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What about a dialogue for a change ANet?


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> @Ardid.7203 said:

> The idea that a business is there only to make money and that as long as it makes money everything and anything is ok... is wrong. We are sadly forgetting society comes before profit, and money is nothing but a tool to make the interchange of goods and services easier. Business are the powerful constructs that promotes diversity of interchange (physical things, work, knowledge, entertainment, art) and make the interchange sustainable.

> But what is the purpose of such interchange? The common welfare. Survival, safety, comfort, happiness, self-fulfilment. For people.


> Of course, games aren't basic needs. Most of us have somewhat broke through the mere survival into a world were virtual role-playing experiences have authentic, human value. We pursue happiness, and games are one of our ways to achieve it. We are lucky, yes, but the main point remains there anyway.


> Do you think people felt this strong disgust for schemes just because they want to save money? Or because they hate when business make money? No. This instinctive rejection comes from the unconscious but clear notion that there has been a betrayal. That one side is not fulfilling its part of the agreement.


> Its easy to blindly say "it's just business". Well, it isn't. The moment a business lost sight of the people to focus only on the money, that business has lost the way. It no longer serves its basic, real purpose: to make society better.



Now that's a statement! :)


Yes. The majority might not be like that, but as always, the majority doesn't necessarily represent the best way to do something.

If this would always be the case, then you could argue that Rhianna would make 'better' music then Queen, because she sold more records then them.

Numbers don't represent the real value of something, so to always chase for a higher number is imho the wrong path anyway.

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