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Please Ban Scourge From PVP


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> @Nightshade.2570 said:

> Scourge has no stability, if you get away from us, we can not catch you, if you hit us with cc we will fall down over and over. We have one skill which may or may not be on the utility bar that gives us stability. So if your mele, start a cc chain if your distance just hit us from far away we will be dead by the time we get to you. You need to understand that necro would be worthless without its current skills and in fact wiped out of pvp and wvw. Then you will all just be complaining about other overpowered classes that have no counter anymore. Such as firebrand, mirage ect...


Are we going to pretend scourge skills aren't instant or what?

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> @witcher.3197 said:

> > @Nightshade.2570 said:

> > Scourge has no stability, if you get away from us, we can not catch you, if you hit us with cc we will fall down over and over. We have one skill which may or may not be on the utility bar that gives us stability. So if your mele, start a cc chain if your distance just hit us from far away we will be dead by the time we get to you. You need to understand that necro would be worthless without its current skills and in fact wiped out of pvp and wvw. Then you will all just be complaining about other overpowered classes that have no counter anymore. Such as firebrand, mirage ect...


> Are we going to pretend scourge skills aren't instant or what?


Also Scourge has a teleport and mobility through swiftness and boon stealing. Not a lot however but its there. Barrier also helps their survivability a ton.

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> @NeedCoffee.1402 said:

> Scourge isn't the problem. Mirage is the problem. Wake up.


This..... Scourge allows for no mistakes and maybe is too powerful on point in conquest but Mirrage (and also crono) are over the top.

Scourge wins all in lower divisions and in a game where you have more or less five random players some will always perish to scourge thus deciding the match.

So its bad design in the current environemnt to have a class with a low skill cap that rips apart everyone that doesn´s adapt or L2P.

Mirrage on the other side needs more skill to play, but good mesmer players are more or less unbeatable and they can kill quite fast. It´s not that the mesmer can be forced to disengage unless outnumbered.

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Scourge is not an issue. We're just experiencing the same cries when DH was first introduced. People want to rush into melee with the Scourge and are outraged when they die. Range the Scourge to 20-30% and then burst.


Mirage is a little bit more of an issue because it can range by sending clones at you and even if you do get it within burst level in life they have so many evades that almost none of the attacks hit.


Neither is impossible to face, and their difficulty to beat is largely based on timing and the person playing. I've seen some Scourge which are great and some that melt like butter. I would expect that though. I play mostly in Gold Tier where we're all average players with inconsistent performances, though some don't like to admit it.


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> @Mysticjedi.6053 said:

> Scourge is not an issue. We're just experiencing the same cries when DH was first introduced. People want to rush into melee with the Scourge and are outraged when they die. Range the Scourge to 20-30% and then burst.


> Mirage is a little bit more of an issue because it can range by sending clones at you and even if you do get it within burst level in life they have so many evades that almost none of the attacks hit.


> Neither is impossible to face, and their difficulty to beat is largely based on timing and the person playing. I've seen some Scourge which are great and some that melt like butter. I would expect that though. I play mostly in Gold Tier where we're all average players with inconsistent performances, though some don't like to admit it.



Except in the case of DH it didn't see as much play in higher levels, Scourge however does.

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Omg ban all elites. Haha that's just stupid. It's like almost 4 years for same thing wasn't enough. Feeling just like people can't handle a variety. Elites is the best thing in the game, they bring us something to talk, to care, to think, to try something new. How could it even would be fun, if in Pve would be all new stuff, but in PvP same old warrior with same useless necro, and all around for all 5 years. Omg people, you should be banned from this game :s

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> @BurrTheKing.8571 said:

> > @Mysticjedi.6053 said:

> > Scourge is not an issue. We're just experiencing the same cries when DH was first introduced. People want to rush into melee with the Scourge and are outraged when they die. Range the Scourge to 20-30% and then burst.

> >

> > Mirage is a little bit more of an issue because it can range by sending clones at you and even if you do get it within burst level in life they have so many evades that almost none of the attacks hit.

> >

> > Neither is impossible to face, and their difficulty to beat is largely based on timing and the person playing. I've seen some Scourge which are great and some that melt like butter. I would expect that though. I play mostly in Gold Tier where we're all average players with inconsistent performances, though some don't like to admit it.

> >


> Except in the case of DH it didn't see as much play in higher levels, Scourge however does.


this is so ignorant. Of the top 20 guardian was and is one of the most represented classes.

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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > @BurrTheKing.8571 said:

> > > @Mysticjedi.6053 said:

> > > Scourge is not an issue. We're just experiencing the same cries when DH was first introduced. People want to rush into melee with the Scourge and are outraged when they die. Range the Scourge to 20-30% and then burst.

> > >

> > > Mirage is a little bit more of an issue because it can range by sending clones at you and even if you do get it within burst level in life they have so many evades that almost none of the attacks hit.

