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[Suggestion] Ghastly Breach is the worst telegraph in the game!


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So, I've been PvPing for that salty pips lately , and I've been getting quite some complaints that people randomly can't see my elite skill at all (Ghastly Breach).


Thing is, they are indeed correct, and since PoF was released, I have real issues seeing it myself on PvE. Most of the times I release it and can't even find where it was before it's over. In PvP I simply release it on point and hope people will miss it (I am kinda abusing this lack of graphics but really what can I do). Actually the only instances I can ever fully see the skill happening, with the sigil being drawn on sand and all, is when I accidentally cast it out off combat. In every other case I see nothing or simply some lame sandy bois that pop up and disappear before the actual skill ends.


I would suggest drawing a much clearer red circle like for Winds of Disenchantment. This skill is a critical one that neither the player nor the enemies should miss, because it's by far the deadliest in our arsenal (PvP-wise of course), by turning guardians into coal in a matter of seconds. I'd get really bummed from dying to a skill that didn't even telegraph correctly, I perfectly understand the people whispering me about it.


I would also like to suggest, if you guys didn't think of it yet, is that some key skills such as Winds, Ghastly Breach, chaos storm and even Meteor Shower, show up as orange circles like PvE monster skills. This would make a good distinction for example, if you separated telegraphed skills that had aftercast (like the ones mentioned) and skills that simply hit once and then are over would be simple red circles.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> Turn Effect LOD off in your graphics settings.


I should probably have mentioned that, but I do have effect LOD turned off. Furthermore, it obviously shouldn't affect whether or not the skill _shows up at all_. Meteor Shower has very clear path markers and area of effect even if I have effect LOD, and even if I'm inside a full fledged WvW pirate ship. The issue here is that other players (as well as myself sometimes) can't see my own persistent elite skill on the ground, regardless of effect LOD, and it _shouldn't_ be limited to not showing up at all even with LOD. It never occurred to me with any other skill whatsoever, not in PvP, nor in PvE and not in WvW where it would be most likely to appear.


Besides if an elite skill needs special graphic settings to be barely noticeable it was done very badly; If all the Chrono wells can show up on my screen I find it very weird that this one in particular fails to do so that often.

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