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Demo Character Deletion


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I would like to raise the issue of characters created during the Path of Fire demos not being deleted yet.

Since I participated in a demo approximately one month ago, the names of the characters I created are still unavailable, and the characters still exist on my account API.

I would just like to be able to create a character with a name that I used during the demo, and a month seems like an awful long time to wait to do that.

I am aware that this issue has been raised in the past, but to my knowledge it has been a quite a while since it was last brought up, and I'm just worried that it was forgotten at this point.

I would appreciate it if Arena Net addresses this problem as soon as they can, as I am quite sure that others have been waiting patiently for this to be resolved as well.

Best regards.

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It is most likely the same reason I cannot use my free transfer (deleted all toons, but participated in Beta, so some are still "hidden").


I just hope, that if a wipe comes everything stored in banks for those who want a free transfer remains intact. A staff member could confirm here.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> There was a Dev response to this issue on the old forums (I believe, if not there, then Reddit or Twitter), and the Devs stated they were aware. I'm guessing a wipe will come before launch.


> You can still check out the old Dev Tracker. Or, if you prefer, contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link below.


> Good luck.


I'm aware of the Dev response on the old forum, it's just that it has been quite a while since then, and I wanted to make sure that the matter hasn't been forgotten.

I do hope a wipe will come before launch.

Thanks for the reply.

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> @Exedore.6320 said:

> Until ANet resolves the issue, I've heard the following work-around will help (haven't tried it myself though):


> Set your PC's clock back to the time of the last demo. Start GW2 and it will show the beta/demo characters. You can't play them, but you can at least delete them.


Thanks for that, but they already made me and probably a lot of other ppl wait several weeks for that transfer, so a few more days won't change much on my end. By making us wait they gave us time to take a break and think about whether to purchase or not.


First I'll see whether my items are intact being stored in my bank / guild bank after the wipe they are planning and whether I'll receive my promised free transfer. If something goes wrong I'll not purchase the expansion and in case I lose some items I worked for the past nearly 3 years I'll ask for a refund and that will be the end of GW2 for me.

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Still nothing...Disappointeeeed!!! They should have made the demo character wype before launch. This delay is not helping to their "good" reputation. At first I though someone just took my name and I was like...well...it was a good name it is normal, but when i put API con the apps they showed me the demo character's name in my account and I was like WTF? I'm somehow both relief and mad and if the devs were aware of this problem they should have solve it before launch. Well i won't play the soulbeast that was the one that most captivated my attention from all the others "elite specs"(renegade...ugh) till the demo chrtrs wype. I hope i'l be sooner than a month.

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> @DarkEmiLupus.2876 said:

> Still nothing...Disappointeeeed!!! They should have made the demo character wype before launch. This delay is not helping to their "good" reputation. At first I though someone just took my name and I was like...well...it was a good name it is normal, but when i put API con the apps they showed me the demo character's name in my account and I was like kitten? I'm somehow both relief and mad and if the devs were aware of this problem they should have solve it before launch. Well i won't play the soulbeast that was the one that most captivated my attention from all the others "elite specs"(renegade...ugh) till the demo chrtrs wype. I hope i'l be sooner than a month.


Exactly my words. Because there are still toons "hidden" I e.g. cannot make a free transfer to another world. Made a topic about it - I cannot play because of this. Not that I could not technically, but I do not want to spend saved up resources on characters on a world I no longer wish to play at. So they let me and a lot of others hang for nearly a month now... for all the money we invested in this game. Says a lot about the company as a whole and that their sole focus is money, because I'm sure if I had paid for a transfer no problem.

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I honestly don't think this is of any priority to them, and the main reason for that would be because it doesn't generate revenue. First they'll try to fix the mess they launched and then maybe, at some point, they'll fix this as well, although this should have been done right after the Beta ended, so myself and many others just might give up, not buy the expansion and even quit the game.

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I don't believe they're prioritizing this because it only affects a minority of players, but it's a serious issue for those who can't use a free transfer because of it.

I personally have no problem waiting for them to address the issue, but nearly 2 months is a ridiculous wait time for people who have already deleted their characters for transfer, and simply can't play until it's resolved.

While this issue only affects a small number of players, it's very hindering for some, and Arena Net has done little to acknowledge it.

This should have been resolved before launch, and the players affected—however few—have been waiting far too long for it to be done.


If this is a pressing issue for you, I recommend that you write a customer support ticket, and request that they delete the hidden characters on your account.

Their response time may be slow right now with the new expansion, but you will probably save much more time than if you were to wait for them to fix the problem for everyone.

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> @Dhuum.3427 said:

> I don't believe they're prioritizing this because it only affects a minority of players, but it's a serious issue for those who can't use a free transfer because of it.

> I personally have no problem waiting for them to address the issue, but nearly 2 months is a ridiculous wait time for people who have already deleted their characters for transfer, and simply can't play until it's resolved.

> While this issue only affects a small number of players, it's very hindering for some, and Arena Net has done little to acknowledge it.

> This should have been resolved before launch, and the players affected—however few—have been waiting far too long for it to be done.


> If this is a pressing issue for you, I recommend that you write a customer support ticket, and request that they delete the hidden characters on your account.

> Their response time may be slow right now with the new expansion, but you will probably save much more time than if you were to wait for them to fix the problem for everyone.


I made mine today, 1 ingame and other in the webside. We are aproaching to the second week of the expansion and the problem persist. I really feel ignored and mad.

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> @DarkEmiLupus.2876 said:

> > @Dhuum.3427 said:

> > I don't believe they're prioritizing this because it only affects a minority of players, but it's a serious issue for those who can't use a free transfer because of it.

> > I personally have no problem waiting for them to address the issue, but nearly 2 months is a ridiculous wait time for people who have already deleted their characters for transfer, and simply can't play until it's resolved.

> > While this issue only affects a small number of players, it's very hindering for some, and Arena Net has done little to acknowledge it.

> > This should have been resolved before launch, and the players affected—however few—have been waiting far too long for it to be done.

> >

> > If this is a pressing issue for you, I recommend that you write a customer support ticket, and request that they delete the hidden characters on your account.

> > Their response time may be slow right now with the new expansion, but you will probably save much more time than if you were to wait for them to fix the problem for everyone.


> I made mine today, 1 ingame and other in the webside. We are aproaching to the second week of the expansion and the problem persist. I really feel ignored and mad.


1 and a half months waiting here... I'll wait till the end of this week, then I'm calling it.


They're the worst...... after their parent NCSoft.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just updating the topic, this issue is still unresolved, and has been present for over 2 months now.

Although I have heard that some people who submitted tickets have had their demo characters wiped, a full wipe for all who participated in the demo is yet to come.

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> @Dhuum.3427 said:

> Just updating the topic, this issue is still unresolved, and has been present for over 2 months now.

> Although I have heard that some people who submitted tickets have had their demo characters wiped, a full wipe for all who participated in the demo is yet to come.


Well, I'm still waiting for my ticket to be read and my demo characters to be wiped.....

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