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Which WvW meta do I prefer


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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> Having one or another has only viable to fight, is not a good thing, it just shows how ANet dont care about combat unless its against mobs...

> Well this is a aoe/cleave spam game made far bad pve players .... pvp cant be much diferent from it, reason they hardly want to balance what is broken.


> OR..... they gona sell us on next expantion classes with gazilion of resistance.... hoping that will solve the issue, and avoid a good balance intervention.


Hey don't knock ANet for selling these players what they want. Balance don't sell, however highly overpowered and broken Elite Specs. will sell super fast. Remember this game only gets PvE support.

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> @Reverence.6915 said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > Your blob meta does not concern me, but I liked Pirate Ship more because pick teams had a job.


> It's still pirate ship meta


I'm talking about the old pirate ship from when stability was nerfed. The current forced pirate ship meta is pretty meh... You literally cannot get close because of all the shades and Winds of Disenchantment. And you cannot even properly range because WoD also block projectiles.

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If you ask any player that's been around to see all the metas, I'm pretty they'll all mention the vanilla 25-meta. The typical guild-oriented comp back then would have two melee parties, two ranged parties and one focus party, with some variation. While there is some merit to the remarks about GWEN in vanilla that should be understood on the backdrop that the difference between preferred and less-preferred classes was smaller, there was more content-scale diversity and better balance between the different scales (roamers could fight guilds who could fight pickups more easily; while, at the same time, there was more roaming content to pick up the less-preferred classes etc.). So, pickup groups may have predominantly been GWEN but they were smaller as there were more roamers and guilds on maps and those roamers and guilds had an easier time to punch above their weight to create content over the different scales with less of a disconnect between the groups who'd share a WvW map.


That means that it's not so easy to reproduce because it rested on more things than class balance, including population amount, population balance and mentality. Still, class balance is the first step to from which you can start rebuilding the other things, should you want to reproduce that meta. The biggest problem now is that there is just so much extra skills and ability spam that balancing everything at a larger scale has become more difficult. The balance between both "parties" and classes also rests on an intricate balance of mobility and control where too much control gives us pirate ships and too little control gives us hammer trains. It needs to be balanced to where there's enough control to keep melee in some check but still let focus classes pick off range and so forth to get some rock-paper-scissors basics going again. Then the finer points can be refined and from there scaling can be solved.


Mending the population and population balance comes down more to scoring changes (and rewards) than class changes. The problem the game and the game mode has there is that as long as there is a population imbalance and incentives to transfer to win it becomes both problematic to add rewards that are performance based and it also doesn't give the mode its competetive edge since it leads to a split between how Anet and different servers or player groups view the winning conditions. As things stand you can't really win or Anet's (and some servers') definitions of winning isn't performance oriented and can't be rewarding. However, that's for another post.

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