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The Gem Store and You


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What do you buy:

Cosmetics: Armor, Outfits, Gliders, Weapon Skins, Gem to Gold to get BL Skins on TP. Essentially anything that fits the character personality that I've made.

Utility: Character Slots, Bank Expansion, Unlimited Tools, Airship Pass


What do you never buy:

Minis, Backpacks, Boosts, Other Consumables, Delivery Items, Finishers, ANYTHING WITH RNG


What makes you more likely to purchase something:

Like many others I'd rather have armor than outfits. There are several outfits that if I could just change one or two pieces out as if armor I would have picked them up. Clipping is ALWAYS going to be an issue, but most of the time it doesn't matter and the characters look great. The one thing that is really nice about Outfits though is regardless of the armor piece you are wearing, your character always looks great. So if you have ascended/legendary armor you need to pass around, or you're playing through with a new character to play with friends that just found the game, an outfit is rather nice for a consistent look.


What makes you less likely to purchase something:

Very high gem cost. Gem costs that leave a lot of unused gems, I don't agree with the "impulse buyer" tactic of sales.


Additional Note:

I enjoy supporting the game, when I can. I think the diversified income model (those that can pay more do, those that can play more can also) is much better than the pure subscription model. I don't like all the RNG items that have been worming their way in lately. The anniversary collection token things, and the mount licenses in addition to the BL keys. I won't even buy those things with gold.

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**Things I buy:** Armor skins, makeover kits, shared inventory slots, bank tabs.


**Things I would buy:** More armor skins (new armor sets), more QoL items sold directly in the Gem Store (endless Teleport to Friend), player housing items. ;)


**Things I only bought once:** Permanent QoL items (Salvage-o-matics, Royal Terrace, gathering tool set), one Outfit for low lvl alts, one glider, the Spooky mount pack, Sylvari Pod mail carrier (because I'm a Sylvari fan, duh). I won't buy another mount skin set unless it's Sylvari/nature themed and NOT locked behind RNG.


**Things I never buy:** RNG stuff (Keys, random mount skins, dyes), weapon skins, minis, finishers, boosters, toys (musical instruments, travel toys), name change, server change, character slots (I'm a mainoholic), bag slots (not account bound, I can sell and deposit items anywhere so I always have space in my bags), crafting-related upgrades, nodes for home instance.


Edit: The "why" should be pretty obvious. I love armor skins because I enjoy mix-n-mathing. I only need to buy some items once because they are account bound. And some stuff are not useful to me.

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I tend to buy a wide variety of things from the gem store: endless gathering tools, bank slots, etc. Cosmetic items I tend to only buy if I really like them. I tend to avoid bundles unless I like the majority of the components. Things with RNG components I will buy on rare occasion.


Things I won't buy are not of any particular category (QoL, cosmetic, etc), it really depends on what I estimate their value at vs the gems. I probably won't buy any more bag slots because there's one character that I play more than any other by a wide margin and I have little interest in things like the hairstyle kits overall.


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What I do buy however I found methods to make gold faster so I just use exchange.

But things you should get.


Extra bag slots.


Now we get up to 10 tabs of bags. So on a basic easy way you can atleast get 200 items per character. All the way up to 320? But it can go higher I think.


Bank. If you craft u will know why. Some mats you can't deposit, Like dowels. So those mats will be stuck in your inventory untill you use it for crafting. Instead put those in your bank. Bank is also good for if a character gets a weapon that it doesn't need. Simply give it to another class of your and leave it in your bank to pick it up.


Mats expansion. Don't know what it's called but at the start you can have only 250 a mat. Well expand it to 1000 or higher.


Another is character slots if you want another character.


Those are if you actually want to use real life money. But you don't need to. 400 gems is equal to 100 gold. So make it a goal. Which is a bag slot. 150-160 is about 600 gems which is bank. 200 is 800 gems which is character slot or mat expansion.


Things to never buy.


Anything that has a time limit cause you never keep it.


Keys. There's a way you can get keys by ether map questing or making a new character and level it to level 10 and repeat. But that's only allowed once a week now. But you can always get them.


Skins. As much as it's tempting it's just pretty colors. Don't use real money on a game that only gives it to a fake character. Unless your rich and u have numerous money then wth. It's no diff then drink and cigarettes.


Hmmmm the experiences added. Don't use gems. You can use laurels if you want. But it's not recommended to do that. Experiences you really don't need. You get tomes from PvP matches. And during dailies you get them to level up. And dailies give you them.


