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A Message About the Mount Adoption License

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> @Nereikia.3507 said:

> Well, i respect ppl who work at ArenaNet (NC West) and make gw2, but i just can't appreciate a message that is explicitly related to some 'damage-controlling' PR talk rather than to players' concerns. I'm so sorry for that, to be honest.


> > @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:


> > Individual sale is a mechanic that works with a few, flashy skins. Using a grab bag mechanic gives us leeway to create skins to suit a wide range of player tastes while **offering a lower price per skin**.


> So, following that brilliant logic of yours, dear mr. O'Brien, one might think that when you locked the Fallen Balthazar Outfit behind the black lion lootboxes, you offered it at a significantly lower price, compared to other outfits, because the key costs only 150 gems. Such a good deal!


> And that logical trick is not the only 'flaw' of this message, unfortunately.


> P.S. Sorry for my poor English.




Dave Gorman came up with the best analogy for this kind of merchandising. He went to buy a comb, 1 comb, and visited a couple of 'pound shops' (everything priced at £1 or almost) where he though he'd find a cheap comb for his short hair. He found two comb packs; one containing 5 combs and another containing 6 combs. In his show he prompts a member of the audience with a question: "Which of these is the best value?". The audience replies "The pack of 6" to which Dave retorts "No, neither of those is the best value BECAUSE I ONLY WANTED 1 B****Y COMB!".


400 gem is a lower price-per-skin but how many do I have to buy to get the one I want? 1-30; in other words 400 gem to 12,000 gem OR buy 9600 gems worth to "bypass" the RNG. So I could potentially spend up to 3000% for the 1 skin I might want (reducing for others that might take my fancy) or spend 2400% and definitely get the one I want plus 29 others that I might never use (and also can't gift or resell). And I have all 5 current mounts. Lucky me, I grafted to get the 250g needed to buy my way to the griffon; not everyone can though.


This isn't a unique trick to Anet or even MMOs. It infests everyday shopping to limited-time special offers. I saw one on TV a few days ago about an offer for £250 worth of goods for 'just £35'... EXCEPT you had to make an equivalent purchase of £35 so to get the £250 offer you had to spend _AT LEAST_ £70 not _ JUST_ £35.


I guess some of us just expected/hoped that the mounts would be in themed packs like the Halloween pack or the Golemount concept art. 2000 gem for a pack but maybe 500-600 separately. Certainly not an RNG-based bundle with the only new mount being 2000 gem for 1 mount alone.

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k look this aint addressing the issue I don't want ugly non flame ice cosmo etc cosmetic skins period. you have 11 good looking skins out of 30. storm and flame raptor ice and fire sprig , ocean and deep see looking skimmer, Doge, flame and cosmos jackel, and flame and cosmos griffon. so i have even lower chance of getting anything good out of the 30 skins.


so your basically saying Start paying up with large amount of times of farming gold or 5 dollars a pop at rng skins. HELL that single jackel skin is WAY overpriced.


start putting in a way to EARN skins THRU INGAME involvement that is like A collection or hell raid loot fractal loot pvp loot don't just load skins up on the gemstore like you did with glider skins( same reason i don't have much for a glider skin because there is no way to earn them without a LARge amount of time and gold invested in fractals or pvp.


The gold to Gem system is great and all but you have stuff in the game that cost nothing sort a small fortune which is legendaries and Ascended(which for most part almost cost as much as a mount adoption chance roughly per two pieces) couple with sigils runes and infusions which are also expensive

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So if one doesn't play Fashion Wars then they're not really contributing to the game (financially) and therefore don't deserve any of the content which is only there to keep people playing Fashion Wars anyway. Seems to be about the jist of it. Abandoned game modes because "no money" other than end game which is Fashion Wars. Content lite ex pac because the new content is being dribbled out at what ever rate best drives cash shop sales, I mean Fashion Wars.

