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[Suggestion][Question] A block/blacklist option that actually block/blacklist someone?

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No, I haven't blocked or blacklist anyone in a while, nor am I like planning to right now.

No, I'm not ones that would blacklist just because they got those rng mounts (or at least for simply using the adoption item), and so on and so forth.


This comes from that other topic about disabling the starbound effect, but it's more than an effect problem situation.

Why is it that if someone blocks/blacklists someone, they can still see them? Once again, the problem isn't about visual effect. It COULD be used for that, but that's not the reason I'm asking on this.

I've seen in other MMOs where you would either see people being obnoxious either verbally, physically (thankfully GW2 has no squatting or thrusting animation/emote at least), and yes in the terms of like some gliders/skins sometimes visually as well.


If someone seems to be a nuisance to a certain player, why is it that the most you can do is just remove their text but still have to deal with the player?

There are countless players out there, and the majority of them are awesome, but of course, not everyone is a bundle of awesomness of course.

This could even be used in like that one situation that was talked about before this week where someone was blocking people from using a teleporter in Siren's Landing. Could simply block them, not see their tag, and then now you can use the teleporter. Some find messing with others as their form of fun and enjoyment and I think just simply being able to hide them directly would help to have to deal with them.


Oh, and of course it won't be one-sided. If you block them, they can't see you either. Many other MMOs have the block/blacklist option done this before and not too sure why GW2 doesn't have this same setup either.

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