Ummmm dyes. For 125 gems. Don't do it. Unless you like to gamble. Just get a die and sell for gold but the chances of it being a good exchange are slim. Just purchase dyes through trading Post.


As much as all these sound appealing. Nothing in the trading Post you need to buy with real money. Just play the game and earn gold. Then later on you can exchange with currency and you buy it. 20 bones each time is a brand new game you can get. Or couple pizzas. Etc. Whatever it is. If you want to support arenanet then go ahead but, don't do it because you think you need those things in the gem store.


Actually if your new. Get the living world season 2 and 3. Those are actually worth it too. You don't have to pay real money but they are worth that you should.

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I've bought like ten bank slots, six or eight-ish bag slots, an account boost (whichever package contained bag slots), a permanent Mistlock Sanctuary pass (best gem shop decision I ever made - so much love for Mistlock), the unbound magic gathering tools (I wish these applied to all characters rather than just one set for how much they cost - no chance I'm buying more than one set of permanent tools), home portal stone, copper- and silver-fed salvage kits, twelve-ish shared inventory slots (which I love), several glider/backpack combos, the flute toy (fun but clunky, needs a little work), all of the season two Living World episodes, tons of total makeovers, a name change, and the Strider's armour set for my engineer. I've considered the Magitech armour set and various others.


I don't care about outfits because I can't mix and match the pieces. Inability to combine with other armour pieces makes them worthless to me. I won't buy Black Lion keys because of the random nature of the chests and because my RNG luck is abominable. Minis don't interest me. I've considered buying more bank slots and bag slots. I've considered buying a storage expander. I would absolutely purchase more individual gliders and mount skins if I liked them (sadly, I don't like most gliders), and there are in fact five or six mount skins in the thirty-pack which I love, but I refuse to participate in that.


If there's anything I really want, it's more armour sets, or less desirably, individual pieces. I'm aware that Mike and possibly other staff have claimed that this is their most work-intensive product. And so, before they invest in this, I want ArenaNet to start showcasing concepts and designs for gem store content on the site prior to actually developing and selling things, and for them to pay better attention to player feedback, so that we can avoid seeing stuff we don't want and they can avoid wasting time/money/effort on creating it. The good gods know we don't need any more trench coats and butt capes. Can I get an 'amen'?


Furthermore, I want ArenaNet to ditch artificial scarcity and simply publish everything to the gem shop permanently, with an updated interface that isn't terrible. If you could search and filter the thing like you can the wardrobe or trading post, then I think the user experience could be lovely. It seems almost intentionally bad right now.

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I've bought a few things im at 10 outfits at moment i like them for most part. Theres nothing left at the moment i really like though. I've bought all the outfits they currently have that I liked. Bought a few armor skins, there is not many I've personally liked alot. The ones i did buy was gw1 styled skins. Bought couple glider skins 2 by selves, 1 was backpack and glider combo and 1 came in the big bandit sniper pack.


Actually, I've bought bout 100 trans charges total in past 5 years. I'm probably at about 40 maybe 50 BLC keys in 5 years time. Most of my buys have been for bag slots 1 storage page 2 came from a pack, can't remember what pack it was. Couple times I gem>gold conversion, mainly back in my first 2 years of playing, haven't in awhile though. Bought maybe 2 primers 1 for utility and 1 for food. Never really bought singled out items like res orbs, BL salvage kits, forge stones. Most of that stuff i dont think worth the price tag, any I've got came from daily login rewards or BL chests or from packs/bundles.


Bought the basic unlimited salvage tools 3 pack bundle I don't care for the blingy ones, I got 3 for price of one blingy version lol.

Bought a silver fed salvage machine, but I think i got that with game gold. So i got it for free in a sense.

Bought couple standalone skins with both rl $ and in game gold.

Tested out $10 on a the random mount skin thing, not to bad but I would still prefer a direct skin of my choosing for 800 over a random one for 400. Just my opinion.

Personally don't think account bound inventory slots worth it. I have 2 but from the higher priced expansions 800 for 1? 700 for entire storage page, I'll take storage.


