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[Druid] Sup Sigil of Concentration on Staff


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since Grace of the Land got converted into might the new meta is ~67% Boon Duration and a warhorn with _**[superior Sigil of Concentration]**_. The perfect rota would be to swap to warhorn, _**[Quickdraw]**_ _**[Call of the Wild]**_ and the go into CA, camp it 10 seconds, exit and use _**[Call of the Wild]**_ again.


However after doing t4 Fractals and some 99cm with that i find it incredibly clunky. You can screw up the whole thing buy going into CA while _**[Call of the Wild]**_ is still "casting" and it will completely break your _**[Quickdraw]**_. Also this will leave you stuck on X/Warhorn during the most inopportune moments as you wont be able to build you Astral Force back up in time. This might be a valid tactic for (somewhat) predictable Raid fight but not CM Fractals.


So i thought what about replacing the _**[superior Sigil of Water]**_ on the staff with _**[superior Sigil of Concentration]**_. That way i could still _**[Quickdraw]**_ _**[Call of the Wild]**_ into _**[Healing Spring]**_ and have 100% boon duration on my staff. The only question is, how much heal and astral force do you actually lose when dropping the sigil?

Wiki says its 370*(0.15 Healing Power), so around 600 heal with 30% chance and 5 second icd. I suck at math but i think that equates to roughly one proc every 12 (7+5) seconds while continuously autoattacking. Thats ~3000 Heal in a whole minute, and youre autoattacking maybe 70% of the time (or less), so even less effective heal. In return you get 100% reliable regeneration and more might uptime. I think regen ticks generate lots of astral force.


I'd just try it if that _**[superior Sigil of Concentration]**_ wasnt so darn expensive.


Anyone got input on that?

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For ppl that want to try druid for cheap, I recommend sigil of transference and water to start but I've actually been using sigil of transference and concentration on my staff for over a year now. Water isn't needed when camping staff. Only use water on my condi druid axe to help charge ca. The gotl changes make it worth it for the very reason of sometimes axe/warhorn is a bad idea. You can proc the sigil going into ca which helps with gotl might. Also benefits fern hound regen and boons from spirits.

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