> > >

> > > Neither is impossible to face, and their difficulty to beat is largely based on timing and the person playing. I've seen some Scourge which are great and some that melt like butter. I would expect that though. I play mostly in Gold Tier where we're all average players with inconsistent performances, though some don't like to admit it.

> > >

> >

> > Except in the case of DH it didn't see as much play in higher levels, Scourge however does.


> this is so ignorant. Of the top 20 guardian was and is one of the most represented classes.


he's referring to pro league and tournaments, not yoloboards

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Lets try to understand problem here properly. I believe problem is not just fighting scourge on a 1 v 1, but the skill set of scourge limits your movement in general aswell and that mostly favors scourge > any other class and I believe thats highly uncompetitive.


I dont think any good player knowing their rotations and can time their dodges has any problem fighting scourges in 1 v 1. ( I can kill scourges with DH power guard at gold 3 ). Homewer pvp is not just fighting eachother , it also includes captures that generates points. That being said, scourge aoes are "LARGER" than those capture points . ( Except for mid points in some maps). This means any scourge that is capable of pressing keys can actually force you out of your captured points to decap it, simply because most classes cannot handle fighting scourges in their pulsing aoes due to lack of cleanse which is highly competitive because you dont have a counterplay to it with most builds. Basically if you risk standing in aoe to prevent decap, you will most likely end up losing the fight against necro and furthermore will lose the point aswell, on the other hand if you chose not to fight necro, they'll just drop aoes on the field and guarantee and decap . If you dont wanna bother them at all, its a lost point aswell.



If a class can force me out of the point I try to defend without a major trouble I'D say that isnt healthy.

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Keep> @Cyczer.7834 said:

> Lets try to understand problem here properly. I believe problem is not just fighting scourge on a 1 v 1, but the skill set of scourge limits your movement in general aswell and that mostly favors scourge > any other class and I believe thats highly uncompetitive.


> I dont think any good player knowing their rotations and can time their dodges has any problem fighting scourges in 1 v 1. ( I can kill scourges with DH power guard at gold 3 ). Homewer pvp is not just fighting eachother , it also includes captures that generates points. That being said, scourge aoes are "LARGER" than those capture points . ( Except for mid points in some maps). This means any scourge that is capable of pressing keys can actually force you out of your captured points to decap it, simply because most classes cannot handle fighting scourges in their pulsing aoes due to lack of cleanse which is highly competitive because you dont have a counterplay to it with most builds. Basically if you risk standing in aoe to prevent decap, you will most likely end up losing the fight against necro and furthermore will lose the point aswell, on the other hand if you chose not to fight necro, they'll just drop aoes on the field and guarantee and decap . If you dont wanna bother them at all, its a lost point aswell.



> If a class can force me out of the point I try to defend without a major trouble I'D say that isnt healthy.


Thing is, a Scourge at high skill level can also spec Blood and not be afraid of any 1v1 in the game, it's not a 'no problem' kill if you time your dodges, you're talking about smashing players at the receiving end of a skill & experience gap. As previously stated, often instantly decap with Desert Shroud, and with Ghastly Breach - guaranteed, unless that person wants to lose the 1v1 horribly. They're beatable by outplaying, but there is no un-favored matchup for a skilled 1v1'r. You can use line of sight in 1v1s quite easily to not get cheesed by ranged burst. It's seemingly not the best side noder overall due to its mediocre mobility and vulnerability to getting outnumber ganked, but it's the most impactful fighter in any even size fight, from 1v1 to 5v5. There's never been a serious ranked pug, AT team, or monthly team that would not run a Scourge, 100% representation everywhere. Stacking Scourge works well too, even in highest end matches. One Curses Scourge, one Blood Scourge.


At least another 2.5 months of Scourge master race (and their consequently required Firebrand who holds their balls while they pee.)

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> @Miaz.8521 said:

> GW2 isn't nowhere near close to playerbase levels of WoW and LoL and has less population than eso or ffxiv. add to that the fact taht focus of the game is pve and you're left with a very small percentage of playerbase being actual pvp players. Just check PvP forums they're pretty much dead with 100 of the same people posting here. Dedicating time to this dead game mode is just pointless due to how braindead the game has become.


People said gw2 was gonna died back in HoT and look where it is at.


You gonna say it's dead three or four more years later? I'll be waiting for the follow-up post champ :^] Didn't know PvPers were just as dramatic as PvErs

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > @Miaz.8521 said:

> > GW2 isn't nowhere near close to playerbase levels of WoW and LoL and has less population than eso or ffxiv. add to that the fact taht focus of the game is pve and you're left with a very small percentage of playerbase being actual pvp players. Just check PvP forums they're pretty much dead with 100 of the same people posting here. Dedicating time to this dead game mode is just pointless due to how braindead the game has become.