Personally, i don't like mount skins for 2000 gems, I'll never waste that much for a mount skin. Anet would probably bank more selling any and all skins at about the same price as a glider skin or outfit. 2000 bit to steep i think, thats what $25 for a skin? hahaha dream on anet dream on. $10 more than enough, you'd probably sell more to. You price em at 500-700 like gliders even 800 like an outfit be fine in my opinion. (I'll buy everyone i like thats a promise) That is the only way you get my money for any skin, outfits pricey enough @ 700-800/$10. I bought 10 so think about that for moment. You can tell I'll spend the money, but make it worth it to me.


Things I'd like to see in the gem store more weapon skins would be nice, i havn't got many weapon skins I like a whole lot. Start BLTCing me some I'll give you some more money. Make em blingy though, cool and evil looking. (this was the main reasons I bought keys was to get claim tickets and scrap, so i see what you did there)

Some weapon dye kits be fun to.

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Hello all. I am a bit different when it comes to buying gems. Anet must really love me haha.


So i spent about 600$ on gems between August 21-29 on this year.


I bought a few outfits i like and specific tools (techno axe and techno gathering tool and a watchwork pick axe ) OH I AM A BIG FAN OF GAME PACKAGES - i bought account bump and account boost and path of fire prepration package 3 times ( for 3 80 boosts and extra tools and slots) i did buy a lot of bag slots and bank tabs and i also bought some shared inventory. I alao bought how to dance volume 1 and copper and silver salvaging machines. I also bought keys only when Jackel pup back pack was available - took me on the 22nd key and i got hydra staff on the 13th key / saved the minutures tokens tickets and consumables....uh what else.... I did buy 1 pet....


THIS IS MY TASTE - i bought monk outfit. Golden Wings back pack and glider. Bought the holy finisher for 187 gold (took about 980 gems) i bought the miniature of the pale tree goddess and i got the zepryhite glider wings from a black lion chest ( took 17 keys) ALSO i converted gems to about 2500 gold.


Let me tell you....don't play wvw pvp unless you have money to burn. I have made ascended armor sets and buy consmables and superior seige and as well i often used to fund gold to guilds for wvw to play competitive.


I enjoy this game very much but all i do is wvw. Never touched a fractal or a raid and i have 13% map.completion on my.main character _ engineer. I don't care about living story and i only did heart of thorns mastery for the gliding in wvw. I imagine if they let mounts be used in wvw I'd have to do POF content.


I buy gems rarely...i feel pretty complete. The thing that would make me buy more gems are -


More holy - good - positive.religious stuff and emotes if sound effects ( i love charr and asura) also if i see a cute or interesting glider or back pack in the black lion chest ill gamble for it.


Also if dance volume 2 comes out ill buy that


OH i also bought the mistlock key i forgot i had that. I just hang out in lions arch and do my stuff there.


Any ways the reason i bought so much gems is i like cute stuff - i like being beautiful and sanctified in the game - and i like to win in wvw. Spvp is toxic negative and useless to me.


Any ways that's my gem usage.

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I don't want to buy anything from Anet anymore but I _did_ like the store just fine back in the day.


*I loved town clothes. Yeah.*


I made it to 21 character slots and could've kept getting more, bank tabs were nice too. I kind of like to collect a lot of stuff.

Makeover kits. Because I love pretty characters.


Very little interest in armor sets, and miniatures, though I might've bought some more of those. None at all for weapon skins, those that I have seen, I just don't care about weapons that much.

If I had gotten these expansions, I would not care about gliders (it's just a temporary effect as far as I see it) or mount skins enough to buy any. I did like the black and white feather wings but not as gliders. Usually I don't like backpacks at all.


Never anything random. I have only opened nine black lion chests total, this was because they gave free keys from the store and I have three accounts. And I think there was some festival store box or another, also as a free sample.


I love the airship passes because I always hated waypoint fee, and there's mystic forge and portals to cities _and I just didn't have to go to LA anymore_. I wanted as a long term goal get the terrace pass for all my accounts too but didn't get there.

I would never get permanent tools, I don't like them. Gathering was my primary income source.


I both bought gems and converted them, gem store items were mainly what I wanted. I have since converted some but I don't think I need any more. I'm thinking about very cheap character slot, and makeover kits.

(With makeover kits it's always waiting for the next set of new options so I still have a bunch.)

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what about all the people who have by now spend several hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the store? did anyone ever receive a ingame message with some special item or so because of the amount of purchases the person did? like thank you for buying in the store you reached purchases worth xxxxxxx gems here is something back from us? anything like that?

