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What about fishing?


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This will always be such a strange suggestion to me. Like, I get fishing in MMOs, and I've participated, but I can't wrap my head around actively requesting the feature. I guess it's okay when it's there, but it doesn't feel like a game's missing anything when it's not.

So I am fairly ambivalent to fishing. Is this like the third fishing post this week? Is PoF really that boring? I haven't started it yet.

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Fishing has for me always been a lackluster activity in past mmos. Unless they do something unique with it, I'll pass.


There **_is_** a severe lack of seafood however for Chef crafting. What do Arenanet have against delicious fish? And Chunks of Crab Meat are sold to vendors as junk? This is an outrage!



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Oh look ANOTHER fishing (fluff) topic. Go play the games that have fishing, housing, marriage etc and leave GW2 alone. We need more engaging content not FLUFF. Let em sink resources into real content and not silly things like above mentioned. Or I don't know maybe fix the bugs of current content? SMH, fluff *snorts*, there's enough of that in the TP.


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I see that many say "actual" content, what is actual content for you?

I never seen an alternate suggestion what there can be besides fishing?

Do you want to just get more events that you can run for loot and trash?

What do you want? Tell me, I havent seen a real suggestion in this thread.


Im very okay with having lifeskills in an mmorpg like Guild wars, such skills always bring a variety of new features and options to anyone.

I never really understand also why people hate it if the are given free such content.

There is nothing wrong with having more options to choose from when it comes to making gold.

Besides running around and collecting ressources there is not much todo in the world for people that dont want todo events.


I think the world deserves some spots and some skills that let you interact with the world more than you do now.

This doesnt need to be fishing but just something different.

Maybe bug catching that you do when you walk around the map so it just would be content without taking the focus away from fighting.



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> @mowljo.2376 said:

> I see that many say "actual" content, what is actual content for you?

> I never seen an alternate suggestion what there can be besides fishing?

> Do you want to just get more events that you can run for loot and trash?

> What do you want? Tell me, I havent seen a real suggestion in this thread.


> Im very okay with having lifeskills in an mmorpg like Guild wars, such skills always bring a variety of new features and options to anyone.

> I never really understand also why people hate it if the are given free such content.

> There is nothing wrong with having more options to choose from when it comes to making gold.

> Besides running around and collecting ressources there is not much todo in the world for people that dont want todo events.


> I think the world deserves some spots and some skills that let you interact with the world more than you do now.

> This doesnt need to be fishing but just something different.

> Maybe bug catching that you do when you walk around the map so it just would be content without taking the focus away from fighting.




Fishing and Gathering was added to another online I play like a little over a year ago. After the 1st 2 or 3 days I just stopped doing it as I never found fishing/gathering fun in any of these games.

I did have a guilty pleasure of liking Big the Cat in Sonic Adventure and a little bit of the fishing in Ocarina of time, but I rather not deal with that again.


When they say actual content... they mean new maps, new modes, new items, new skills, new classes, new events, new whatever.

Pretty much they're saying, "Anything would be better than a house or fishing or marriage."

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But this sounds exactly like just more of the same, without any suggestion.

Im okay with that, but implementing fishing and creating a whole new map arent really comparable, making a map is much more work and deserves a bigger team than making a Skill like fishing lol


ANet doesnt just decide that the whole team now works on fishing for the next couple of months because thats what people want, NO they do this simultaniously with creating new content. There doesnt change much and their priorities WILL not change because they implement different features into the world and the game.


The hate for more options is real in these forums but I dont really understand why, the world is filled with locations that you should and can explore to progress.

Why not make it more imersive and more grindy than it already is?

I seriously dont have a problem with leveling my fishing up after a day of slaughtering monsters.

In a way, they both are boring as hell, the one is just less bloody. :-)


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Fishing is an extremely easy activity to make a bot for , as the actions are very simple and repetitive , and that a good reason to not have it.

If its easy to fish and the purpose is to make more gold then everyone will do it and no more gold will be made because the TP will get flooded with fish that no one wants to buy.

If you make fishing very hard to do then no one will bother and people will complain about how hard it is.

Its a lot of work for devs as the entire worlds water has to be seeded with fish of differing levels and ease of or difficulty of being caught.

The game has more than enuf time sinks in it now to need even more.

The best way to make gold in an MMO is to do something that everyone else isnt doing.


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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > @mauried.5608 said:

> > > The best way to make gold in an MMO is to do something that everyone else isnt doing.

> >

> > Doing WvW isn't very lucrative...

> >

> WvW Lessons. Make it happen.



Lack of interest killed that market. Can't teach who don't want to learn.

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Fishing is only one example of making a skill. The Bot thing is a good argument.

But I talk about lifeskills in general, you already run around the world, why not make it more immersive?


Like i said catching things or collecting things.

Searching for treasures with a map that drops from enemys, collecting different types of bugs for alchemy, or like the scrolls in Runescape....

You see i present just a couple of ideas, they arent well thought out but there is potential to go in such a direction.


Edit: yeah i know, maps drop already.

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Fishing can be boring, but not always. I liked fishing in Rift. You could exchange fish for in game items and there were collection items you could only get from fishing. And of course, you could cook with them. I think GW needs more min games. The adventures are one type of mini game, racing is another. I would love a polymock game. When WoW introduced pet battles, I thought I would hate it, but I found it pretty engaging, especially the collection aspect of it. I'd like to see more of this type of content introduced.

