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Sword Vs. Axe Healing Druid


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> @"Sister Saxifrage.7361" said:

> Axe chill is a soft CC as well. IMO the necessity of being in melee range to do damage with sword negates the slight increase in still-low DPS.


The autoattack of sword applies cripple so soft CC is iff tge table for axe. Weakness is more needed because weavers have increased crit chance against weakened foes if traited in a certain way. So for dmg support axe has its place.

Sword is otgerwise the better choice becauae of better dps, soft cc and survivability.

Of course if you feel more confortable with a ranged weapon you can do that without any problem and take axe.


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> @haventr.1630 said:

> The main reason I asked this is because qT always has said to use sword in the past, but with the Grace of the Land rework, they're now saying Axe is better.


I am a little bit puzzled why axe should be better.

The AA of axe has no use when using GotL to its full extend.

But as a conclusion to your question. I still say sword is a better choice for its mobility. But both choices are viable IMO and nothing wrong in using your preferred choice.

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> @haventr.1630 said:

> I know that healing druid dps is basically non existent, but for min/max, which is better?


Axe is better when you're forced to range basically. However that is pretty rare, some examples are when you are kiting or in matthias or in demios ranged strat. otherwise, sword is the better dps option.

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