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How happy are you with the Reaper? (Post 7 Nov 2017 Patch)


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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > Frankly I'm just sick and tired of the lack of discussion by the balance team with the community to discuss why they feel the need to do certain things. I have never in the 20 years of playing MMO's seen a balance team completely isolate themselves from the player base, there is no reason to do this.


> Really? because what I see here is pretty status quo ... why the hell would a dev team talk to players at large on a forum about balance? How objective do you think people are? I think you give people way to much credit for their objectivity and their knowledge of the game as a whole.


this is a standard market base, we are paying customers we ask what to do they do what we ask. Otherwise we go spend our $$$ somewhere else, this is quite simple to understand, we want to have fun their want they bonus at the end of the month, and both things can be done at same time :D

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Reaper shroud drain got nerfed 67%... its not the 20k damage hitting you thats draining it. Yes it may be a part of it.. but go test where you are taking no damage (test golems in pvp arena) With the nerf.. you dont even have enough shroud to get off one full rotation of skills anymore.. maybe 1 if your lucky and in combat the drain is so bad you cant even use it to leap in anymore and do one spin... your dead on impact from the damage you take before you get your first swing off. They need to revert the shroud drain or at the very least cut it in half... Reapers are SUPPOSED to be a jump in and damage class.. no matter the spec.. but when you CANNOT DO THAT.. the spec is not viable anymore. It seems they did it because a ton of people refused to even try scourge because it is so squishy.... but i dunno.. I just wish they would fix it. I didnt like scourge in the beta.. and hate playing it now even more because i have been forced into it to stay alive.

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> @Dadnir.5038 said:

> > @Atzros.8715 said:

> > Shroud serving as a second life bar is a dark cloud preventing us from blooming as a class, and that is my opinion on the matter -- so long as we can shroud our health in a second life bar, our balance will be shrouded in misery.


> That sum it up. As long as the necromancer don't get rid of this 2nd life bar idea it will never be satisfying in both damage and defense. Asking for more damage or more defense or more support will never do the trick, the shroud is both the boon of the necromancer and it's bane.


Oh so a flame guardian or a spellbreaker that can run in and never get hit because their dodge and evade is so high and they have heavy armor and condi clear, bubbles etc..

never needs a nerf.. lets nerf the necros becuase they have no escape skills and cloth armor and only 20k more hp to stay alive and they they drain those as they use them? wtf This is why necro has a shroud bar... we have no speed buff no bubbles no heavy armor no escape skills and we HAVE to stand our ground and fight or die... unlike other classes they just hit their invul button, bubble and run away at the speed of light.. come on.. shroud is ALL necro had... and they nerfed it where it is no longer usable.

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> @trueanimus.4085 said:

> > @Dadnir.5038 said:

> > > @Atzros.8715 said:

> > > Shroud serving as a second life bar is a dark cloud preventing us from blooming as a class, and that is my opinion on the matter -- so long as we can shroud our health in a second life bar, our balance will be shrouded in misery.

> >

> > That sum it up. As long as the necromancer don't get rid of this 2nd life bar idea it will never be satisfying in both damage and defense. Asking for more damage or more defense or more support will never do the trick, the shroud is both the boon of the necromancer and it's bane.


> Oh so a flame guardian or a spellbreaker that can run in and never get hit because their dodge and evade is so high and they have heavy armor and condi clear, bubbles etc..

> never needs a nerf.. lets nerf the necros becuase they have no escape skills and cloth armor and only 20k more hp to stay alive and they they drain those as they use them? kitten This is why necro has a shroud bar... we have no speed buff no bubbles no heavy armor no escape skills and we HAVE to stand our ground and fight or die... unlike other classes they just hit their invul button, bubble and run away at the speed of light.. come on.. shroud is ALL necro had... and they nerfed it where it is no longer usable.


good point my friend, i really would like to hear devs opinion about i am very courious...

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> @mygamingid.5816 said:

> Reaper's Shroud is shorter, and any reduction is going to be perceived far more than any increase, but in actual play I've had plenty of time to hit my useful attacks and auto until my key weapon skills are off CD. So it's more active in that it forces you to get back to your weapon skills. For me, running a pure Power Reaper build, that's more damage than camping Shroud and more engaging - good on both counts.


> Shroud is still weak in single-target fights, particularly if the boss has a lot of anti-melee skills. Slower decay doesn't help there, though. Feels like it needs more life force generation than anything else.


The way I see it is that it cuts into build options, though. Some people really like the notion of building in configurations which effectively depend on shroud as a primary form of combat. This (prior to the changes) was very doable in the PvP formats, and made for a really neat approach to necromancer given RS's higher mobility, cleave, and CC potential. F1 -> combo -> exit and run around/kite is really boring as a playstyle in comparison to the aggressive, damage-oriented shroud reaper if this style of play was sought-after. There was effectively no passive play in these kinds of builds such that if not taking damage, shroud could be permanent and thus the build would have full utilization, and it was amazingly fun. You'd bust out F1 and go on a rampage without really being confined to the shroud timer so long as you kept playing aggressive but didn't play stupidly as to take major hits.


RS only really needed a bit of a bump in damage to make RS1 have purpose as far as DPS goes. AA is boring but most optimal DPS things in PvE are just AA'ing or something very similar. If other things are wildly over-performing, those need to be looked at. HoT wasn't supposed to make professions any stronger. How did reaper's damage compare to pre-HoT levels?

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I only wvw/pvp.... but power reaper is much much stronger than it was pre patch. I honestly don't notice the draining, I'm outputting the same amount of dps I used to in a much shorter period of time. I rotate out, and by the time 10 seconds is up, I have enough LF to rotate back in for more whatever. It's still useful for tanking bursts of damage. You can't just stay in it and auto like you used to. Anything that ups skill caps I'm all for.


I wish anet had made condi still a bit more viable for reaper, and also WE REALLY NEED THE SHROUD CD TRAIT BACK. But, overall it's in a good place. Does great dps for wvw, still counterable which is good. I don't see people qq about it like scourge which is good.

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> @Svarty.8019 said:

> > @ilmau.9781 said:

> > in order to give it some more DPS to make it viable for the PvE end game content all the WvW and PvP builds have been destroyed in the process.

> > [..]

> > To sum up, Reaper was working for wvw and pvp and now is no more, was not working for pve and still do not. Very unhappy.

> >


> Don't worry, if they keep nerfing Necromancer, it'll eventually become so bad it's good, right?

> #Right?


Yeah, eventually your damage will get so weak it starts healing, and you become the new raid healer by swinging your wet noodle of health at your friends.


Seriously though, it doesn't seem like they are comparing classes to each other when making "balance" changes. It's almost as if they see something not working as they would like, so they make a change, hit a dummy for a while, then ship it out. They dont seem to see the effects these changes have on all aspects of the game, they just focus on one, and make the change accordingly.

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