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> @SlateSloan.3654 said:

> did anyone ever receive a ingame message with some special item or so because of the amount of purchases the person did?


Kind of, in 2013:




That package was the [Dragon Bash Mini Pack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon_Bash_Mini_Pack "Dragon Bash Mini Pack") and contained 3 minipets that were available for sale at the time.

However, there was nothing more since then.

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My gem store purchases are about every other month depending on what pops up that are must have in my world. Skins, gliders, outfits, the occasional mini, QoL items including storage expansion and additional bag slots. Every now and again I might splash out on Black Lion Chest Keys when the keys go on sale. I've had lots of useful items come out of the chests over the years; the ticket scraps and occasional ticket are especially appreciated as they have allowed me to buy skins from the weapons trader.

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My first gem purchase was made to get a glider skin, because the aesthetics of hanging from an old bedsheet displeased me. I have bought several glider skins. And a few RNG mount skins, now.


Don't care about armor/outifts, but I have bought a couple of helm skins and one weapon skin.


I bought a bank tab because of legendary, and an extra bag slot because of PoF, and have bought a few BL salvage kits when making ascended gear, but will probably not buy more now that I have about a hundred dark matter in storage. I occasionally cave in and buy Black Lion keys.


My 4000 gems for the premium upgrade package went on the Unbounded Magic collecting tools and the Mistlock passkey, both of which I am very happy I bought.


Edit: Oh, and a Quaggan mail carrier! :D

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I buy gems occasionally. I only very rarely use in-game gold to buy gem store items.


What I buy is usually character slots (although, I won't be needing many more) and things that increase inventory, including bank slots and bag slots. I also buy BL chest keys occasionally. I don't think I've ever bought a skin.


I usually buy only when items are on sale, or part of a package deal that makes sense.

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I've bought some character slots just so I can have one of each profession and a bank tab expansion so I have adequate room for my~~ junk ~~ stuff. I've also purchased two of the glider skins (the old-sheet vanilla just had to go at some point).

I do periodically buy gems and convert to gold, but sparingly. The bulk of the components for my two legendaries and in-progress legendary collections are from gameplay (the basic login rewards go far) but I've hit a few periods where the grind for something just makes it less fun. So I don't mind tossing Anet a few bucks occasionally. If you look at the cost per hour of gameplay compared to many other forms of entertainment, $10 is nothing.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > What do you buy, what do you never buy, what makes you more likely or less likely to purchase something?


> ##### Storage Expansion

> * I've paid full price for max bank tabs, max material storage density, & shared inventory.

> * Bag slots: I buy a bunch every time it's discounted; haven't yet paid the full freight.


I have done the same.

> ##### Altaholism

> * Character slots, 2-4 whenever those are on sale.

> * One name change contract.


I also buy 2-4 slots when they are on sale. I share your addiction.

> ##### Silliness

> * Toys. I'd buy more, but I'm out of space for things like the carpet, gobbler, kites, chocolates


I bought the carpet and the flute and the burrower. Those are the ones I recall.

> ##### Style

> * 4-5 outfits. I'd buy more, but the dye channels are ... unfortunate.

> * 4-5 gliders. I buy the ones I like, typically waiting for a sale. (Exception: raven glider; too good to pass up) I'd buy more, but they don't dye well.

> * 0 armors: never liked any, not even for half price

> * 1 weapon: only liked the stormbow. The other: no thanks.

> * Armor pieces: all the spectacles. Not much else


Same on the outfits and gliders.

I have purchased one or two armors mainly because I wanted individual pieces and could only get them as a set.

I have purchased two or three weapon skins.

I have purchased two of the spectacles.

> ##### Utilities

> * Copper-Fed, of course

> * 2.5 sets of gathering tools, before shared inventory; 0 since. Tempted to buy others, but cost is too high for adding 0 new functionality, without a way to swap skins easily.

> * Royal Terrace, superseded by the superior Mistlock Sanctuary


I have purchased the same as you have IWN. I have also purchased the Silver-Fed as well. I still have the Royal Terrace in a shared slot along with the Mistlock Sanctuary and the Elon Invitation. I use each for different reasons. The Royal Terrace will be especially nice during Wintersday.


##### Black Lion Keys & Mount Unlocks

I have purchased quite a bit of BL Keys and one 10 pack of Mount Skin Unlocks which will be the end of my mount skin purchases as I am not happy with the RNG aspect of the mount skins. I guess I was happy enough to buy some. *shrug*


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I really only buy gems with cash when there’s a sale on something I’m interested in. I typically only convert gold to gems to fill in a gem deficit for some sale that caught my eye.


