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Is that soo hard listen the pvp community?


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Scourge is brainless, legacy of foefire sucks, condi thief still retarded, if they nerf scourge tablet rev will come back and it will need nerfs, mirage needs nerfs on axe, /stuck do not work, matchmaking is horrible( hard to fill ppl since no one plays that game mode anymore), soloQ is not fun, it makes the games even worst to be honest. Arenanet, is that soo hard fixing this stuffs? It's not like making a new pve raid... Make scourge elite 3 pulses, 4 stacks of venom share ( pvp only) for condi thieves, fix the distance of home node in legacy of foefire, reduce the range of knockback on the tablet elite... please,you are killing the ranked games ._. AND FIX WEAKNESS, is just impossible kill a scourge with a power class since might go to weakness. ty

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Right now, imho, what anet should really think is a "crunch numbers" strategy, like WoW if they want to fix the problems the classes are suffering in all game modes.


Not saying that we should nerf damage all around, but redo all the math behind the numbers in game right now. Think like "Make all classes do around 20k" gaining/losing only 1-2k depending in how he can contribute in fights, and dont get out from this spot. While also redoing all the numbers around the mobs to avoid impossible fights from happening.


This way it could be more easy to start fixing some of the problems we have right now, other things ANET should consider if they still want conquest is dramatically increase the cap areas, the middle of Legacy is a perfect example of minimal area to cap, and dont be afraid to make weird shapes like squares, T, and other weirdly shapes where needed (Like the bell in capricorn).


If they have the balls to do such ordeal, we can escape the brutal nerf that will constant happen in the flavour of the month, regardless, the deaf ears from the designers are frustrating, and probably the pvp team (IF we really have a pvp team) seens to have no value in the eyes of ANET in favor for the PvE right now. Just hope to be wrong there.

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