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Anyone tried PU mirage in WvW?


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My perspective is with respect to WvW roaming only. I run across thieves, mesmers and warriors the most. That might be different depending on what tier you play in. Obviously, there are a ton of spellbreakers, scourges and firebrands because of what they bring to a zerg but I don't really care what zerglings do. :)

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> @"Oozo.7856" said:

> My perspective is with respect to WvW roaming only. I run across thieves, mesmers and warriors the most. That might be different depending on what tier you play in. Obviously, there are a ton of spellbreakers, scourges and firebrands because of what they bring to a zerg but I don't really care what zerglings do. :)


My perspective is with respect to WvW roaming exclussively, as well. It's the only mode I play and the only way I play said mode.

Up until last week I was in T1 with SoS having a blast, being shot at by BG cannon fire and being chased solo by the entire map cap of Maguuma every other week when they crawl up there, to get negative KDR.

As of this week, I'm hunting CD and HoD while being linked with Dragonbrand in... hmm is it t3?

Point being I have a decent sample of both T1 and lower to be able to say there's still much less Mesmers than God/ANet's Chosen Champions on any and all of those tiers.

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In my opinion , for roaming power mesmer is better than condi one. Now all the classes of pof have great mobility and gs let you burst from range. I find power mesmer more effective for roaming around. Probably instead for dueling it is different. From what i have seen condi mesmer ( pu, chrono , mirage ) gives its best in close combat (600 or so ) and for this reason it is great in spvp , your enemy has to capture a point and the fight usually is around the point . The same can be for dueling in wvw spot if you stay in the range of your target. For roaming it is different becouse when fighting people usually move so much and escape easily and so GS makes its work . Mirage in particular has great escape and great evasion so i use my power roaming setup also for the little time i go with a zerg ( usually i only change some trinkets to have a little more toughness ) , i don't love to follow a blob so it is not my priority to setup a class for zerging ... i only do it occasionaly and when i do i usually have not great problems in surviving .

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