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Are Mounts Necessary?

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> I would give them less than a week before they revert that option if they did that.

> And no, I don't mean I would give them that much time before rage quitting, I'm giving them that much time after people complain and they're going "okay okay we put it back in".

> I would say a day, but let's be reasonable.

It's pretty obvious at this point that Anet is never going to remove gliders or mounts outside of certain jumping puzzles. One of the reasons why both are allowed in central Tyria is that they knew once people got to use them, people would want to use them everywhere. I think it may have been the pre-PoF mount video where they stated that? Anyway, they went ahead and did it knowing that players would want access to both everywhere so they just skipped the players clamouring for it. Like you say, if mounts were removed from entire zones, the blow back from players would force Anet to revert the change. Especially now with the mount skin fiasco going on. People paying 400+ gems for random skins + bad PR already = Anet not wanting to alienate players even more/ give players even less of a reason to buy mount skins.


The cat's out of the bag and while it could use its nails trimmed, it's not going back.

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> @"jia li ng.8415" said:

> How long does it take you to cross a map on foot (no mount)? I can run 3 zones on foot in less the 12 minutes. From the Grove to Lion's Arch, or for that matter for Hoelbrak to Fort Trinity in less than 15 minutes. I have and could prove it to you anytime, mounts are cool, but before we had mounts we pretty much ran to where we needed to be without any choice. So what, you save 2 or 3 minutes of a 12 minute run simply because your mounted, "By Rapthar's Hammer What Savings!"

> On another note though "off topic" don't you love having your glider deploy when you least expect it, I know I simply love that you don't have the option of a toggle to turn the kitten off, I digress. Scaling isn't the issue I am addressing, what I am saying is ...




Before we had cars we had to walk to anywhere in the world too, took 2 weeks to travel a couple of hundred kilometers. Do we need cars? No. Do we want cars? Yes.


What is the point in wasting my time crawling from a-b? I like to fly up and see the starter maps from a new perspective and like the world much more now as it feels not as close and narrow.


People who want to farm go RIBA Farming I never heard that hardcore low level area farming is a thing.


people just starting out will always be at a disadvantage over a long term player who blitzes around the map with high mobility weapons, skills and knowledge of the game. You can either be annoyed and demand everyone to be brought down to your level or use it as an motivation to level yourself up and learn more about skills, weapons etc.


In short I think you are making up a problem where there is none.


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Just for fun I decided to roll out a character and run Calendon as a level 2, without my mount or the use of my glider I managed 1% of map completion per minute. Filling all the hearts, tagging all the waypoints, points of interest, skill points, and vistas. 100% complete in less than 2 hours, I did break away to get a glass of water. Yes, you could probably shave about 15 minutes off that time using mounts and gliders, maybe.

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Congratulations? But you're completely ignoring the fact that the vast majority of posters here love their mounts. And love the time they save. Your time might be trivial, but some people have varying degrees of value on their time. You're simply arguing now because you don't want to consider you're the minority opinion on this issue. Some are even willing to compromise with "let us keep the mounts, but weaken them, because we value your feelings". But you would rather dictate how the majority of the players should play the game they bought and how they should spend their time.

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> @"jia li ng.8415" said:

> Just for fun I decided to roll out a character and run Calendon as a level 2, without my mount or the use of my glider I managed 1% of map completion per minute. Filling all the hearts, tagging all the waypoints, points of interest, skill points, and vistas. 100% complete in less than 2 hours, I did break away to get a glass of water. Yes, you could probably shave about 15 minutes off that time using mounts and gliders, maybe.


And the army of mounted lvl 80s didn't slow you down. So what was the problem again?

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> @Zephire.8049 said:

> > I would give them less than a week before they revert that option if they did that.

> > And no, I don't mean I would give them that much time before rage quitting, I'm giving them that much time after people complain and they're going "okay okay we put it back in".

> > I would say a day, but let's be reasonable.

> It's pretty obvious at this point that Anet is never going to remove gliders or mounts outside of certain jumping puzzles. One of the reasons why both are allowed in central Tyria is that they knew once people got to use them, people would want to use them everywhere. I think it may have been the pre-PoF mount video where they stated that? Anyway, they went ahead and did it knowing that players would want access to both everywhere so they just skipped the players clamouring for it. Like you say, if mounts were removed from entire zones, the blow back from players would force Anet to revert the change. Especially now with the mount skin fiasco going on. People paying 400+ gems for random skins + bad PR already = Anet not wanting to alienate players even more/ give players even less of a reason to buy mount skins.


> The cat's out of the bag and while it could use its nails trimmed, it's not going back.


Oh for sure.

I meant if for some stupid reason they were thinking of disabling them in certain MAPS and not like certain puzzles and such... it wouldn't be long until they revert that decision. Pretty much for those same exact reasons you stated.