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I'm the middle ground in this whole talk.

On one side, I just see a new way to pile up my inventory and selling things that the majority won't worth Skritt after the 1st few days because map people would farm the new fish items and quickly throw them into the shops and they will quickly drop to let's say 20 copper a piece (okay maybe not, but might get to around Mithril levels of worth... which actually I think is in the copper zone now).

It would only add new like cooking outcomes that is fish related, but many of them will do some of the things the older/current food do. Just with a new image and a new name.


On the other side, if the fishing set up is innovative... I WOULD be interested in it.

When I say innovative, I don't mean make it as "advance" and annoying as like Sega Sea Bass or whichever and I'm not saying some really in-depth procedure that you need video guides to now learn how to fish.


What I mean is, minus botting as that WILL happen, let's say I fish in Queensdale.

I can maybe fish out carps and trout and bass (or forte if you're that type)... but sometimes you might fish out a special item. Like maybe a chest you can open/unlock that has random loot in it. Or you can fish out an enemy that you now need to fight... this can help a bit with the botting as you have to change between a fishing situation and a battle situation.... then again this can be easily botted on a Necro with minions or maybe a Ranger with pets but forget that for now.


Now you're in Frostgorge and you might fish out salmon, baby sharks, eels, cod fish, etc... or you can fish out an Ice brood enemy that you would need to fight. It can also still have certain chests and such you can fish out like Queensdale that you would get relating to any items you can usually get in Frostgorge.


Then there's the junk items, which is one thing I'm not welcoming, that you can fish out. A broken ship wheel... a piece of wood... a severed hand left behind by a wandering Krait last slave/victim... maybe some can be valuable like a loose chain that fell in or something that might worth some silver and so on and so forth... but still junk either way.


Then the problem of having another item you will need for gathering which while yes Arenanet can make money off of to have an infinite version... but those that don't buy those items would have to deal with another collecting item to stock up and obtain and then there's new guild hall nodes and home instance nodes and so on. While some will like, I can see many just going "ugh...." to this whole thing as it would just add more clutter and then they will wonder "They could've taken this time to make some new class/race/skins/outfits/etc". You know there would be topics like that.



The thing is.... it COULD be interesting, but seeing how the whole interacting and item situation is in GW2, I really really don't think it would work well. IT would be really simplified which will have people bored of it rather quickly.

Then the next problem of... can you fish anywhere? Or just certain areas? That can get a bit annoying having to hunt down these area to fish in also. Like I still remember times the daily is to go get lumber in let's say Field of Ruin and I'm looking around and going "GEE! I CAN NOT FIND ANY TREES ANYWHERE! NOT WITH ALL OF THESE OTHER NOT-TREE TREES IN MY FACE! NOPE! CAN'T FIND NO LUMBER!"



There's too many ifs and factors that can make this turn out ugly.

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Good reply! Thank you!

You said all that needs to be said, the system shouldnt be boring like in BDO but more active but anyways chill.

There are many things you could do to make sure there isnt a way of botting the whole thing.

Like you said with the monsters and many different mini games in fishing.

Like spotting a fish first and then get you bait in, I dont know.

And yes, with changing things there alwayas comes a risk.





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> @Tasida.4085 said:

> Oh look ANOTHER fishing (fluff) topic. Go play the games that have fishing, housing, marriage etc and leave GW2 alone. We need more engaging content not FLUFF. Let em sink resources into real content and not silly things like above mentioned. Or I don't know maybe fix the bugs of current content? SMH, fluff *snorts*, there's enough of that in the TP.



Same to you, why don't you go play games with the things you would like implemented in GW2.

The point is we like playing GW2 and want to improve it, not switch to another game.

I don't have much time for raids or high level fractals, but I don't go in all raids/fractals forums and complain that they need to switch the game.


> @mauried.5608 said:

> Fishing is an extremely easy activity to make a bot for , as the actions are very simple and repetitive , and that a good reason to not have it.

> If its easy to fish and the purpose is to make more gold then everyone will do it and no more gold will be made because the TP will get flooded with fish that no one wants to buy.

> If you make fishing very hard to do then no one will bother and people will complain about how hard it is.

> Its a lot of work for devs as the entire worlds water has to be seeded with fish of differing levels and ease of or difficulty of being caught.

> The game has more than enuf time sinks in it now to need even more.

> The best way to make gold in an MMO is to do something that everyone else isnt doing.



Well we already have DR that pretty much make playing at the same map for extended period useless.

So they can implement the fishing spots like in Fantasy Life. Instead of unlimited fishing spot, every spot have some kind of finite number of fish you can get of it and then you need to move to the next spot.

And depending on the mini game it might be hard for bots to play it. (again check Fantasy Life or Stardew valley for examples) .

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We were never going to get raids - I don't do them any way :pensive :bleep_bloop: but raids happened

We were never going to get any sort of flying - Gliding came in with HoT

We were never going to get mounts - Came in with PoF

So..fishing? I hear no for a long time but as you can see...don't count it out. Personally I enjoyed some downtime fishing in WoW and wouldn't mind seeing it here.

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