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Platinum beginners Guide <3


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Yo guys what's up :-O


After I had several games with (i don't really think that it might be true but I guess it was) plat 1-3 players or a bit lower I just doubt that this competitive thing is real.

My last game after writing, pinging and taging for about 5 min. oh and drawing also on the minimap where my allies should go I just felt so great to be in plat 3 currently (top 50).

Nevermind what happend my last game ? 3 times during the game where all 4 players of my team dead and yes they were all plat and all wannabe pro gamers.

After that happens for the 3d time they started afking why not ? Being back a few points and not trying to win in a comp game what a feeling.


I would like to make a guide for platinum beginners so they learn atleast a few things before going ranked arena!


Guide rulez:


(the secret number 1) Learn to press T to assist and focus the marked enemy ! (and if you can learn to mark enemies on your own because you are a pro plat gamer)


Nr. 1 Know and learn your d?mn profession ?!?

Nr. 2 Learn when the fu to leave a fight !

Nr. 3 Avoid outnumbered fights and stop running into mulptiple enemies.

Nr. 4 PLS atleast read the chat or watch the minimap those funny drawings are there for a reason ?

Nr. 5 Stop playing ranked arena if you suck with a profession. (most important one)


Ah yeah i'm complaining about this because it's pretty funny how you can get as a daredevil high winratio and then get mixed with a team of 4 plats who belong to bronze.

It's also so fun to win 3 games get low rating and with 1 game you lose the entire points you gain from the 3 games before.

Believe it or not I even enjoy losing games against equally good enemies if my team is decent but fu me how much fun is it when your allies are not able to hold 1 cap and die more than once all 4 at the same time on different spots.

It's still fun to 1v5 the enemies to get decaps and even a few times kill a enemy on a 1v3 as a daredevil to prove yourself how good you are but yeah ...


Atleast anet I want to lose less than 10 points when my entire team is more than twice all at the same time dead and not losing 20+ points when you get mixed with entire time of braindeads.


I would also appreciate to make a guide video / cut scene where you can't skip the video where you show what rotation is what to stay alive and run away is what it means to not run into 3 enemies what it means to fight in a team what it means to tag a player and so on and so on.


Sry that I use those words but it just feels great to speak the truth <3

Oh and yes when I have enemy team with 3-4 bronze players it's even less fun than having the bronze team on your own :-1:


Don't take this to serious ! I don't want to laugh about bronze players more about the platinum who have no idea of the game and the best is they think they are pro cuz plat players are meant to be pro gamers lol (joke of the year).



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> @albostan.6719 said:



> Nr. 1 Know and learn your d?mn profession ?!?

> Nr. 2 Learn when the fu to leave a fight !

> Nr. 3 Avoid outnumbered fights and stop running into mulptiple enemies.

> Nr. 4 PLS atleast read the chat or watch the minimap those funny drawings are there for a reason ?

> Nr. 5 Stop playing ranked arena if you suck with a profession. (most important one)


Ooo, if Quaggan will leave fights before they ever begin, he never will be outnumbered, and wooo-hooo, he will never lose a fight!

Also, Quaggan doesn't understand why would someone be so mean to draw things on HIS minimap?!



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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> > @albostan.6719 said:



> > Nr. 1 Know and learn your d?mn profession ?!?

> > Nr. 2 Learn when the fu to leave a fight !

> > Nr. 3 Avoid outnumbered fights and stop running into mulptiple enemies.

> > Nr. 4 PLS atleast read the chat or watch the minimap those funny drawings are there for a reason ?

> > Nr. 5 Stop playing ranked arena if you suck with a profession. (most important one)


> Ooo, if Quaggan will leave fights before they ever begin, he never will be outnumbered, and wooo-hooo, he will never lose a fight!

> Also, Quaggan doesn't understand why would someone be so mean to draw things on HIS minimap?!




Very philosophic. You can't lose a war if you don't fight one. I may have underestimated the quaggans peaceful way of life.

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A-net allows wide MMR range difference in matches especially if the queue is small if you think being in platinum means all your teammates are going to be platinum you are sadly mistaken. Teams like this happen all the time 1700MMR 1700MR 1500 MMR 1450 MMR 1400 MMR. And no surprise once MMR stabilize there is a huge skill difference between a legit 1700MMR player and a 1400 MMR player. The 1700 MMR player is not going too be pleased a lot of the time with what he sees a 1400 MMR player doing. And when the 1400MMR player gets matched with 1100MMR player, which also, happens they won't like what they see there either. The answer is a tight MMR range like 100-150 above or below max which they seem dead set against due to queue time. You should be playing with teammates that are roughly your skill exclusively if this whole thing worked right but A-net doesn't have the player base to support it.

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I vote for the 50 or so players at 1700MMR to only be able to queue with and agains't each other. Enjoy your queue times boyos.


Would at least solve the problem of having to hear some streamers rage endlessly at how anyone under Plat 3 is some sort of sub-human trash. Btw, small hint for you guys, these "trash" players are your target audience, i'm just sayin'.

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> @brannigan.9831 said:

> A-net allows wide MMR range difference in matches especially if the queue is small if you think being in platinum means all your teammates are going to be platinum you are sadly mistaken. Teams like this happen all the time 1700MMR 1700MR 1500 MMR 1450 MMR 1400 MMR. And no surprise once MMR stabilize there is a huge skill difference between a legit 1700MMR player and a 1400 MMR player. The 1700 MMR player is not going too be pleased a lot of the time with what he sees a 1400 MMR player doing. And when the 1400MMR player gets matched with 1100MMR player, which also, happens they won't like what they see there either. The answer is a tight MMR range like 100-150 above or below max which they seem dead set against due to queue time. You should be playing with teammates that are roughly your skill exclusively if this whole thing worked right but A-net doesn't have the player base to support it.


You should be extending that from 1900 to 1300. Yes that does happen even in prime time.

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