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[NA WvW] Mërcenaries [Sold] is recruiting on Darkhaven


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Mërcenaries [sold] is a casual small scale/havok guild that been around since 2014 and entered in Hiatus near the end of 2016. Now we're back since PoF launch and are looking for other players interested in small scale and/or outnumbered fights. We're willing to take non-experienced players as long they have the desire to get better and will help them improve.

We don't have scheduled raids, we just play whenever we feel like, so you can just hop on and join whoever is running. Some of us only do WvW.

Currently looking for people that play during EST primetime, but we also have a few players that run during SEA and EU if that happen to be your timezone.

Message me (Jeknar.6184) in-game if you have any questions or want to try out.

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