I’ve bought glider skins and the Halloween mount skins, a few armor skin sets, one or two outfits that I especially liked, and keys. I only get keys to try for the BL weapon skins that I missed. I love the BL tickets and really only keep chests on hand for the hope of getting tickets over time. I hate lockboxes in principle but I’m a sucker for some of the rares and super rares hidden in them. The season one lockboxes got to me when they included the fused skins. I’ve been lusting for a fused longbow skin since they were revealed in the event. I’m still on the hunt.


I don’t, nor would I ever, buy boosts, toys, or minis outright with gems. I have no interest in any of these except what I’ve already earned in-game through other means. I have an abundance of boosts that’ll take me years to use up because I forget about them. Minis are only valuable to me to take them off the list of potential guaranteed wardrobe unlocks. Toys are useless to me, but I won’t delete the ones I have currently in hopes they’ll add something like a toy slot to carry one around without taking inventory space.

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I don't buy pvp finishers, as I don't pvp.


The only things I buy are things that can further expand on the personality/emersion of my toons and provide a service. The tireless minion harvesting tools, spectral glider and a grenth outfit for my necro for example. Necros have been whitewashed in this game.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Decided to make another post in this thread after Mark O'Brien post about 2k mounts


> **What our data shows is that higher-priced flashy individual items can work, and lower-average-price-per-item bundles can work, but lower-priced individual items generally don’t generate meaningful revenue to support the game. And the whole point of these items is to support the game.**


When I took a look at when I've been spending gems on this past couple years, this seems to be match up with my spending.


- I've never bought a glider unless it happened to be in a bundle.

- I've only bought one outfit not in a bundle since HoT was released, and that was the noble outfit that was on sale this Halloween. (cause most of them have butt capes now)

- Singles item I bought when they first came out : Storm Bow, and Menzie's Agony, and I bought the Kurzick dual Axe in August. I think these items will count as lower priced individual items, and I'm guessing a large percentage of the player base did not buy them?

- March - April I spent $105 in order to get the elemental sword,a nd still had some gems leftover after. After that I don't think I bought anymore gems until my PoF pre order in Sept (disturbing, I hope they don't put future weapons skins that seem like they should be 600 gems, in the BLC instead)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll never buy mount or glider skins. I'll buy an outfit if it suits me. I'll buy armor skins if they suit me, yet considering we haven't had anything other than new hat skins and backpack skins in years I, consequently, haven't bought any skins in years. I find it annoying to have to pay to change my appearance and actually kind of insulting that there's an NPC that lets you preview yet forces you to have your own kit to actually make any changes. Despite how annoying I find them I still buy total makeover kits. Hairstyle kits just aren't worth the price.


Speaking of price, I never buy consumables other than trans charges and it legitimately makes me feel terrible buying those, like I hate myself for doing it so I tend to spend less and just deal with my look instead of changing it as often as I'd like. I really wish the wardrobe system wasn't so cash-grabby. Especially considering you get so few gems for the amount of money they charge you.


That's another reason I don't spend much money on this game, the value simply IS NOT THERE. The price of gems in gold or actual money is absolutely terrible.

The least they could do is make it 100 per dollar, yet no, they value their own currency above a US dollar, it's insulting AND a terrible deal all at once. This is only compounded by the fact that everything's priced so you always have a few gems leftover, a scummy tactic to be sure. Not only that everything seems to be priced like you're getting more gems per dollar than you actually are. There's no good reason for a single 1 time use consumable to be worth more than a dollar.


I also never buy keys. I'm tired of gambling in games. If I wanted to gamble I'd go to a local casino, at least with all the bells and whistles the gambling would feel fun for a moment, as it stands it just feels like "Welp, let's see what waste of money this would have been if this key weren't free." The worst part about the gambling is you only get three chances at something decent. The first one is always occupied by some terrible event or crafting package, which significantly lessens any value they may have had.


I also never buy hat or backpack skins 'cause I don't like the meme.


Similar to the black lion chests I don't buy dye kits, either, because of more gambling. I'd buy a dye outright for five bucks, but I'm not about to spend money to get a dye I might already have.