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The first skin i got was a griffon skin. I don't have a griffon and I'll prolly never be able to get one. So Anet took 4oo gems from me and gave me something totally useless. If Anet had any decency they would give me a refund. At any rate Anet can forget receiving any support from me in the future.

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> @EMTDJ.9042 said:

> To those complaining about the mount skins being RNG, yet were perfectly ok with Pokémon, Yugioh, Magic, Baseball cards, and all other forms of collectable games being RNG, you have no place to complain. People go and spend 25, 50, 100's of dollars at a time, with no real guarantee on what you will get unless the one you need is outside the package or fearured, on these collectable games with packs and tins and no one complains.


> No one says to these other companies "I should be able to pick which collectable I get instead of it being blind chance that I get the one I want.", they just go and buy until they get the one they want and then they find another one they want. For the tins and special releases where a much wanted card is featured, you end up paying a lot more, which is what Guild Wars 2 did here with the Jackal. People were saying that they wanted mount skins to be sold separately from each other when the Halloween set came out, that they would pay more if they could just buy one skin rather than have them all grouped together and getting ones they don't use, and that is what they did with the Jackal since it was one of the most requested from there community.


> To those saying "Oh this is a p2w or p2p scheme by Arena Net." I say to you, no it isn't... mount skins are not required to play the game and the Jackal and Griffin are not required either, they are extra content that the devs gave us, which they didn't have to. The fact that gems can be bought without paying cash or card also negates this argument. In fact you don't even have to pay cash at all, just earn gold in game and buy gems that way if you wish. The devs don't make any money from gold to gem transactions, but they allowed them anyway.


> Some might argue that the price is too high in the gem store. Do you realize how much it costs to make these skins in the first place? You know that game designers have lives and families too right? This is extra content that they didn't need to make or give in the first place. These skins and the gem store is how the game companies pay their employees and the bills on a month to month, week by week, basis. On top of maintaining the game and equipment itself. These gem store transactions are the side hustle of the developers, just to make the game and their lives sustainable. That is, unless you want the cost of games and expansions to go sky high? The gem store is also is how they keep game and expansion cost down, and how they keep the base game free. You won't find that with other games either.


> No one complains about it when other companies do the same practices that Guild Wars 2 is doing now. Mind you most of these other companies have been around for ages and have stayed prominent so they must be doing something right. All of a sudden Guild Wars 2 does the same exact concept and people get upset. You all have very little if any concept at all of how business works and don't realize how much Guild Wars 2 is doing for its community compared to other games.


I'm only replying because you mentioned Pokémon.

I spend $80 every 2 or 3 years on the versions that come out. After that, I don't have to pay a damn thing until the next version comes out.

I'm not sure where the RNG is in that unless you mean the encounters and maybe if I'm looking for a shiny or something.

I'm pretty sure in Pokémon games, less money has been spend "Catchin' 'em All" than people trying to let's say get an item from the Black Lion Chest. (Except for like 2 items and the permanent contracts, the chest have nothing for me personally, but I've seen people spend a ton on keys to get the items they like in it).

The RNG on mounts are just version 2 of those chests.

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So, basically, you're not addressing this nonsense, you're just giving us a vague promise that you'll try to do better in the future. Gee, thanks.


As it stands, we have two choices: Either we gamble away on the somewhat-reasonably-priced licenses in the hopes that we might get a skin that we actually like for a mount that we actually use OR we're stuck paying absurd prices for the skins where we get to choose. Either way you expect us to give you thousands of gems for _skins_ and somehow be satisfied with that.


Let's have a look at those prices: If, on average, I have to pay about 2,000 gems for a mount skin that I actually want (giving the license a generous 1 in 4 chance), I'm paying the equivalent of 25 EUR for a simple reskin (and maybe a slightly different model) every time I go for one. They don't even come with a custom #1 skill. Comparatively, the entire Path of Fire expansion is valued at 30 EUR. Granted, you can buy gems with gold, but you're expecting people to actually support your efforts with money. Why would anyone want to do that? As it stands, the vast majority of people have zero incentive to do so. Regional pricing isn't really a thing, so that kind of money is a lot for some of us living in countries with much lower standards of living. I can eat for a week with that kind of money. Or buy 5+ other games to play, so that I don't have to be depressed about other people having stuff I can't afford in GW2.


