:

> A sensible idea, but you might have more luck with a thread like this if you made a clear distinction between QoL-features (e. g. keys), system overhauls (e. g. gold) and arbitrary fluff (e. g. invisible gliders).

You mean split into different threads?

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> @Naeleen.7601 said:

> > @Shikigami.4013 said:

> > **Although there is some stupid/controversial stuff in there which I am against**, there are so many good suggestions which are reasonable and partly have been asked for for years (like putting the enormous amounts of items in your inventory into a wardrobe/keywallet/toystorage/tonicstorage etc. etc.) that I would like to "upvote" the post as a whole and just agree to it :)


> Forums exist to discuss, so do that :). Anything you disagree with, speak of it or propose a better suggestion for it.


Ah no. It would just become a pointless discussion between people who like/dislike specific suggestions and cause the thread to become longwinded. I think keeping this short and to the point of stuff that should be implemented is better than to argue about particular things that someone thinks should NOT be implemented.


For example I think invisible mounts or gliders ist a stupid suggestion, but that does not mean that I want to argue over it with people who would like them. I would not care if they implemented them as I do not have to use them, so I don't really see a point of voicing my opinion against them ;)


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@Naeleen.7601: I feel this belongs into the list, pulled from the old forum:

Swapping from khaki [Jungle Explorer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jungle_Explorer_Outfit) in Dragon's Stand to a white [Arctic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arctic_Explorer_Outfit) in Bitterfrost and later to a colorful [Fancy Winter Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fancy_Winter_Outfit) for socializing in Rata Sum is quite dis-encouraged right now.


I suggest an outfit overhaul:

• Separate dye channels for head, shoulder, hands, feet, aura & obligatory butt-cape

• Separate show/hide options for the above-mentioned

• Cosmetic shoulder pieces shine through (Nightfury etc.)

• All those options saved per outfit

• A hotkey for the outfit sub-window

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> * **Path of Fire maps are extraordinarily humongous, yet their immense size hasn't been utilized for something worth spending time there.**


PoF maps do need some meta events, but its good to consider the player population when designing them. So huge changed meta-events might be way to much for our current population. Gating items and achievements behind events you cannot complete with a party or small raid might really hurt new or returning players trying to do them while the population already moved to the new maps.


> * **Many people have wished for the ability to acquire legendary armor outside the Raids and WvW content.**


That would be nice as long as the quest is actually fun to do and not like the new legendaries (get 100k wood and craft).


> * **Spread in-game gold acquisition throughout more content.**


This would be great, having the ability to earn gold by actually exploring the world and doing random events instead of grinding fractal lvl 40. Even if the gold earned is not as much it would be nice.


> * **Please split the meta-event in Dragon Stand into two phases, pre-events to earn Machetes (among other rewards) and the second phase being the 3 bosses at the towers, leading to Mordremoth fight.**


And that is exactly why adding meta event chains to PoF maps should be done really careful.


> * **Please convert the gathering tools to wardrobe skins/animation unlocks and let those who own at least one of each tool type, have them permanently equipped on all characters of their account.**


It might be good but the price would most likely be pretty high. And I'm against the tools special bonus, they should have never added it. The whole point of the tools was to remove the need of buying gathering tools all the time.


> * **Allow extraction of runes, sigils, infusions from legendary items for free**


That seems fine given how much items are needed for them.


> * **Allow legendary armor and weapons to switch skins for free, always based on the skins unlocked on the related account wardrobe.**


50/50 on this one. Some people swim in charges, some have non and buy them from the gem store.


> * **Allow all endless transformation tonics, musical instruments, movement-altering toys, costume brawl weapons, kites, music boxes etc. to be permanently unlocked in the wardrobe, like you did with the outfits, so they can disappear from our inventories.**


That would be great, especially for collectors.


> * **Convert Luck into a currency and add it to our wallets.**


I would prefer if they removed the luck drops once you max it. The luck system was added to replaced the Gear luck stats but making it useful for gear/tonics or stuff like that then it will be mandatory to max it so you can get all the exclusive rewards. If they remove it players who are currently gathering it won't receive any once they max it and the players who already maxed it can destroy it without fear and won't receive more.


> * **Allow certain materials we have excessive amounts of, to be sold to vendors, even for 1-10 copper per piece.**


I would like that too, giving 1 copper store value to all junk or even account bound ascended items so we can sell them once we don't need them.


> * **Allow us to create personal notes and place waypoints/pins on the map, which are only visible by the person who creates them, for our own convenience when exploring or wanting to keep track of what daily stuff we wish to do in the game.**


If they add it behind a toggle option so it doesn't clutter the UI for players that don't need it.


And a new thing not present in the suggestions **adding optional toolbar for consumables/toys/items like (desert highland treasure maps)**


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