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Build for fractals


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I just levelled my ranger and I typically run T3 fractals. Ive been trying to find a build and I've come across a few:







What is typically run in T3-4 fractals?


The metabattle one is power, whereas the others are condi. Is there a preferred damage type for fractals?


And for the 4 builds above, are they typically played as a more supportive/healing role, or a dps one? I'm having a hard time understanding ranger playstyle because it seems there are so many options, so I guess I'm looking to understand what the ranger meta is for fractals, whether its more supportive/healing or dps

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Ranger has two options Either Healing-Magi-Druid or Viper-Condi-Soulbeast.

Qt builds are viable, i'd personally go for the old 2 traps (fire, poison) + sharpening stones Dps Soul beast as it helps with cleaves, but i've found Stance-share to be fun too.

The build meta-battle offers is a buffer druid, but wasn't great since power-ranger has always been rather subpar in pve and in high tier fractals you want your team alive and that is what's expected from a druid. A condi-support druid works best with premade groups where people know what they're doing and you can rely on them, with pugs it's best to go full heal druid.


Generally i would say avoid power builds unless you're bored and want to try something different or just want to roam the open world.

I carry with me both sets so i can change from dps to heal/support if needed.


DPS variant:



Heal/support variant:


In light of recent changes the Harrier stat combo might be better for druids, but magi is still decent and you most likely will over-heal, but from my experience it's better to over-heal than not heal enough and with the fractal instabilities that T4 brings it might be better.

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