Instead of trying to force people to give you more money with gambling and expensive packs that happen to include things we want, how about giving us a reason to actually support you? Unless you're perfectly happy surviving on the small number of "whales" and don't really care about the average player. In which case, all I can say is good luck. I can't afford what you're selling and neither can anyone in my guild or anyone on my friends list (that I know of).


That's not how you retain customers...

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It's disappointing to read that nothing will be done about the random skins. I wish something like the following system had been used:

One bundle per mount, containing all the skins (price it around 2k gems?)

Each skin also for sale seperatly, but at such a price that the bundle would cost around as much as 3 out of 5 skins in order to encourage people to buy the bundle? With the better skins obviously also being more expensive to further encourage people to buy the bundle.jk


Instead we got lootbox trash. To make it worse there also aren't any skins which can be gained simply from gameplay. I'm pretty much done with spending money on GW2 at this point. I'll likely continue playing for a while as I still enjoy the game itself, but I simply no longer enjoy spending gems if they use formats like these.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @EMTDJ.9042 said:

> > To those complaining about the mount skins being RNG, yet were perfectly ok with Pokémon, Yugioh, Magic, Baseball cards, and all other forms of collectable games being RNG, you have no place to complain. People go and spend 25, 50, 100's of dollars at a time, with no real guarantee on what you will get unless the one you need is outside the package or fearured, on these collectable games with packs and tins and no one complains.

> >

> > No one says to these other companies "I should be able to pick which collectable I get instead of it being blind chance that I get the one I want.", they just go and buy until they get the one they want and then they find another one they want. For the tins and special releases where a much wanted card is featured, you end up paying a lot more, which is what Guild Wars 2 did here with the Jackal. People were saying that they wanted mount skins to be sold separately from each other when the Halloween set came out, that they would pay more if they could just buy one skin rather than have them all grouped together and getting ones they don't use, and that is what they did with the Jackal since it was one of the most requested from there community.

> >

> > To those saying "Oh this is a p2w or p2p scheme by Arena Net." I say to you, no it isn't... mount skins are not required to play the game and the Jackal and Griffin are not required either, they are extra content that the devs gave us, which they didn't have to. The fact that gems can be bought without paying cash or card also negates this argument. In fact you don't even have to pay cash at all, just earn gold in game and buy gems that way if you wish. The devs don't make any money from gold to gem transactions, but they allowed them anyway.

> >

> > Some might argue that the price is too high in the gem store. Do you realize how much it costs to make these skins in the first place? You know that game designers have lives and families too right? This is extra content that they didn't need to make or give in the first place. These skins and the gem store is how the game companies pay their employees and the bills on a month to month, week by week, basis. On top of maintaining the game and equipment itself. These gem store transactions are the side hustle of the developers, just to make the game and their lives sustainable. That is, unless you want the cost of games and expansions to go sky high? The gem store is also is how they keep game and expansion cost down, and how they keep the base game free. You won't find that with other games either.

> >

> > No one complains about it when other companies do the same practices that Guild Wars 2 is doing now. Mind you most of these other companies have been around for ages and have stayed prominent so they must be doing something right. All of a sudden Guild Wars 2 does the same exact concept and people get upset. You all have very little if any concept at all of how business works and don't realize how much Guild Wars 2 is doing for its community compared to other games.


> I'm only replying because you mentioned Pokémon.

> I spend $80 every 2 or 3 years on the versions that come out. After that, I don't have to pay a kitten thing until the next version comes out.

> I'm not sure where the RNG is in that unless you mean the encounters and maybe if I'm looking for a shiny or something.