> @"jia li ng.8415" said:

> Just for fun I decided to roll out a character and run Calendon as a level 2, without my mount or the use of my glider I managed 1% of map completion per minute. Filling all the hearts, tagging all the waypoints, points of interest, skill points, and vistas. 100% complete in less than 2 hours, I did break away to get a glass of water. Yes, you could probably shave about 15 minutes off that time using mounts and gliders, maybe.


More than 15 minutes. Either way, you see why people use mounts/gliders.

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> @"jia li ng.8415" said:

> Just for fun I decided to roll out a character and run Calendon as a level 2, without my mount or the use of my glider I managed 1% of map completion per minute. Filling all the hearts, tagging all the waypoints, points of interest, skill points, and vistas. 100% complete in less than 2 hours, I did break away to get a glass of water. Yes, you could probably shave about 15 minutes off that time using mounts and gliders, maybe.


In other words, you had no problems with mounted riders while on foot and now you’ve doubly proven that removing mounts from starter maps in completely unnecessary and that your request is invalid.


Congrats for wrecking your own argument.

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> @"jia li ng.8415" said:

> Yeah they need instant gratification.


> Anet should offer a 500,000 gem completion set, where you get everything at once, all the titles, achievements and every conceivable piece of gear you never knew you didn't need.


If they are doing map completion they are not getting instant gratification. You yourself said map completion took 2 hours. Oh and...people tend to hate pay to win.

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> @"jia li ng.8415" said:

> Yeah they need instant gratification.


> Anet should offer a 500,000 gem completion set, where you get everything at once, all the titles, achievements and every conceivable piece of gear you never knew you didn't need.


We've reached the point now where you're grasping at irrelevant scenarios and exaggerations because the only valid arguments you had have already been disproven. By you, in fact. I think this thread is pretty much exhausted now. It's at the point of angry name calling.

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It's always fascinating to see OP repeatedly invent new logic after new logic to justify staying stubborn about a non issue.


First it was "F2P players feel bad, event wiping".

Then we established they don't and they like the mounts even if they don't have them and that people can wipe lvl 80 events without mounts since the beginning of the game. So this was just OP being offended on behalf of "the voiceless" who are not offended themselves.


Then it was "yeah, but nostalgia in 1-15 zones".

Then we established people who went through that zone 10 times don't care about nostalgia, and they just want to get it done, but if they wanted nostalgia, they could just not use a mount, other peoples mounts have no baring on this and that the game has evolved and that's a good thing.


Now it's just "yeah, well lazy".

Then we established that, there's no such thing as lazy in a game that's meant to be fun while looking at the "lazy" statement written gramatically incorrect without punctuation.


What's next? "Yeah, well, your mother"!!!?

Will we establish then that your mother actually enjoys playing Guild Wars 2 and loves the mounts so that this is not an issue for her either?


Come on, give it a rest. Mounts are fine, we don't need to ban them, it's ok.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @Neutra.6857 said:

> > Funny thing, I love having mounts in the low level zones. Not once have I used their attacks, I simply dismount. So...now...are you going to tell me why I like having mounts in the those zones?


> Yes, read up a few posts.

> You're lazy. We all are.


Yep so lazy that I am playing a game in a way I like and in a way that has no negative effect on anyone else. Oh the horror.

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Oddly enough the only two mounted players I saw during the entire run was a Jackal and a Springer ... but of course the only event happening was the Morgan Spiral Jumping Puzzle with Mesmers using portals (which I didn't need), in all I think I encountered less than 20 players that were apparently working on map completion.

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> @"jia li ng.8415" said:

> Oddly enough the only two mounted players I saw during the entire run was a Jackal and a Springer ... but of course the only event happening was the Morgan Spiral Jumping Puzzle with Mesmers using portals (which I didn't need), in all I think I encountered less than 20 players that were apparently working on map completion.


So basically mounts where not an issue when you did your map completion.

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> @Neutra.6857 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > @Neutra.6857 said:

> > > Funny thing, I love having mounts in the low level zones. Not once have I used their attacks, I simply dismount. So...now...are you going to tell me why I like having mounts in the those zones?

> >

> > Yes, read up a few posts.

> > You're lazy. We all are.


> Yep so lazy that I am playing a game in a way I like and in a way that has no negative effect on anyone else. Oh the horror.


I know right? The horror! When will it end!?!> @Squee.7829 said:

> Yeah. Or you could use a rabbit. The world is your oyster, or whatever. Or is waypointing somehow less lazy than a mount? I don't understand what angle you're going for here.


I'ts a new set of logic skills, AKA digging your own hole deeper and deeper. Just go with the flow. :wink:

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We're here because some think that without the use of a mounts in 1-15 starter zones Guild Wars will become unplayable. It won't of course ...


Just offering a suggestion to give balance to anyone new starting the game. Once a F2P player achieves level 10 and ventures into their respective city to witness all the flash, glitter, and glamour of armor, weapons, gliders, and mounts they might be even more likely to expand their horizons. Having their initiation into Guild Wars a Nostalgic walk through a past we all shared, it is the very foundation of our community.

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