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Rev in Raids


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So before PoF Rev was only really useful as handkiter at Deimos.

But with the release of PoF we finally got a good dps spot. Everything was fine.

Now, with the latest patch, Renegade got nerfed however. It does significantly less damage now than other PoF specs (Soulbeast, Firebrand, CMirage..).

So my question is: Does Anet hate Revenant? There was no need to nerf it, its damage was fine (not overpowered, not underpowered). Instead we can stack more might now (useless since Druid is the new PS). Its just unfair, since other classes have been meta for so long (Mesmer, Druid..) and CMirage is even top dps now.

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what? In the few videos I've been able to find of benchmarks post patch, Firebrand literally only beats Renegade by .5k damage (both get about 32.5). Soulbeast with stance share is @35k which is only 2.5k more. SOOOOO, i'm not sure this is "significantly less" than other pof specs. Mirage is also obviously super overtuned right now so I'm not sure if you need to be crying that renegade doesn't do enough or that Mirage needs to be nerfed, probably the latter. But in comparison to the others you listed it's right there with them.


Also the alacrity buff is great. Renegade can fill a bunch of different roles now, from pure healer + alacrity, to alacrity support (with a firebrand for quickness), to might stacking, to pure dps. The supportive dps role (full viper, salvation, ventari instead of mallyx) does condi druid type dps (or better in some cases) and provides about 25% better alacrity uptime than a chrono can due to being able to provide alacrity during phases.


Not only this, but you're forgetting it brings Assassin's Presence, which is a group DPS gain, which puts it's individual worth higher than it's 32.5k individual dps. Also if you're just interested in individual dps, an Invocation Renegade with the new grandmaster trait which gives energy can almost certainly get at least 35k.

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> @LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

> what? In the few videos I've been able to find of benchmarks post patch, Firebrand literally only beats Renegade by .5k damage (both get about 32.5). Soulbeast with stance share is @35k which is only 2.5k more. SOOOOO, i'm not sure this is "significantly less" than other pof specs. Mirage is also obviously super overtuned right now so I'm not sure if you need to be crying that renegade doesn't do enough or that Mirage needs to be nerfed, probably the latter. But in comparison to the others you listed it's right there with them.


> Also the alacrity buff is great. Renegade can fill a bunch of different roles now, from pure healer + alacrity, to alacrity support (with a firebrand for quickness), to might stacking, to pure dps. The supportive dps role (full viper, salvation, ventari instead of mallyx) does condi druid type dps (or better in some cases) and provides about 25% better alacrity uptime than a chrono can due to being able to provide alacrity during phases.


> Not only this, but you're forgetting it brings Assassin's Presence, which is a group DPS gain, which puts it's individual worth higher than it's 32.5k individual dps. Also if you're just interested in individual dps, an Invocation Renegade with the new grandmaster trait which gives energy can almost certainly get at least 35k.


ye i might have overacted on the dps part compared to other PoF specs, but keep in mind that you can play both dh and firebrand, chrono / mirage (not only for pve, but also for pvp/wvw), meanwhile renegade is only viable in pve. And yes, Renegade might be able to provide alacrity / might, but each comes with a dps loss and other classes are better to fulfill these roles

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