> I'm pretty sure in Pokémon games, less money has been spend "Catchin' 'em All" than people trying to let's say get an item from the Black Lion Chest. (Except for like 2 items and the permanent contracts, the chest have nothing for me personally, but I've seen people spend a ton on keys to get the items they like in it).

> The RNG on mounts are just version 2 of those chests.


Pretty sure they were talking of the pokemon trading card game.

When you pay for boosters, they are purely RNG too.

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This is just sad :/ I was so excited month ago - about coming back to game, I got my copy of PoF, and I farmed so hard for gryphon mount... And now... I feel like it was not worth it, since everyone is running with better skins, and personally im using only gryphon mount, so betting my chance of getting skins that i want... :/ I don't think I will ever play this game with the same excitement as before, and im sure I will not put any more money into it - I just don't wanna promote gambling.

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Thank you for your communication regarding the mount skins. As some players might like individual skins found in the mount adoption license pack, I would like to ask if your team could consider making individual skins from the group available at a later date. Players who bought the entire pack would have the advantage of exclusivity for an initial period of time, plus presumably a total cheaper cost than buying all the skins individually, thus not invalidating their purchases.


Pricing would understandably have to be higher in gem cost than the random mechanism from the mount adoption licenses. Perhaps on a tiered basis where slight pattern modifications/dye channels are priced below 800 gems, mid-range look alterations at 1000-1600 gems and the complete particle effect reskins at 2000+ gems? This would benefit both those who do not like RNG to have a choice of the same skins, as well as those who are not willing to pay 2000 gems for individual skins but might bite at lower prices. More people would be able to enjoy the skins that your artists worked so hard on.

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So much discussion....

Here's my two coppers' worth:


I guess I see this a bit differently. These skins are not necessary to play the game. I can still play if my springer doesn't spout flames or if my skimmer doesn't have trails. These skins are _luxuries_ that don't have anything to do with progression, bonuses, or in-game rewards. So, in essence, you don't have to buy a kitten thing.


Am I disappointed with the RNG involved? Not really. It's no different than the RNG boxes you open with Black Lion keys. How many have we bought over the past few years in hopes of getting weapon skin tickets? To compare it to real life, how many boxes of baseball trading cards have people bought in hopes of getting a valuable rookie card? It's RNG, people. At least with the mount adoptions, once you get a skin, you can't get another of the same kind, increasing your odds with every purchase. With literally everything else in the game, it's RNG at its most raw, with the odds never changing whether you open one box or 15,000. Am I unhappy they chose this way of bringing them about? A bit, but only because I am poor and have to work for gold for conversion. I just hope they keep them in the store long enough for me to earn enough gold to get them all.


All the drama with "I'm never spending again!" is not only silly, it's annoying, and in most cases empty promises.

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You DO realise that the whole aspect of this Adoption License is skrewed, when stating that the more you adopt the higher the chance of getting your desired skin?!




Sorry. What marketing-garble is that?!

You don't add more skins, you can't buy them individually, you can't do this or that, the only ever chance you have, if you want some of them to pay 120€ or $. Always. Ever.


The only REAL gamble you've introduced is the 400 Gems RNG/Lootbox gamble, and a higher chance of getting them individually whilst you gamble yourself toward 150 REAL BUCKS, if you only get ur desired (and of course your artist put good work to them, so some ARE desirable indeed) one with the last Golden-Ticket. By that you've wasted nearly 150 if it might be only ONE that you've wanted. This is skrewing around with fans!

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> @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @EMTDJ.9042 said:

> > > To those complaining about the mount skins being RNG, yet were perfectly ok with Pokémon, Yugioh, Magic, Baseball cards, and all other forms of collectable games being RNG, you have no place to complain. People go and spend 25, 50, 100's of dollars at a time, with no real guarantee on what you will get unless the one you need is outside the package or fearured, on these collectable games with packs and tins and no one complains.

