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Is game worth playing without Path of Fire?


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@ OP, you will get as many different answers as possible opinions existing and different types of players. This depends on so many factors... What types of activities you like, what type of player you are, what you have already done in the "old" world, or not... And also, what do you have exactly: Only the original world with no adds at all, or more than that? Because until PoF came, there were a lot of adds to the original world via living stories and via the first expansion pack HoT.


My personal opinion: The old content on its own is good enough to still provide much fun. I have all areas from living stories, HoT and PoF. Although that, I am most of my time in original world, because:

- I farm.

- I still have achievements undone.

- I enjoy several meta events.

- I constantly have a toon working out world completion as a side activity.


At the top of it, if you also have the areas of the living stories and the first expansion pack, you have more than enough content additional to the original world to get fun. And last but not least, original world maps are always populated so that there is always something going on. No risk that you feel alone there.


Of course, you will be continuously tempted to go for the PoF pack, alone due to the mounts, but until you can afford it, I don't see how you could get bored. :)


My kind recommendation: Well, you have it yes? So why don't you simply go in and play and see how it goes? Only you can tell if you will like it or not.

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> @Seteruss.4058 said:

> Well, as many states above yes it is worth it, but it is a little bit odd to not have a mount.

> Personally i spend way more time to HoT maps than PoF maps.



For me mount and HoT maps goes hand in hand, if you are an experienced HoT Adventurer, I think you know some of the BS that the HoT maps offers (raptors, rolling devils, unreachable HPs and nodes, and that JP that is pretending to be a map = Tangle Depths), yes Mounts may not solve all of its difficulty but It can relieves some of the stress traveling there.


After I bought PoF, I finished the story on the first 3 days w/ 2 characters, then a week collecting all elite ascended weapons, then go back to central for farming and HoT for meta with Mounts and loots I got in PoF. I can go back in PoF maps whenever but right know I prefer the new experience of using Mounts in older maps to finish collections and Map Comps.


Mounts are like cars or bikes, if you are tired of walking to the groceries, its better to drive and its safer too(in most cases).

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Sure even f2p tyria worth playing atleast for little while, though I recommend the expansions in the future as it expands content and adds in more goals and events to enjoy.


Someone said odd not to have a mount think that is based more on perspective I played 5 years without one and so did many others that still play this game mount isn't needed except for PoF content or lack of one needed to be looked at as odd. People don't need to be segregated because they don't have a mount.

Be like saying its odd to be white living in a black or other racial community. Stuff like this what causes division in game communities and even in rl communities saying someone is odd because they don't have something or are not something is a terrible way of looking at things. Just thought I'd point that out.......

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