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Remove shield gens

Mrs Qurly.9372

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> @Vegeta.2563 said:

> In the current state... if you are trying to take a tower .. especially tier 3.. arrow carts inside the tower will be dominate since there is really no protection besides catapult bubbles, and those don't even last that long. Without shield gens, you would just be under heavy AC fire.


And why are you using point blank catas in a tower filled with siege when you can shoot from 4000 range and do about the same damage you would do in the time you channel the full shot without being in AC range?

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I'll admit to a bias. I'd rather the offensive team have more of an advantage breaking into structures overall. I play this gamemode for the large scale RvR fights, not to stand in front of a gate taking AC fire from 6ACs in addition to free-casters, or 10k range away alt+tabbed checking facebook whilst waiting for my guildies to utilize trebs to open a hole so in something so we can pick at what’s inside.


Frequently the groups I play with opt not to cap something in hopes the defenders will return, organize and try to fight for it back – its better than moving on to the next structure to begin the 10min-to-an-hour process of breaking open a wall all over again.


Yeah, okay, it promotes karma training. I don’t care. I’ll take some karma on the side with all of these fights I’m getting.


~ Kovu

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> @Svarty.8019 said:

> > @Kovu.7560 said:

> > Frequently the groups I play with opt not to cap something in hopes the defenders will return, organize and try to fight for it back

> Aaaaand how many times has that actually happened?



Non zero. Either it happens or friendly pugs capture the objective.


~ Kovu

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