> People said gw2 was gonna died back in HoT and look where it is at.


> You gonna say it's dead three or four more years later? I'll be waiting for the follow-up post champ :^] Didn't know PvPers were just as dramatic as PvErs


Pvp is dead the game isn't

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > > @Miaz.8521 said:

> > > GW2 isn't nowhere near close to playerbase levels of WoW and LoL and has less population than eso or ffxiv. add to that the fact taht focus of the game is pve and you're left with a very small percentage of playerbase being actual pvp players. Just check PvP forums they're pretty much dead with 100 of the same people posting here. Dedicating time to this dead game mode is just pointless due to how braindead the game has become.

> >

> > People said gw2 was gonna died back in HoT and look where it is at.

> >

> > You gonna say it's dead three or four more years later? I'll be waiting for the follow-up post champ :^] Didn't know PvPers were just as dramatic as PvErs


> Pvp is dead the game isn't


I need you to understand that people will equate that:


Since PVP is dead= The game is dead


If people didn't just come to this game for PVP and came around for the whole experience they would not be crying as hard as they are. A lot of people decided to take their PVP itch to WvW when PVP got buck wild and they are happy as clams.


People are stubbornly still playing one game mode and nothing else, so of course they are gonna be dissatisfied. That's like going to a theme park, finding out that one ride you like is out of commission for the time being, so you have a fit and just leave. You just wasted your money and time.


If they were actually smart they would compensate no matter the situation. If you wanna PVP that badly in gw2 you will always find ways.

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > > > @Miaz.8521 said:

> > > > GW2 isn't nowhere near close to playerbase levels of WoW and LoL and has less population than eso or ffxiv. add to that the fact taht focus of the game is pve and you're left with a very small percentage of playerbase being actual pvp players. Just check PvP forums they're pretty much dead with 100 of the same people posting here. Dedicating time to this dead game mode is just pointless due to how braindead the game has become.

> > >

> > > People said gw2 was gonna died back in HoT and look where it is at.

> > >

> > > You gonna say it's dead three or four more years later? I'll be waiting for the follow-up post champ :^] Didn't know PvPers were just as dramatic as PvErs

> >

> > Pvp is dead the game isn't


> I need you to understand that people will equate that:


> Since PVP is dead= The game is dead


> If people didn't just come to this game for PVP and came around for the whole experience they would not be crying as hard as they are. A lot of people decided to take their PVP itch to WvW when PVP got buck wild and they are happy as clams.


> People are stubbornly still playing one game mode and nothing else, so of course they are gonna be dissatisfied. That's like going to a theme park, finding out that one ride you like is out of commission for the time being, so you have a fit and just leave. You just wasted your money and time.


> If they were actually smart they would compensate no matter the situation. If you wanna PVP that badly in gw2 you will always find ways.


No i pvp everyday i pot regularly on the pvp forums aswell. But to say in this day an age and pvp is thriving is insane. Pvp was good in the first 2 years of gw2 when we had courtyard and from there pvp got screwed.

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > > > > @Miaz.8521 said:

> > > > > GW2 isn't nowhere near close to playerbase levels of WoW and LoL and has less population than eso or ffxiv. add to that the fact taht focus of the game is pve and you're left with a very small percentage of playerbase being actual pvp players. Just check PvP forums they're pretty much dead with 100 of the same people posting here. Dedicating time to this dead game mode is just pointless due to how braindead the game has become.

> > > >

> > > > People said gw2 was gonna died back in HoT and look where it is at.

> > > >

> > > > You gonna say it's dead three or four more years later? I'll be waiting for the follow-up post champ :^] Didn't know PvPers were just as dramatic as PvErs

> > >

> > > Pvp is dead the game isn't

> >

> > I need you to understand that people will equate that:

> >

> > Since PVP is dead= The game is dead

> >

> > If people didn't just come to this game for PVP and came around for the whole experience they would not be crying as hard as they are. A lot of people decided to take their PVP itch to WvW when PVP got buck wild and they are happy as clams.

> >

> > People are stubbornly still playing one game mode and nothing else, so of course they are gonna be dissatisfied. That's like going to a theme park, finding out that one ride you like is out of commission for the time being, so you have a fit and just leave. You just wasted your money and time.

> >

> > If they were actually smart they would compensate no matter the situation. If you wanna PVP that badly in gw2 you will always find ways.


> No i pvp everyday i pot regularly on the pvp forums aswell. But to say in this day an age and pvp is thriving is insane. Pvp was good in the first 2 years of gw2 when we had courtyard and from there pvp got screwed.


I did not claim it was thriving at all. It is currently is far from that. What I did say is that people made a mistake coming to this game to /just/ PVP. That's like me going to BDO and wanting to just PVE.


Get the picture?

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