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Should Scourge get a F1 shroud?


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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> > @"Crystal Black.8190" said:

> > It would already help if the f-skills got a cast time and a more visible animation, so you can dodge them or interrupt. The only one I can really see is the fear one.

> > Also scourge profits more from vitality than base necro or reaper because the life force cost is absolute and not a percentage. Core/reaper can't stay longer in shroud with more vitality because the loss is a percentage.


> You can add cast times to shade skills when you remove the cast times off summoning shades and bump their damage. Adding a cast time to the fear shade would be kitten for interrupt purposes.


> Seriously, necro is already one of the classes with the longest cast times. Long cast times on heal, all scepter skills have not only long cast times but slow collision so good luck landing a dagger 5 or scepter 2 on a moving target.


> And to top it off, the spec does absolutely garbage DPS.


No it does garbage DPS in PvE. It's the absolute highest damage class in PvP by a mile, and is 100% mandatory if you want to win. Bump it's damage? Just no.


Also almost every CC in the game has a cast time, "interrupt purposes" is not a excuse for the entirety of Scourge to have zero telegraph.

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