> > >

> > > No one says to these other companies "I should be able to pick which collectable I get instead of it being blind chance that I get the one I want.", they just go and buy until they get the one they want and then they find another one they want. For the tins and special releases where a much wanted card is featured, you end up paying a lot more, which is what Guild Wars 2 did here with the Jackal. People were saying that they wanted mount skins to be sold separately from each other when the Halloween set came out, that they would pay more if they could just buy one skin rather than have them all grouped together and getting ones they don't use, and that is what they did with the Jackal since it was one of the most requested from there community.

> > >

> > > To those saying "Oh this is a p2w or p2p scheme by Arena Net." I say to you, no it isn't... mount skins are not required to play the game and the Jackal and Griffin are not required either, they are extra content that the devs gave us, which they didn't have to. The fact that gems can be bought without paying cash or card also negates this argument. In fact you don't even have to pay cash at all, just earn gold in game and buy gems that way if you wish. The devs don't make any money from gold to gem transactions, but they allowed them anyway.

> > >

> > > Some might argue that the price is too high in the gem store. Do you realize how much it costs to make these skins in the first place? You know that game designers have lives and families too right? This is extra content that they didn't need to make or give in the first place. These skins and the gem store is how the game companies pay their employees and the bills on a month to month, week by week, basis. On top of maintaining the game and equipment itself. These gem store transactions are the side hustle of the developers, just to make the game and their lives sustainable. That is, unless you want the cost of games and expansions to go sky high? The gem store is also is how they keep game and expansion cost down, and how they keep the base game free. You won't find that with other games either.

> > >

> > > No one complains about it when other companies do the same practices that Guild Wars 2 is doing now. Mind you most of these other companies have been around for ages and have stayed prominent so they must be doing something right. All of a sudden Guild Wars 2 does the same exact concept and people get upset. You all have very little if any concept at all of how business works and don't realize how much Guild Wars 2 is doing for its community compared to other games.

> >

> > I'm only replying because you mentioned Pokémon.

> > I spend $80 every 2 or 3 years on the versions that come out. After that, I don't have to pay a kitten thing until the next version comes out.

> > I'm not sure where the RNG is in that unless you mean the encounters and maybe if I'm looking for a shiny or something.

> > I'm pretty sure in Pokémon games, less money has been spend "Catchin' 'em All" than people trying to let's say get an item from the Black Lion Chest. (Except for like 2 items and the permanent contracts, the chest have nothing for me personally, but I've seen people spend a ton on keys to get the items they like in it).

> > The RNG on mounts are just version 2 of those chests.


> Pretty sure they were talking of the pokemon trading card game.

> When you pay for boosters, they are purely RNG too.


Not exactly related to this but if the system was more like trading cards it could have been quite interesting. The pool of mount skins could be added to indefinitely. Random packs of five could of eventually been introduced. As could different thematic pools, or annually changing sets. In-game achievable mount skin would definitely need to be there as well. Some very rare skins obtainable by various different methods as well. But most importantly of all you could swap them. It would have to be done anonymously though (for Anets sake) and only skin for skin, no moneys. Though you could swap say 5 skimmers for 1 raptor if you wanted for example. I think that would actually be worthwhile for everyone and fun.

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> @Nightmare.1234 said:

> It takes a lot for a company to admit they made an oversight into the backlash they would receive from this trial. people should be happy with the outcome that mo as posted as it a win for the gw2 community that your voices are heard


There was no admission of fault here. if anything, there was an admission that they didn't expect this reaction - which just shows how bad Anet are at effectively communicating with their playerbase.


Not only that, but Mo's post fails to cover many of the issues brought up around this, which further shows that Anet doesn't understand their players, and proves that our voices _have not been heard_.


