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[BUG] Triumphant Hero / Warbeast / Bounty Hunter armor from reward tracks can't be salvaged/Forged

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As the title states. For some reason, Exotic armor that has been obtained via the Crystal Desert reward track (as well as the Exotic Triumphant Hero armors bought in WvW) can be neither salvaged nor Forged. You CAN put them in the Mystic Forge, but any attempt to forge them is denied. This is rather frustrating if you already have Ascended gear because these armor pieces just end up being wasted. Other armors from other reward tracks can be salvaged/Forged, so why not these sets?

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Jeknar: That's the kicker. The Exotic armor from the Triumphant WvW reward track IS salvageable/Forged. But the Triumphant Hero armor that you purchase from the WvW Skirmish vendor is not. I can't see why there'd be any difference between the two. As for the Crystal Desert reward track, I have not selected a stat for them, but based on past experience, that should not make a difference. The Forge will accept even non-stat items, and likewise, salvaging an item doesn't care what stat it has (or doesn't have), because stat-selectable Exotics do not ever drop Exotic inscriptions or insignia.


Djinn: ANet DOES sometimes get around to it. The HoT profession exotic armors suffered from this problem for well over a year before they were FINALLY fixed a couple months before PoF's release. I'm just trying to get this brought to their attention now so it doesn't take so long this time.

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