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Legendary Skins!

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I have had a couple legendaries over the years but none of them really feel too special. Even with the new ones i feel as though i'm only crafting them for their cool effects; not their looks. It looks like every other players weapon cause everyone wanted cool footprint effects.


So my idea was like maybe making the item itself always pulse its animations even after you apply another skin! So you could be wielding a musical anomaly or a fiery sword that also trails lightning! It could be implemented to work with like Winter's Presence aswell. This could help especially with players who want those effects but don't want the skins increasing desire for legendaries and when there is desire there is people either paying or playing!


I'm not sure if something like that would be extremely hard to code or what not but i just wanted to see if the idea was already out there and who thinks it would be a good feature! Also capes please <3

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I upvote this ^^ I know lots of people that dislike almost if not all of the legendary skins but still would want them for their effects. That was why I crafted both of mine as well. Also more personal customization is always an enjoyable feature ^o^ I have always thought it would be cool if weapons could be dyed too, even if only within like a certain spectrum or selection for them.

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Hum not sure like you said how difficult this would be to add but I do know that for instance a lot of people crafted the Colossus just to get the vial of quicksilver I think it's called that gives the effect without actually wielding the weapon so I agree that there is indeed a lot of players out there after similar things.

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Hmmm, this sounds closely related to the aura wardrobe that people have suggested before. If I understand correctly, you want to be able to use the legendary aura (and possibly footsteps) while having reskinned the weapon itself with a transmutation charge? I think it would be strange, and think some players would "abuse" this by making it look as tacky as possible (but that's part of the awesome part about fashion wars 2), but I support this.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> Hmmm, this sounds closely related to the aura wardrobe that people have suggested before. If I understand correctly, you want to be able to use the legendary aura (and possibly footsteps) while having reskinned the weapon itself with a transmutation charge? I think it would be strange, and think some players would "abuse" this by making it look as tacky as possible (but that's part of the awesome part about fashion wars 2), but I support this.


When you say aura wardrobe I'm assuming you mean be able to apply auras you own like with trans charges?


Or do you mean being able to preview them like other skins in the wardrobe? Because I'd love that lol

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Oh I guess wardrobe was not the best word to use in this context. I mean being able to choose auras you have unlocked, and toggle them on/off at will, regardless of whether you have the specific item that grants that aura equipped. So for example you could have nightfury's aura without wearing it, or have regular infusions but still use the ghostly aura.

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> @Fenom.9457 said:

> I just want armor obtainable outside of the hardest content specifically designed to exclude the mass majority of all humans on the planet, made a thousand times worse by those who believe themeselves to be the only ones capable of playing the content


couldn't agree more

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> Oh I guess wardrobe was not the best word to use in this context. I mean being able to choose auras you have unlocked, and toggle them on/off at will, regardless of whether you have the specific item that grants that aura equipped. So for example you could have nightfury's aura without wearing it, or have regular infusions but still use the ghostly aura.


Essentially i guess. Got to keep the idea in ANETs vision, its a really good one.

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You mean you don't want to run around with The Dreamer? I hate the shortbow, longbow, dagger, etc. They look horrid and wouldn't fit the theme of any of my characters. I just wish they gave a few options at least. I love Twilight for example. Would be pretty cool if there were multiple skins for the legendary; at least dark, light, or nature versions. But a unicorn.. really? :/


Yeah that will go so good with the Grenth's Regalia and Necrotic Glider I've got. Definitely need something more with the legendaries. It's a lot of effort to get one and I can't bring myself to do it for a unicorn shortbow or a blowtorch dagger.

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