>and you can make a difference maybe not directly now (to the current situation) but to the gw2 market structure down the road. if more and more companies can slowly start drifting from this shady loot box practice that infecting games these days then


Except there's no indication that this has changed anything. Mo said nothing about abandoning the adoption lisences - only shifting focus away from them for the next few releases. There's also no mention of the issues with bundle-exclusive skins, or the insane pricing of the only individual skin.


There's nothing in his post to imply even the slightest improvement in sales practices.


> we can get back to a time when in game markets are like a shop. you see the product on show, you see its price if you can afford it you buy it, if not you don't or you save up for it or wait for a sale to be on.


This is the ideal, but there's nothing in Mo's post that makes me think this is going to happen.


> we are making a difference, thanks Anet for listening


We're really not. the entire thing was empty PR talk and handwaving, coupled with a pitiful show of disconnect from the community. I fully expect this entire response to do more harm than good, and I expect this entire release to do not-insignificant damage to the game as a whole.



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I am truly disappointed by this statement Anet.

None of the issues have been adressed. And the fact that the skins are still being kept behind RNG lootboxes is bullshit, considering a lot of players have mentioned alternatives to keep everyone happy, including the players that have already spend money on this.


You are going to lose potential and current players with this. You apparently do not see the long term consequences of this action, only the short term money it brings you.

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> @EMTDJ.9042 said:

> To those complaining about the mount skins being RNG, yet were perfectly ok with Pokémon, Yugioh, Magic, Baseball cards, and all other forms of collectable games being RNG, you have no place to complain. People go and spend 25, 50, 100's of dollars at a time, with no real guarantee on what you will get unless the one you need is outside the package or fearured, on these collectable games with packs and tins and no one complains.

I am playing magic and yet I've never once bought a booster pack. There are non-RNG alternatives. People are able to sell their undesired cards via TP-like internet platforms. If the same was possible for mount skins there would be no problem.

> No one says to these other companies "I should be able to pick which collectable I get instead of it being blind chance that I get the one I want.", they just go and buy until they get the one they want and then they find another one they want. For the tins and special releases where a much wanted card is featured, you end up paying a lot more, which is what Guild Wars 2 did here with the Jackal. People were saying that they wanted mount skins to be sold separately from each other when the Halloween set came out, that they would pay more if they could just buy one skin rather than have them all grouped together and getting ones they don't use, and that is what they did with the Jackal since it was one of the most requested from there community.

The 2000 gems jackal skin... First of all the reforged theme hasn't been that popular to begin with. At least I haven't seen that many players in the outfit. And the jackal skin only really fits that outfit. It just doesn't mix well with what players usually wear. People have maybe one character at best that could make some use of this skin. And paying 2000 gems for a skin when there are other skins you like better just isn't worth it for most of us. Yes it is a complete new model with new sound effects and extra bling, but it's mix and match potential is quite low compared to other jackal skins.

> To those saying "Oh this is a p2w or p2p scheme by Arena Net." I say to you, no it isn't... mount skins are not required to play the game and the Jackal and Griffin are not required either, they are extra content that the devs gave us, which they didn't have to. The fact that gems can be bought without paying cash or card also negates this argument. In fact you don't even have to pay cash at all, just earn gold in game and buy gems that way if you wish. The devs don't make any money from gold to gem transactions, but they allowed them anyway.

It's not p2w and I haven't seen anyone claim this. It is however a giant cash grab for something that was highly anticipated. People were saving and ready to throw money at the first skin they like. And now they can't because they can't choose. Yes, the devs didn't have to make these skins, but not making them doesn't make any money either, does it? And about the gold to gem conversion: Every gem in this game (except the ones from achievement boxes) has been paid for with real money. If you buy gems with gold you're just making someone else pay for your gems. Buying gems with gold raises the gold to gem ratio which makes more people buy gems to convert to gold. So yes, buying gems with gold does make them money, albeit indirectly. ANet does not hand out gems for free with the exchange.