I hate that not only do they have tons of nice cosmetics they also choose to hide things like backpack and bank slot upgrades behind a paywall, too! When it was an individual bank per character I had no problem, but now that they all share the same bank? It isn't good enough, I can't remember the last time I had a bank that wasn't completely full, it also annoys me that we need to purchase slots for materials separately from bank upgrades, this is only further compounded by the fact that all of the end-tier crafting takes thousands of materials.


Overall I feel like there's just too much on the gem store, you don't get nearly enough gems for your money, only a very select few of the things on the gem store are actually worth what they price them at (thus I don't buy them,) and it infinitely frustrates me to have to decide between cool looks and upgrades I need now that each character shares everything but their own personal inventory. Overall, I want to buy more gems, I want to spend more money, but when I look at all of the things I feel I need and then all of the pretty things that I want I just feel overwhelmed and, more often than not, give up and don't buy anything at all.


I'm not some trading post guru, I've never had more than 100g at once because the content I enjoy doing just doesn't pay out worth a darn. I don't buy gems with gold as I simply don't have the gold and so I have to decide how much money I'm willing to actually spend on a single game, especially with my money having so little buying power and, generally, I find it's just better to play other games and take long breaks from this one when all of the annoyances of bank/bag space, cool looking stuff, and the lack of rewards for PVE content finally catches up to me.


Those are my feelings on the gem store, gems, and the various transactions in this game.

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I mix it up. I farm lots of gold, I will also buy some gems for account upgrades and some skins. I would have to play 20 hours a day if I farmed all the gold manually. Also, AANET needs support so even if I could easily buy something with gold, if it's like 400-800 gems and I really like I will use real money.


I do show restraint though, I would say overall I pay more than a sub if you added everything together, which is fine since GW2 is my main MMO I play. I don't buy gamble items like keys, and I haven't bought a mount skin yet. Though if I could select the skin I wanted I would probably pay 800-1000gems quite easily.


You can easily pay more than a sub if you get carried away, that's also fine if it brings you entertainment. I try limit it roughly $15 a month over the course of the whole game, with the rest of the gold farm myself via metas, sw, flipping etc.

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I'm not opposed to microtransactions (or macro as they've become lately), I just don't care much about skins or gambling, so I'll likely never buy anything but expacs. Got some basic account upgrades via APs and gold, and the rest I don't care about. Anet still wants me though, since I'm extremely likely to buy all future expacs.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> ANet has the metrics, they know what we buy and don't buy, but I thought it might be useful to discuss *why* we do or do not buy various options. What do you buy, what do you never buy, what makes you more likely or less likely to purchase something?


> I moved my own comments to a later post, to not distract form the topic. Basically just explain what sort of things you do buy, what sort of things you'd want to buy, but don't, and why that is, what will you never buy, and why?


What I don't buy:

1. Things that are flashy.

2. Things that makes me look "easy".

3. RNG related things.

4. Glider skins.

5. Boosters and Extractors and any other consumable.

6. Dye pack/kits.

7. (Most) Bundles (I say most as the only one I ever bought is the Halloween one and... that I forgot the name of to get my Jungle Explorer Outfit they refuse to give me).

8. Finishers

9. Weapon Skins (Well I have to say at least in past and present. They MIGHT release one I like, but they never have).

10. "Town Services" as I never saw the point in them when Lion's Arch, PvP Lobby, Guild Halls, and Home Towns do all those things they do.

11. "Gathering Tools" as I wanted just one of the unbound magic tools, but seeing they're always bundled (at least when I see them), I've never gotten one.

12. Anything under "Toys"... so far. I want the Lute and Harp though. I just never had the time to get one... yet.

13. Mail Carriers as... yeah.. once again see no point.

14. "Character Upgrades" as in those that just upgrade a single character. If I want it across the board I would have to buy it multiple times like bag slots.

15. EDIT: I forgot I don't buy miniatures. I don't even go for miniatures in the game unless it looks practical/logical/cute. "Race" Minis always looked too silly to me and never made sense to have a mini npc following me.


What I buy:

2. Anything that looks practical or decent.

3. Character slots for the usual want to make more characters.

4. Clothing/Armor skins that don't have heels, don't show panties, don't show way too much skin or cleavage.

5. Account expansions as in material expansions and a few shared inventory slots.

6. Mount skins I 100% know I'm getting and know I would use always... which is so far I got only the Halloween skins. There was one other one I was 100% sure to always use on a specific character, but it's under the mount lootbox.


I think that's about it.

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