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so why isn't burning holo good again?


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most strong condi classes spam several condis so condi clears can't get them all and some are bound to tick and do damage versus condi removal. Holosmith has a very limited pool of spammable condis (mainly burn and bleed) so you can just quick cleanse and there goes any damage the holo can stack up. That and projectile hate makes it horrible versus anyone that knows how to PvP.

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> @Ghotistyx.6942 said:

> Guardians deal just fine with only burning. If I remember right, people were saying it just doesn't beat out normal condi engi in pvp or pve. The most recent patch shifted the balance more towards Power for Holosmith anyway, so its powerlevel slightly less than it was before.


The OP is talking about PvP I think, and there condi engi and condi Firebrand are a meme at best (like condi base guard was). If it's WvW then condi spamming in a zerg has little to no strategy. He doesn't mention mobs or anything of the sort so PvE is largely irrelevant. Forge 4 is completely reflectable/blockable, pistol skills that inflict damage condis are too, vent exhaust was shifted to deal more power damage and less condi damage, none of them inflict condi removal fodder (cripple, weakness, blind, etc) like scourge punishment skills do, for example.

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sorry but on my crit spec with burning im dealing over 700-1500 a burning tick while still sustaining a HIGH melee dps, matter fact from my testing this spec seems to lose out on 1k damage over all in physical damage however gains over 8k in burning dps.


IMO this is better spec then just power alone, you are still getting the burst in while having the enemy worry about your burning, and instead of having 1 main source of dps which is physical damage you'll have a second which is now burning which can be pretty damn powerful.

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