> Some might argue that the price is too high in the gem store. Do you realize how much it costs to make these skins in the first place? You know that game designers have lives and families too right? This is extra content that they didn't need to make or give in the first place. These skins and the gem store is how the game companies pay their employees and the bills on a month to month, week by week, basis. On top of maintaining the game and equipment itself. These gem store transactions are the side hustle of the developers, just to make the game and their lives sustainable. That is, unless you want the cost of games and expansions to go sky high? The gem store is also is how they keep game and expansion cost down, and how they keep the base game free. You won't find that with other games either.

Counter question: do you know how much it takes to make these skins? Let's have a look at the skins. First of all we have simple re-skins. Maybe with some spikes added here and there. This is literally half an hour work. Then we have the oh-so-shiny skins everyone wants. Take a closer look and it's just the base-model with some flame effects or the celestial effect. Both the flames and the celestial effect already exist in the form of templates. It doesn't take much work to put them on a mount. Finally we have some remodels. The Shiba-Inu Jackal skin is probably the most time-consuming skin in the whole pack.

> No one complains about it when other companies do the same practices that Guild Wars 2 is doing now. Mind you most of these other companies have been around for ages and have stayed prominent so they must be doing something right. All of a sudden Guild Wars 2 does the same exact concept and people get upset. You all have very little if any concept at all of how business works and don't realize how much Guild Wars 2 is doing for its community compared to other games.

GW2 has been known for its fair gem shop. The community consists to a certain degree of players who left other games exactly because of these practices. If ANet drops RNG-boxes on us anyways it only shows how little they know their own community.

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I'm disappointed you give up on RNG so easily. It sucks that there is no other way of aquiring specific skins, but RNG itself is not a problem here, having no alternatives is. For me, the perfect way of doing this would be to keep adding new skins to Adoption Licence while letting us purchase them separately for the first week or so (for 500-1200 gems, depending on the skin).

This would mean that people who really like just one specific skin could buy it directly, while the rest of us (like me) could just buy a random skin for fun from time to time.

PS: doing separate packages for every mount type would be fair.

PS2: also, the system I described would give competionists a way to buy everything for a reasonable price (because they would get every skin meant for RNG packs for 400gems) while still showering you with the money.

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MO and ANET,


This changes nothing. You still will not be getting my $30-50 I would have spent on skins if I could choose the ones I want, and not get ones that would sit in my wardrobe never to be used. I will not risk having to spend @$120 on gems just to get the 8-10 skins I would actually use.


Forcing me to "spin the wheel" in order to hope I get the Jackalope or whichever skin someone would want is just...bad on you.


You could change it. No one can say they cannot...because they can. If ANET chooses not to...again...bad on you ANET. You could figure out a way to let people "return" the skins they do not want for some kind of pro-rated gem amount, or let them trade the skins they have and do not like for a choice from the set that they DO like.


A little more work on your side would make a ton of difference in the opinion your players, new and LONG TIME, have of how you view your player base.


If you did that, I can almost guarantee you would make more $$ than you had to return in Gems. Some would also just trade for the skin they wanted, and you would lose nothing. And you would add purchases from those of us who will now spend nothing on these.

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> @OtakuModeEngage.8679 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > > @zealex.9410 said:

> > > I dont believe its fair for the mounts to be on the same price as the glider since theres more work going into them.

> >

> > Because it's so much more work for them to re-use an already existing asset and charge 2k gems, versus creating entirely new entities for a glider and charging 500 ?

> >

> > Does pass the eye, or smell test.

> >


> You forget, that the player base was practically shouting at ANet, "We want Mount Skins, take our money! Even if its expensive, we'll buy it," prior to the release of skins. Its ironic, that now that they have been released and we find out that they are indeed expensive, we don't want to pay for them anymore...


I don't recall anyone saying "Give me an RNG box that has a 1/30 chance of the skin I want so I can throw money at it!". and while people said "we'll buy it", Anet aren't selling it. It's the model that's the biggest issue here.




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