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Renegade/Ventari Build, Renegade now Viable


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So I think I finally found a use for Renegade and that isn't DPS like the spec was designed for, but bunker/support.




It's pretty much like the Herald/Ventari build except much more offensively based and with more CC, group healing, and area denial. Breakrazor's Bastion heals for 19k on yourself, and 12k on allies, Razorclaw's Razor is great for stopping stomps/revives, and Soulcleave's Summit gives your team lots of healing and damage in teamfights. Coupled with alacrity from Orders from Above, I'd say this build is superior than the Herald one due to the benefits you bring to your team. All while staying just as tanky if not even more tanky than the Herald/Ventari, but bringing much more healing to your allies.

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Didn't test this in any division, I'm not masochistic enough to step foot into Ranked again. Was plat 2 last season, plat 3 before that. Just tossing this build out there from my experience in dueling top players and dabbling in unranked. Give it a shot if you're up for it, you'll be surprised. Not like there's any other Renegade builds to try out there.

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have tested it (and every other rev build)



blind is good versus melee classes like warrior and some thief build.

great block projectile skills and trait. so range like DE or LB wont harm you. very good in team fight if you ally targeted and know that you can help him

great healing on point and dmg mitigation or buffer with elite skill and healing skill. but mainly use in burst team combo on point which is hardly done.

play at range most of the time is a must



low protection uptime and hardly any stability to gain the 15% dmg reduction and low weakness time.

weak to condi class like mirage and scourge on point.

no dueling abilities

high nrg with kalla.

no decap abilities.

move with your team is a must thus if you team doing bad rotation you must move with them nevertheless.


i would go with invocation line 1,1,2. more cleanse, another break stun, more swiftness or regen on legend swap, and 25 nrg gain as with kalla you mainly use healing skill and elite which drain your nrg than swap to ventari to massive heal use elite and swap again. with alacrity your healing cd will be reduce.

the more boons you got the more scourge is dangerous to you.


works nice in wvw. in pvp you need good team with comms. and some dmg class to babysit you if you get targeted.


holo will take you down.

s/d thief also and some d/p thief

mirage, and scourge if you try to solo them

DH can be problematic



i have manage with unranked mainly to handle nice with duaQ. we had nice 2v3 on point versus scourge and spellbreaker and thief. but we lost after 2 min or more i think due to nrg lost eventually.

atm firebrand is much better with its aoe, support ,bunker abilities.


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